Are you one of the "WOKE" or a "Gammon???" Is "APPLE EATER" a better word???
Updated February 22, 2021 · Author has 352 answers and 161.8K answer views
What does “woke” mean?[/b]
I think most answers miss the point in being too linguistic in the explanation. “Woke” has become an insult, but only used within certain circles. The nature of those circles is where understanding and explanation needs to be focussed.
It is reality that people who are “woke”, or awakened, are those with superior intelligence, education, and ability to reason, to arrive at reasonable conclusions about the nature of our world, based on established facts. One thing is certain that being more able and intelligent than the herd does not generally lead to much popularity - no-one likes a “smart-ass”.
People with less intelligence and awareness often tend to feel inferior in their presence, and therefore resentful, or bored by what they talk about. Ultra-smart people often find small-talk meaningless and boring, so it cuts both ways.
In the UK we have a group of people, colloquially, referred to as “Gammon”. These people seem somewhat over-weight, middle-aged, and have florid complexions somewhat resembling the appearance of a piece of gammon, (a type of processed pig meat). They are not well-educated or intelligent, and to be true to the type, must hold extremist right-wing views, as devotees of Nigel Farage, Tommy Robinson, and similar unsavoury folk.
Anyone who expresses any kind of rational, reasoned view, based on facts, which is not in line with their irrational, and unreasonable right-wing view, is dismissed by them as being “woke”, meaning that they are afflicted by the curse of thinking about things, “too much”, and using rational arguments, and expressing reasonable views, which are just plain dumb, and misguided to these folk.
It sounds like what's referred to as being a "GAMMON" in the UK would probably also be what's called a "RED NECK" here in the USA???
Redneck - Wikipedia
>>Redneck is a derogatory term chiefly, but not exclusively, applied to white Americans perceived to be crass and unsophisticated, closely associated with rural whites of the Southern United States. Its usage is similar in meaning to cracker (especially regarding Texas, Georgia, and Florida), hillbilly (especially regarding Appalachia and the Ozarks), and white trash
In Britain the Cambridge Dictionary definition states: "a poor, white person without education, esp. one living in the countryside in the southern US, who is believed to have prejudiced ideas and beliefs.
Do the complexions of GAMMONS get the same way as that of a RED NECK from them also working outside in the SUN??? Because the necks of "RED NECKS" also use to get that way from them working outside in a T Shirt that leaves a REDNESS to their complexions and around their neck areas from the neck up.
It's also interesting how people on BOTH SIDES of the BIG POND also try to PIGEON HOLE their populations into being members of either one group of the other one without considering how one may not fit into either category.