MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are you one of the "WOKE" or a "Gammon??...

Are you one of the "WOKE" or a "Gammon???" Is "APPLE EATER" a better word???

Updated February 22, 2021 · Author has 352 answers and 161.8K answer views

What does “woke” mean?[/b]

I think most answers miss the point in being too linguistic in the explanation. “Woke” has become an insult, but only used within certain circles. The nature of those circles is where understanding and explanation needs to be focussed.

It is reality that people who are “woke”, or awakened, are those with superior intelligence, education, and ability to reason, to arrive at reasonable conclusions about the nature of our world, based on established facts. One thing is certain that being more able and intelligent than the herd does not generally lead to much popularity - no-one likes a “smart-ass”.

People with less intelligence and awareness often tend to feel inferior in their presence, and therefore resentful, or bored by what they talk about. Ultra-smart people often find small-talk meaningless and boring, so it cuts both ways.

In the UK we have a group of people, colloquially, referred to as “Gammon”. These people seem somewhat over-weight, middle-aged, and have florid complexions somewhat resembling the appearance of a piece of gammon, (a type of processed pig meat). They are not well-educated or intelligent, and to be true to the type, must hold extremist right-wing views,
as devotees of Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, and similar unsavoury folk.

Anyone who expresses any kind of rational, reasoned view, based on facts, which is not in line with their irrational, and unreasonable right-wing view, is dismissed by them as being “woke”, meaning that they are afflicted by the curse of thinking about things, “too much”, and using rational arguments, and expressing reasonable views, which are just plain dumb, and misguided to these folk.

It sounds like what's referred to as being a "GAMMON" in the UK would probably also be what's called a "RED NECK" here in the USA???

Redneck - Wikipedia

>>Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Texas, Georgia, and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash

In Britain the Cambridge Dictionary definition states: "a poor, white person without education, esp. one living in the countryside in the southern US, who is believed to have prejudiced ideas and beliefs.


Do the complexions of GAMMONS get the same way as that of a RED NECK from them also working outside in the SUN??? Because the necks of "RED NECKS" also use to get that way from them working outside in a T Shirt that leaves a REDNESS to their complexions and around their neck areas from the neck up.

It's also interesting how people on BOTH SIDES of the BIG POND also try to PIGEON HOLE their populations into being members of either one group of the other one without considering how one may not fit into either category.


Woke in the U.S. means to be aware of social injustice. People who have demonized the term tend to be bigots who are against any attempt at fighting discrimination in order to maintain the status quo.

Redneck tends to mean poor, white and rural especially from the South. I don't consider it synonymous with bigot.

There are many "educated" upper-class bigots, too.


Woke in the U.S. means to be aware of social injustice.

Ok. So when the CAVEWOMAN (MARJORIE something) complains about how the TERRORIST held in PRISON who ABUSED the COPS at the CAPITAL on Jan 6th are being abused (by keeping them in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT for 23 hours a day), does that mean she's a WOKE person???

Because she's also making a SPEECH where she complains about the SOCIAL INJUSTICE of TERRORIST.


Somehow this "SOCIAL INJUSTICE" definition doesn't seem to WORK whenever you try to apply examples from REAL LIFE to it.

Can you name some examples of those who are "EDUCATED" UPPER-CLASS BIGOTS???

I've got a feeling this WOKE TERM is way too SIMPLISTIC for being useful as a way to try to APPLY it to people who also don't seem to FIT into the CATEGORY being defined by it.



Woke refers to social justice for groups that have been historically oppressed.

The imprisoned Trumpists aren't a part of an oppressed group. Many of them support oppression and discrimination and belong or identify with hate groups.
Someone needs to tell Marjorie that jail is not supposed to be fun. Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time... or solitary.

Discrimination against oppressed groups have been institutionalized by the "educated" upper-classes. It's not the "rednecks" who are ruling the country. Most legislators, corporate heads, government leaders historically and presently come from the upper-classes.

They're responsible for slavery, Jim Crow, indentured servitude, union-busting, etc..


Here's what a Trump supporter said in regards to being WOKE:

Steve Royal, former Child (1968-2021)
Answered January 2, 2021

I thought woke meant that you are aware of the lies, manipulation and corruption going on in the world these days as in ‘awake and not falling for the bullshit’. But each side uses the same term for themselves it seems.

I feel I am woke and everyone that has the opposite opinion is still asleep.

In other words, in their opinion the CAVEWOMAN looking Marjorie woman is the WOKE one (because she feels LIES were told about who WON the ELECTION -- which is also the same VIEWS held by the TERRORIST who now sit in JAIL).

So the question becomes HOW does one get someone who sees the TRUTH as being a LIE to "WAKE UP" and see the TRUTH???

Or is that even possible (due to the way she may also only be PRETENDING not to believe what's TRUE -- as a way to MANIPULATE others into VOTING for her -- and keeping her there in office that she holds)???

And as long as she holds that office isn't she also RULING the COUNTRY???


Woke in the U.S. means to be aware of social injustice. People who have demonized the term tend to be bigots who are against any attempt at fighting discrimination in order to maintain the status quo.

Every religion and ideology opposes injustice. Everyone of them. The problem is that everyone defines injustice in a different way.

For wokes, injustice means different social groups (from the ethnic/race/gender point of view) having a different average outcome. So, if the group A is wealthier and more thriving than the group B, that's injustice (from a woke point of view). The logical consequence is the demonization of group A, until you can take it down to the standard of living level of group B, so the final average of both groups is the same.

Funny corollary is that thriving groups usually act as a driving force in science, technology and economy, something that benefits everyone. When you take that group A down... the standard of living of everyone decreases. That means that the final "justice" level of both groups A and B (once you have equalized them) is gonna be lower than the initial minimum among both groups.

That happened for example in South-Africa. Both white and blacks have now a worse standard of living than blacks had during the Apartheid. That's quite the irony, when you think about it. 😂


"Every religion and ideology opposes injustice."
Not true. The Nazis embraced injustice.
Social justice means you don't discriminate or create road blocks based on silly criteria like skin color or religion. Only those who can't compete embrace maintaining the status-quo.

I'm not surprised that you support apartheid. That's why I nicknamed you KKX. Europeans should've stayed in Europe if it's so great. No reason to travel elsewhere and commit genocide and oppression against people on multiple continents. No African, Indian or Asian asked for Europeans to come. I notice most have kicked the colonizers out.


if the group A is wealthier and more thriving than the group B, that's injustice

Russia is another example of how one GROUP replaced another one only to end up being LIKE the other GROUP that they took POWER and CONTROL away from.

In other words, PUTIN is just as CORRUPT now as the ROMANOV FAMILY ever was (if not more so), even though he also claims to be a COMMUNIST (which in theory means he should be against the OWNERSHIP of as much WEALTH as he's got now).

The current "DEAR LEADER" in NORTH KOREA is still another example of someone who's probably also worse than the others who use to control that COUNTRY before his family took over control of it.

But this "Group A vs GROUP B" theory also means if this process continues -- (where Group C replaces Group B, Group D replaces Group C, etc. etc. etc.) -- then shouldn't the situation also deteriorate and become so bad that a point would be reached where there wouldn't be any GROUPS at all (due to the inability to SURVIVE which would lead to the EXTINCTION of all groups).



KKX is against social justice.

A hierarchy has an elite and others are on the bottom in descending order. In the U.S., blacks have been assigned to the very bottom based on skin color. Social justice would mean to remove skin color as a barrier to move from the bottom.

KKX may be talking about how the elite changes. The "1984" novel wrote about how the masses will fight against their oppressive ruler(s) and replace them with another ruler who ends up still being oppressive, too.

Sharing power among everyone appears to work like in Norway. In the U.S, the rich have too much power.


Woke, in the U.S., means to believe that Jews are controlling the nation.

People are "woke" to the small hats, we "wake" people up to their injustices.

I don't know where you get your information from, but in the U.S., "woke" people are usually bigots.


Your definition of woke in the U.S. is incorrect. There are anti-Semites who believe Jews control everything, though.

You don't appear to have read your own link. It says an anti-Semitic group tricked a few celebs to unknowingly send out a coded bigoted message.


"Brett Favre here with a shout-out to the Handsome Truth and the GDL boys. You guys are patriots in my eyes. So keep waking them up and don't let the small get you down. Keep fighting, too, and don't ever forget the USS Liberty and the men and women who died on that day. God bless and take care."

Sorry, but the fact is you don't control the English language, in America, woke refers to everything from anti-Semites, people who think 5g is going to kill everyone, AND people who complain about racial injustice. Woke is simply being aware of a cause.


"Woke" term for social justice started in the black community. Racists are trying to turn it into something negative.


Didn't Michael Jackson sing about gammons sometimes? Like in Bad, I think.




Now that most people are aware that he was a CHILD MOLESTER (due to the confessions of the KIDS that he molested) the LYRICS to BAD are kind of CREEPY:

Your butt is mine
Gonna tell you right



Jackson was acquitted.


Yes, but after that the boys that he sexually abused also confessed that they'd LIED in court as a way to protect him and keep him from going to jail.


Either way, the boys are liars, therefore not credible.

Jackson was acquitted.


Thank you!


No, I don’t think Gammons and Red Necks are the same, from what I already know of each group/type of person, from reading this piece above and from how both are portrayed here in the U.K. (Gammons) and in US films (Red Necks).......and Gammons are very unlikely from getting red/burnt from being outside a lot, or working in the sun.....for one because we don’t have that sort of climate and two, such would probably not have the same outdoor jobs that Red Necks would.
Also, the florid complexion of a Gammon I believe is due to a combination of age, diet and drinking too much (in the traditional, male-typical pub-going way).....they are usually very pro-U.K./England, pro-Brexit, far-righters.....and it’s commonly due to the red faces they get when enraged and expressing their strong views!

We have so many different groups here in which to pigeon hole people, generally related to class (within which are groups also), place of origin, how they speak, how they dress as well as their background in terms of culture due to all the different countries residents here may be from. Some take and use these names with pride, some are insults and some just easy and colloquial ways of identifying people both as individuals and groups.

And I’ve never thought of gammon as a processed meat because you have to cook it the same as you would raw meat; it’s only cured a bit.


Thanks for explaining why you don't think Gammons and Red Necks are the same. But what seems similar is how both RED NECKS and GAMMONS have REDDISH complexions (RED NECKS from working in the SUN/Gammons from turning REDDISH or PINKISH while expressing their strong views).

There's also a RED NECK type in CONGRESS now (a Marjorie something) who also EXPRESSES her strong views. But she also looks more like the CAVEMAN that one sees in the CAR Insurance COMMERCIAL. Because if you'd SHAVE off her BLOND hair then she's also got the SAME face shape as the CAVEMAN.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Focus Of Largest Number Of Negative Instagram Posts Of Any Congressperson

What's funny is how I also noticed how much she looks like the CAVEMAN in the COMMERCIAL even before finding this VIDEO that agrees (even though the person who made it also seems to disagree with the opinions being expressed about her)!!!


Anyhow, what GAMMONS and REDNECK types like this MAJORIE character seem to have in COMMON (besides for their having and EXPRESSING their STRONG VIEWS), is how those VIEWS that they hold also tend to be VERY PRIMITIVE in NATURE rather than PROGRESSIVE???

Or else they tend to be completely the OPPOSITE of what any other person in a RATIONAL frame of mind would tend to see a situation as being??? Because instead of seeing those as being TERRORIST who attacked the COPS on JAN 6th, this CAVEWOMAN complains that those who ATTACKED the COPS are being ABUSED by them by keeping them in SOLITARY confinement for 23 hours a day while they're being held in prison???

So it's also like Gammons and REDNECK types inhabit another completely different ALTERNATE REALITY than other people do???




I've never heard anyone referred to as Gammon . But I imagine it would be a toff white person who is stuck in old fashioned thinking (racist/sexist/homophobic etc)

I presume the name would come more from an over indulgence in Port and red meat.


REDNECKS also tend to be the types who OVER INDULGE in "EATING too much MEAT" and in drinking too much BEER, or in consuming too much HOME MADE stuff called "MOONSHINE" (which also ROTS away their brains).

Moonshine - Wikipedia

Moonshine was originally a slang term for high-proof liquor that was and continues to be produced illicitly, without government authorization. The name was derived from a tradition of creating the alcohol during the nighttime, as to avoid detection. Distilling such spirits outside a registered distillery remains illegal in most of the United States and most countries around the world. In recent years, however, commercial products labeled as moonshine have seen a resurgence of popularity.

So both PORT and MOONSHINE also seem to be factors in the way that they tend to express their STRONG VIEWS???


How many rednecks do you know?



VA and NC where I've lived and worked were full of them. And I've also known the type that made their own MOONSHINE as well.

Plus one of my siblings also married one who's family also use to grow TOBACCO. And they also use to butcher their own hogs as well and can their own veggies.


That sounds pretty red neck to me. 😀


I tried drinking a drop of the MOONSHINE stuff one time which tasted like drinking gasoline must taste or like drinking some kind of cleaning fluid. It was horrible!!!


"arrive at reasonable conclusions about the nature of our world, based on established facts"

"""""established facts"""""


In the UK they don't get enough sun to make their redneck's necks red.


Hey! You’ve obviously never been to ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth.


I haven't. There are exceptions to every rule I imagine.


The sun shines on the righteous (so I’m told - I really wouldn’t know).


Woke is a cult-like pseudo religion. A political cult.

They proclaim themselves "woke" like Christians claim to be "saved".
They refuse to listen to reason. \
They are forbidden to read or hear anything that upsets their nutty beliefs.

It gets worse the more you look into them.


They are also contradictory in their beliefs. They will carry on about pollution and the environment and yet push for higher levels of immigration which in turns creates more pollution and reduces open land!

Not to mention many of the cultures they support (ahem Islam) have terrible track record for they way they treat women.

Their hatred for the West is what seems to drive them.


Actually, I don't believe that they support Islam.
But they do want immigrants from various cultures to come to Europe, so they can look kind and merciful.


Since birth control is on the decline here in the US, immigration is needed to keep those who receive Social Security retirement funds from ending up HOMELESS and starving to death.

And even those who don't get SS checks yet would still also STARVE without immigrants coming here to pick their fruits and veggies for us. Because you also can't get enough of those who already live here to pick them.


Ah huh We get told the same shit down here.


Where are you DK??? What's interesting is how WOKE doesn't seem to mean the same thing to each person here who also seems to come up with an entirely different definition or opinion of what it means.


So what you're saying is that only immigrants are physically able to do those jobs?


No what was said is no one "wants" to do those jobs who already lives here (which is also why farmers threw away lots of their crops after COVID hit us).

So Being physically able to do something does no good if you don't want to do it.


Actually, I did know that "nobody except for immigrants wants those jobs".
But I feel that people who refuse these jobs act as if they're physically unable to do them.
Or I should maybe say that it seems to be a matter of status.
And I really see that as a problem, especially during a crisis like this one.
When even the people who are unemployed refuse these jobs and let crops go to waste!
It is beyond ridiculous and makes you think about how people had to work during the WWII.
Lots of women in the UK joined agricultural programs when the men had to become soldiers.
And here in Sweden, High School kids harvested potatoes before the fall semester started.
So it makes you wonder where that spirit is today...


Yes you raise a very good point about how "unwilling" certain people seem to be to do something (or SACRIFICE what they see as being their LIBERTY) in an effort to help the rest of SOCIETY.

That same kind of an ATTITUDE is also seen by the way they REFUSE to get VACCINATED to keep the rest of the US population from catching COVID. Because they also see whatever "THEY WANT" as being more important than doing something that would help to save the lives of others (even members of their own families).

There's also the FACT that 2/3rd's of the population are OBESE which would also probably keep them from being able to bend down on their knees the way one needs to do to pick certain veggies. Here's a video where you see a girl picking cherry tomatoes:

Picking cherry tomatoes - small garden, huge plant!

On the news they showed IMMIGRANTS in a FIELD doing this who would also have an entire bundle of them picked and wrapped up in a matter of a few seconds. So someone who was GROSSLY OVERWEIGHT would probably also not have the balance or the kind of co-ordination that it would take to do that.

California’s Farms Face Serious Labor Shortage

California Farmers Facing Labor Shortage Amid Immigration Changes

Here's an American trying to pick lettuce:

There was an experiment done where 2 American kids and 2 kids from MEXICO were given a board game to play (like checkers). And on the table they also put a glass bowl full of dollar bills, telling them that each time they WON the game they got to take out one of the dollars.

What happened was the 2 American kids end up with NOTHING, and the 2 Mexican kids end up with ALL of the money in the bowl, because they would also CO-OPERATE with each other and take turns LOSING the game to each other as a way to get it.

But the AMERICAN KIDS were also way TOO COMPETITIVE to do that.

So there you also pretty much have it in a NUTSHELL (so to speak). Apparently US kids in general are just way TOO SELFISH to see the BENEFITS of doing something as a way to CO-0PERATE with others.

Instead it's all ABOUT THEM ... A SELFISH kind of a "ME, ME, ME" at ALL COSTS kind of an ATTITUDE.


The biggest contradiction I think is their affection for communism despite it's history of persecuting minorities. No they didn't persecute blacks but only because Russia and China had no blacks.Che hated blacks. He was racist.

Plus there's the fact that Hitler and the Nazis followed the example of the USSR in their brutality towards others.

And yeah they have a stated goal of destroying Western civilization.


That too, not to mention they love Socialism which is something the NAZI's also were. I know that kills them to hear it and they deny it but NAZI has Socialism in it's name.


No matter what they can't deny that Nazism was.big intrusive government which is exactly what they demand.


And on the other extreme you had the Communists in Russia who killed more people than Hitler!


What many people fail to comprehend is how JESUS was also a COMMUNIST as well (with his give your goods to the poor and follow me philosophy).

But doesn't the term WOKE also seem to have more of a RELIGIOUS CONNOTATION???

Due to the way the complaint about being WOKE is also connected to a RELIGIOUS
PATRIARCHAL SOCIAL SYSTEM, and an ATTITUDE where women and other minorities are suppose to be subjected to the WHIMS of males who see themselves as being SUPERIOR to them (even though EVE was also the first one to EAT from the TREE of KNOWLEDGE before Adam did)??? 🍎

In the early 1960s, British films such as Victim (1961), A Taste of Honey (1961), and The Leather Boys (1963) offered a daring social commentary about gender roles and homophobia that violated the Hollywood Production Code, yet the films were still released in America. The American women's rights, gay rights, civil rights, and youth movements prompted a reevaluation of the depiction of themes of race, class, gender, and sexuality that had been restricted by the Code.

So isn't the MAIN issue of being "WOKE" essentially about a group of mostly MALES objecting to MOVIES that are being made that have WOMEN and other MINORITY GROUPS in the LEADING ROLES???[/b]

At least that's the impression that one gets from finding and reading the non stop "TOO WOKE" messages that keep getting posted to nearly each and every single message board here (about each and every new film or TV SHOW that one tries to discuss).


Perhaps being called an [b]"APPLE EATER"
would also be a better description for what one means by someone being WOKE???



>>Woke is a cult-like pseudo religion. A political cult.

They proclaim themselves "woke" like Christians claim to be "saved".
They refuse to listen to reason. \
They are forbidden to read or hear anything that upsets they're nutty beliefs.

It gets worse the more you look into them.

That's what's confusing zag -- is how these "CULTIST" (are referring to others -- who don't see things in their NUTTY way) -- as being "WOKE."

So basically those who chose to "STAY SLEEPING" hurl "WOKE" insults at others for being "AWAKE."

What's worse is nearly EVERY message board you go to here to discuss a FILM or a TV SHOW is also full of SILLY posts where they claim the MOVIE or the SHOW is "TOO WOKE."

So now FILMS and SHOWS are also suppose to be people with opinions as well???

This reminds one of back when HOLLYWOOD was also subjected to CENSORSHIP, and even a married couple like Lucy and Desi weren't allowed to be seen sleeping in the same bed, and had to have bunk beds or twin beds on the set in the bedroom scene.

I also recall something about how they also had to keep one foot on the floor at all times or something during the scene???

According to WIKIPEDIA it was also more of a "RELIGIOUS CULT" that was controlling things:

Film censorship in the United States - Wikipedia

Public outcry over perceived immorality in Hollywood and the movies, as well as the growing number of city and state censorship boards, led the movie studios to fear that federal regulations were not far off; so they created, in 1922, the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors Association (which became the Motion Picture Association of America in 1945), an industry trade and lobby organization. The association was headed by Will H. Hays, a well-connected Republican lawyer ...

a moral system that the movies could help to promote - specifically a system based on Catholic theology. He recruited Father Daniel Lord, a Jesuit priest and instructor at the Catholic St. Louis University, to write such a code

Even cartoon sex symbol Betty Boop had to change from being a flapper, and began to wear an old-fashioned housewife skirt.

When Jack Valenti became President of the MPAA in 1966, he was immediately faced with a problem regarding language in the film version of Edward Albee's play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966). Valenti negotiated a compromise: The word "screw" was removed, but other language, including the phrase "hump the hostess," remained.

So is that where we're heading now???

Still more ABSURD CENSORSHIP RULES like we use to have back when another group of FANATICS use to control things???

