Coca Cola is training their employees in the critical race theory to teach them to be less white. They hired Robin DiAngelo to give courses about "whiteness, white fragility” and “racial justice.”. Btw, this chick charges about $40,000 for a half-day talk.
The students are taught in the anti-racism course that "to be less white is to: be less oppressive; be less arrogant; be less ignorant; listen; believe"
It's not about "pardoned for being white." It's about becoming antiracist
Label as you want. "Anti-racist" in modern western society is just another label for white-guilt porn and for whipping yourself for being white.
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Nope. In my first advertising class, we had to write a paper about life from the first-person viewpoint of the opposite gender. It's about seeing the world from a totally different viewpoint in order to understand it better.
4 Robin DiAngelo quotes to better comprehend her message:
"I would say that one of the most powerful messages of white superiority is the sense that there's absolutely no loss in a segregated life for white people. That most white people can go cradle to grave with few, if any, authentic, sustained cross racial relationships and with black people in particular.
And no one suggests they've lost anything of value. In fact, that will be the measure of the value of their schools and neighborhoods is the absence of black people. That is a powerful message. You know, nobody has to come out and say anything explicitly, but we all know what a good neighborhood is, and a good school, and we know what makes it good. And every moment that we reinforce that, we are internalizing the message of white supremacy."
"I believe that white people are invested in racial inequality. It serves us. It's comfortable. It helps us navigate the barriers that we do face. I mean, I grew up poor, but I was also white and that shaped how I experienced poverty and also how I navigated and left poverty.
I can't talk about growing up poor without also talking about growing up white."
"You know, I'm very clear that my work centers whiteness, and reinforces the centrality of the white worldview. You know, as I stand on stages every day being granted credibility and authority to my voice, like virtually every other person put in front of all of us. Granted, credibility and authority. I am reinforcing and centering whiteness.
I see it as kind of the master's tools dilemma. Audrey Lord's beautiful quote, how do you dismantle the master's house, when you only have the master's tools? The way I reconcile that is that, it is a both end.
... Because to not use this platform, this voice, this credibility - to break with white solidarity and white silence for me is unacceptable. That would be to really be white. Right? And I like to be a little less white.
So, when I say I'd like to be a little less white - I do not mean a little more Italian American, or Irish American, or go find your roots, and that's the answer to racism. When I say I'd like to be less white, honestly, for me, that means I want to be a little less racially oppressive. A little less racially ignorant, and a little less arrogant in my ignorance. A little less certain and more, more vulnerable and curious and open. And ultimately - actually engaged in anti-racist action and behavior."
"The irony, right, is the constant accusation that we level towards people of color about, you know, you're too sensitive, you're too angry. And yet you just barely scratch on the surface of a white person's, you know, worldview racially, and we erupt in upset and tears and anger and defensiveness."
You and your pals are the ones triggered by an out-of-context quote. I calmly googled the quote to see what she meant in context. You're such a snowflake!
The only way to be less white is to be subservient to everyone else. What a message we are sending our white kids. America is doomed if we continue down this path.
How can you have equality when people are not equal ? An unattractive woman is not equal to an attractive woman. An unintelligent man is not equal to an intelligent man. An unathletic child is not equal to an athletic child. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. As Bill Gates said " Life isn't fair, get over it ".
> They hired Robin DiAngelo to give courses about "whiteness, white fragility” and “racial justice.”. Btw, this chick charges about $40,000 for a half-day talk.
$10,000 per hour for that? P. T. Barnum was right.
Racism isn't about skin color.The Nazis were racist against the Jews and they were all white.Racism is about ignorance.Everyone should be taught to be less ignorant not just white people.
Ethnic groups have different values, though. Hispanic, US protestant descendants, blacks or Chinese have (as a group) different values.
Individuals can lean towards values that are different from the ones in his ethnic group, though. It's not very frequent, but it happens. That's why it's easy for individuals to get along, but when you have two different ethnic groups sharing the same space, there's gonna be a conflict.
Actually, diversity is a strength. The more systems you have, the more likely you have one working very well.
The trick is that America is not getting more diverse. Indeed, it's quite the opposite: US is becoming another more standard latin american state with black influence. In a few decades the whole American continent will be a completely uniform landscape. And something similar happens in Europe. Woke elites are trying to make it more and more uniform.
It's a political marketing technique: take the term that defines your opposite and use it to brand your own position. Use the key term "diversity" for what is basically homogenize. Use the term "anti-racism" for what is basically anti-white racism. And so.
Racism, antisemetism and any bigotry for that matter are all the same thing.And they all stem from the same place.Ignorance not skin color.Thinking that you can eradicate racism by attacking one single ethnicity and teaching them that they should inherently feel shame because of how they were born is just dumb.Realistically this training should teach employees to be more tolerant and less ignorant and all employees of every ethnicity should attend.
Are you suggesting that that training is political?
Are you suggesting that Coca-Cola is forcing their employees to attend political re-education training?