On the 11th HOUR they were just discussing how those who chose to not get VACCINATED will need to get COVID TESTING before they can FLY, and before they can eat out at a restaurant, etc. where they'll also be required to wear a MASK (whereas others who are vaccinated won't need to wear one).
So that also means others will also know who those are who are NOT VACCINATED by the way that the UNVACCINATED will be still be forced to wear a MASK while in public.
Could this also result in other people SPITTING on them or SHOVING them and doing other things to them that are currently being done to those of ASIAN heritage???
The National guardsman enforcing the corner asks to see your vacc passport.
You dont have one and are not wearing a mask.
You are thrown into the back of the truck at gunpoint to be transported to a re-education centre
you are not seen again.
ive giver n up on spelling , typos happen cos i type fast , if i can read ity back and its at least intelkligble - fck it that 'll do.
I manage to avoid randomly capita;izing things though - thats just extra work
Perhaps its also those MICROCHIPS that will keep the VACCINATED from having to get TESTED for COVID before they can FLY on an AIRPLANE, or eat out at a restaurant, etc.???
Because the MICRO-CHIP MACHINE that will screen you to see if you've been vaccinated or not will also enable those who have been to enter businesses, whereas others will not be allowed to enter them without going to get COVID tested and/or first wearing a MASK???
Because all the vaccinated people have been injected with nanoprobes that link them all in a collective hive mind. Anyone that we can't hear in our heads, we will know they are traitors and terrorists.
Since I'm NEW here to the GEN DISCUSSION area, the next time you see him please PM me to let me know so that one can read what he has to say, because he also sounds like an interesting poster!
Does that mean you'll BUMP UP his stuff for me or at least tell me how to find it-- even though one isn't willing to put out or do whatever else it is that you were wanting one TO DO for you???
On another board someone else also kept asking if I'd be willing TO DO other actors (one of them I'd also never even heard of before).
So I told them JORDON (UBBE from the VIKINGS) was more my type.
Why don’t people want to get vaccinated? They’ll eat greasy burgers smoked through with carcinogens, drink artificially dyed neon drinks, live off frozen dinners with genetically modified chicken parts and chemical preservatives yet they are scared of this vaccine?
It does BAFFEL the mind doesn't it how they don't want an INJECTION that could SAVE their LIVES, yet stuff all kinds of other things into their bodies that can also KILL THEM eventually.
But that also doesn't put the rest of the population at RISK like refusing to get VACCINATED does (which will also make their BODIES HAVENS that PRODUCED NEWER STRAINS of the VIRUS that those who are VACCINATED won't have protection from)!!
You know what's scary..those preservative chemicals might be actually preserving our organs and body.
They don't want to admit it, but science is finding these chemicals in the body and it's being attributed to longer life spans.
Everything we smoke, drink and eat goes through a very intelligent filtration process. Anything the body sees as bad, it can store in the guy and kill it or poop it out
This vaccine last 7 months to a year tops.
The vaccine will cause the virus to mutate and become stronger.
Thus next year the vaccine will need to be tweaked and made stronger.
No filtration process here. Inserted directly into blood and body
The VACCINE doesn't cause the VIRUS to MUTATE it's the people who REFUSE to get VACCINATED who cause it to MUTATE.
Do you know for sure that the vaccine only last for 7 months or did you make that up???
tell that to the WHALES who wash up on shore dead and/or dying because they're full of PCB's and the other chemicals that we pollute their habitats with.
Look - I think everyone should be vaccinated, but there are some people who really can't get the vaccine for medical reasons and there are some who won't for religious reasons - everyone else is misguided, IMO.
While they may end up not being able to do certain things,(like cruising - which is near and dear to my heart), I don't think people will be unkind to them.
It's those who have medical issues (cancer, diabetes, etc.) who were put into FIRST PLACE to get a vaccine due to the way they'd be the most vulnerable to complications if they caught the virus.
And IF enough people aren't VACCINATED and the VIRUS MUTATES to the point where VACCINES don't work anymore, it may as well be the BLACK DEATH.
Because we could also end up with 1/3th of the POPULATION missing by the time this VIRUS gets done with us and our STUBBORNESS to get vaccinated as a way to get rid of it.
people who have seriously compromised immunity, suffering from chronic complications which could have impacted their immune functioning may not deliver a strong response. There are also people with existing health conditions or problems which make them have a non-functional immune system, such as the ones who might be taking immuno-suppressant drugs. Vaccines for them may not suit them well either. Hence, caution is strongly advised.
healthier people will also need to get vaccinated to protect others at risk- many of whom belong to a high-risk category and have a high COVID severity and mortality risk.
There are also certain medical groups who are working on developing novel vaccine jabs which could work for people with frail, or compromised immunity. For example, development of an injection, an alternative to a vaccine made using synthetic antibodies can offer hope for those who do not have a working immune system. Trials for the same are being held in around 1000 people in Manchester, UK.
Viruses mutate, that is what they do, nothing we do will stop that. This particular virus is now endemic within the population, it is never going away...EVER.
It is not the plague so stop fear mongering, makes you look silly.
Edit - How can you believe an article that states 55 million deaths? Their have been 2.69 million.
If enough people are vaccinated the VIRUS can not SPREAD.
That's what we can do to STOP it.
If enough people don't get vaccinated, then the SHUTDOWNS, ruin of our ECONOMY and the DEATH TOLLS will continue.
Perhaps CASUALTIES may not mean DEATHS??? Maybe it refers to people who still suffer from COVID related issues like having FATIGUE or SHORTNESS of BREATH so severe that they can't work??? Others suffer from BLINDNESS, or BRAIN FOG, or from all of the other issues that the LONG HAULERS have.
If the ECONOMY TANKS again from another SHUTDOWN ...
which results from not enough people being willing to get a VACCINE ...
then watch how quickly the RULES change and it becomes MANDATORY to get one or else move yourself into some kind of RESTRICTED COVID CAMP area where you can't SPREAD it around to others anymore.
Money TALKS. The rest of the BS walks. As soon as the pocketbooks and wallets of enough people are empty enough lots of things will happen that you think won't happen.
During the CRASH of 29 we also almost became a COMMUNIST COUNTRY before FDR came up with the NEW DEAL (which also gave us our SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM) as a way to prevent that from happening.
>In 1936 the radical tendency almost led to the creation of a national Labor Party — to compete with the Democrats and Republicans.
it's not exactly that simplistic or that black & white of a situation, but the LABOR PARTY was PRO WORKER, which is very similar to what communism is suppose to be like in Russian (even though things there are still just as corrupt as they ever were back when the ROMANOVS were still in power because Putin is basically just another version of that other GREEDY family
that they GUNNED DOWN).
But in theory our LABOR PARTY had the same aspirations and IDEALS in mind as the COMMUNIST PARTY did in RUSSIAN (for the workers of the world to UNITE).