MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why aren’t Super Bowl ads funny anymore?

Why aren’t Super Bowl ads funny anymore?

-I vaguely remember them being at least somewhat amusing or eliciting a chuckle roughly 14-15 years ago, but now they’re not even enough remotely entertaining.


Because corporations think we unwashed masses need to be preached to by Bruce Springsteen. 🙄


Amen! That was sickening!



Bruce is a multi-millionaire from the East Coast but he's suddenly a working stiff driving around Kansas🙄

Thanks for the 'teachable moment' Boss, now go sing a song lol


Such a hypocrite!



I live in Kansas. Why is Kansas so weird?


Nothing weird about Kansas Moose, it's a pretty nice place

But Springsteen acting all rugged and country preaching to us how to act and think was BS


Because companies don't know what they are allowed to make fun of anymore, there's the fear of offending someone somewhere.


Another casualty of the SJW's dangerous and moronic "cancel culture". Lord I hope society gets past that shit soon!



I thought the one about Norway was funny.


Humor isn't possible without being at the expense of somebody or something. All humor is outlawed. Vaguely silly is remotely acceptable, but just barely.


Apparently, it's now acceptable to make fun of women named Karen (a name I've always liked), but, you're right, everything else has become suspect.


I still can't believe people watch the Super Bowl for a bunch of idiotic commercials. There's already too much advertising and name-dropping of sponsors throughout the regular broadcasts. Even the stadiums are named after some corporation.


I can’t believe people watch the Super Bowl at all.


These days i'm too busy working the grill to watch the commercials during the Super Bowl, but when I was a kid I always looked forward to it. I almost got into advertising just to make commercials. I've always found the notion of a 30 second comedy skit that has to explain and sell a product at the same time to be very clever business. But now that we live in internet age and all those commercials will be online and in my various social media feeds the minute they broadcast, tuning in for the commercials is especially pointless.


Because there's an Agenda to be driven, and a narrative to be maintained.

No room for actual comedy.


They are fueled by the hate of/from the left which isn't funny.


you owe Jason Alexander hoodie an apology"
