MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is the Keto diet absolute nonsense? Anyo...

Is the Keto diet absolute nonsense? Anyone here tried it?

I felt so sluggish and my gym performance went down. I didn't feel motivated to lift weights at the gym. My body loves carbohydrates and I've noticed muscles look better with carbs.

Anyone here had good results with Keto?


I know a few people who have lost a lot of weight with it. But I think that it's something that you have to do for life. I think just like every other no/low carb diet that if you stop, the weight will just come back.


It's way too restrictive for me to enjoy life.


I think there is some merit to it. Definitely one you would have to stick with though, as has already been pointed out. You can't yoyo on it and expect to see results. It is very hard to stay away from processed foods and carbs these days.


I use a low carb diet. In general, I feel much better with it.

A couple of detail from my experience, though.

- Lack of sugar can make you feel sluggish. Your brain needs glucose. A couple of apples a day and some honey/sugar with the coffee is enough.

- Keto often ends up being a meat/dairy diet. That's not the way to go if you wanna make it healthy. If you wanna feel good, control the amount of meat/dairy you eat and increase your vegetable intake. You need enough protein so you can build muscle... but no more than that. If you're not eating lots of vegetables, you're doing it wrong.


I had terrible results with Keto. In three extended tries I hardly lost any weight, and felt tired and sluggish the whole time. On the other hand a friend (who is diabetic) had miraculous results! Her blood sugar was the best it'd been in years, her cholesterol counts and blood pressure went down, she lost nearly a hundred pounds, and looked and felt her absolute best.

So my conclusion is that it doesn't work for everyone, but it's really great for some people.

I'm not going to try it again, not after it failed to do anything for me and I've gone vegetarian. Can you imagine trying to stick to a carbless vegetarian diet? It'd be nothing but eggs, vegetables, and cheese!


Yuck! That's no way to live. I'm a carnivore and love my steaks and carbs. Yum...


Well, I love my cheese and carbs, but that doesn't mean I want to eat nothing but cheese. Without bread.


too much meat imo.


I think that was the issue with most of those that tried it when it was all the rage among them 15-20 years ago. They DID lose weight, some lost LOTS of weight.

The trouble was a good many of them said to me, privately, that it made them horribly constipated. Way too much meat for sure.

That and that if one had a small unadventurous palette to begin with, they got sick of eating the same thing and it was tiring to have a "sandwich" without the bread. I remember seeing lots of plates of cold cuts consumed.

They all lost a sh*t ton of weight, and they all gained it all back after they quit it. Every last one.


It does work for weight loss, I’m just miserable without bread and pasta.


It's not absolute nonsense, but most people don't apply it correctly.


Or you could just avoid all sugar. add a 20 minute walk a day, and reduce portion sizes.

Keto works great but is most effective on very obese people. If you are lifting then keto is prob not for you.
