MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you run red lights?

Do you run red lights?

I’ll run red turning lights if there is no traffic coming. If there is no cops around and no cameras.

I find it weird when people don’t. They act as if running a red is like stealing or some other sin. It’s just a traffic control device. Don’t sign away your liberty as a human to an automated light.


No. I would in an emergency, though.


You continue to be an idiot. 🙄


Pretty much treat all red lights as a stop sign. I don't sit there with my thumb up my ass if there isn't a soul around. Now my buddy, when he comes up on a red light at night, he turns off the headlights and if he doesn't see headlights coming the other way, he don't even slow down. That dude's dangerous. But that's country living. When i'm in the city I always obey the lights cause cops have a habit of creeping out of nowhere on ya. Especially if it's some town i've never been in before.


Hell, no.


It depends on where you live?


Nope. With my luck, the one time I try it I won't see the pedestrian who is walking and has the right of way, and I kill them. Yeah. Not worth the risk for a minute.
