MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Movies Have You Walked out on?

What Movies Have You Walked out on?

I don't think I've ever walked out on a movie before.


do people who walk out of movies walk out of other stuff when they get bored?
like a date?
a meal in restaurant?
a bus ride?
a vacation?
a grocery trip


how do they manage to do a days work?


We walked out of Faces of Death IV in 1993 because someone with us started freaking out.


I've never walked out of a movie, but I have come close. Four times, in fact.

Before I state which ones, it should be noted that I have been a fan of Kristen Stewart since I saw her in Speak when it had its televised premiere on Showtime back on Labor Day weekend 2005. My appreciation of her work increased when I saw The Cake Eaters at The Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival in November, 2007. She was brilliant in it.

Despite that fandom, I came very close to walking out on the first four Twilight films.
Garbage, absolute garbage.
The only one I enjoyed was the fifth, Breaking Dawn Part II, because the fight during the final 45 minutes was kinda cool.


Very few. I only remember one of the later Brosnan Bond movies.


Watching YouTube videos has destroyed my attention span, which wasn't exactly golden to begin with.

Streaming: If it's free and it doesn't grab me in the first 30 seconds, I'm off to something else. If I paid, I'll give it a few minutes to capture my interest. I'll probably come back while the rental is active to give it another shot.

Theater: I have no qualms about walking the hell out. Even though I literally live across the street from a multiplex, I haven't been much of a theater goer in recent years. The last two I recall walking out on were Arrival (2016) and Bridge of Spies (2015).


30 seconds? I thought I was bad. I give a movie 5-10 minutes before bailing out. I liked Bridge of Spies. Arrival was disappointing.


> Watching YouTube videos has destroyed my attention span, which wasn't exactly golden to begin with.

That's also one of my problems, except in my case it wasn't YouTube but certain life experiences. For about a year I was heavily involved in caring for a terminally ill person, and there were always five things that needed to be done and new crises arising every day. Since then I don't have nearly the patience I used to have.


none for me. i always see it through. came close with inception and vanilla sky.


I've never walked out of a theatre.

Like others I've stopped watching some really bad movies on streaming services, but even that's rare. It has to be really bad. Usually some c horror movie that I found on tubi, and usually not even then. I've seen some really, really bad movies. Ha!


I've tried twice, but I haven't been able to sit through Joe Dirt 2 until the end. Its doodoo.


TIL there is a sequel to Joe Dirt... I think there was one good laugh in the first one...


The first one was hilarious. Not really sure what you mean by "TIL there is a sequel." There IS a sequel. It exists, and it really really sucks.


Dude, trust me, you don't need to tell me that Joe Dirt2 sucks...


Gotcha. The second time I even tried watching it drunk, and I STILL couldn't finish it.
