MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you run red lights?

Do you run red lights?

I’ll run red turning lights if there is no traffic coming. If there is no cops around and no cameras.

I find it weird when people don’t. They act as if running a red is like stealing or some other sin. It’s just a traffic control device. Don’t sign away your liberty as a human to an automated light.


... and no kids around. Don't wanna be a bad example.


I know the feeling. It's not the first time that there was no cars coming, I'm going to cross and then I realize there's a father with a little kid telling him "wait until it's green". So back to the sidewalk 😂. It doesn't help the parents to tell the kid to wait until it's green if the kid sees everybody else crossing the street.


Yeah I run red lights if no one's around and late at night. But if I'm drunk I run them middle of the day tonnes of traffic, I just wait for the gap. That's why I lost my license for a year. Only just got it back,I have to have a breatherlyzr in my car just to start it. I will never drink drive again. But I had a good run. Only got caught cause I ran a red light, and speeding , took about 10 minutes from when the cops saw me till they caught up to me. I didn't even know they were chasing me.


Oh wow that’s crazy. Where do you live? I know a Texan who got locked up for 5 years for repeated drink driving.


Queensland Australia. Yeah i nearly went to jail. It was my second offence. But thank fuck it ended up alright. But I swear to god I will never drink drive again. I wish I could say it was cause I think it's wrong. But it's really just outta selfish self preservation. I don't wanna go to jail for drink driving. If I ever go to jail it better be for something worth it, like robbing a bank, stealing an ATM, something where the risk is worth the reward.


The first time I got popped drink driving they attached a dangerous operation of a motor vehicle charge on-top of it. That was when I assumed for sure I was getting locked up but they gave me 2 years probation. It was a max 5 year sentence for that. But I only would have had to serve a year. Overcrowding, yay!


Sorry, I hate to sound like some criminal wasteoid, that ain't who I am. I work 5days a week contribute to society. But for sure my past is littered with mistakes. that I can never truly make up for.


Not usually but I have on occasions where it is right on the edge of whether I should slow down or speed up.


No I mean you're at a red light and you're like 'this is taking forever' and you make the turn, knowing that no cars are coming.


It was yellow, I swear!


If you are in The Netherlands and try and run a red light on foot (jaywalk) here is what happens


I got Run over by a moped in Amsterdam.


It's a very dangerous country


Yeah. The story is way better told in person, but the dude hit me, I went flying. He kept going rode over me. As we was on top of me his moped/motorbike stalled. He was on top of me kick-starting this thing. He finally gets off me starts to take off and people tackle him. Supposedly he was a purse snatcher. Me in my drunken stoned state had inadvertently prevented a crime. My twin brother was with me tripping on mushrooms the whole time just laughing his head off.


Couple scratches, a possible cracked rib. But I was all good. I pretty much spent half me twentys with cracked ribs and broken wrists, so it was nothing new. Backstory there is I was a hectic skateboarder. Up until a couple years ago you wouldn't see me without my board.


if it's late night and there's literally zero creatures anywhere.. yah i'd gun it.


Nope. It's not worth the risk for the one vehicle, pedestrian, or cyclist that you somehow missed seeing.


Not worth the risk in my opinion


Sometimes I'll make the comment as I sit behind someone who won't turn through a red with no traffic coming "they obey a light more than they obey the laws of God."
