How many of us like to set our clocks a couple minutes fast so we won't be late for stuff?
Seems like a really silly thing to do, but I do it.
shareSeems like a really silly thing to do, but I do it.
shareThat's not unusual, it's a good way to stay on time
I have an odd anxiety about being late so I usually show up for everything 15 minutes early...this habit is very annoying as I'm usually the first guy at the meeting I really don't want to attend😁
Lol! You sound like me - I don’t like to rush and like to be proactive for something that might cause me to be delayed, so I always arrive early.
shareIt's good manners👍
Just now I've been trying to log into a Zoom meet for work and can't get in...I'm Johnny On The Spot but this computer crap boggles my mind!
I tried for 40 minutes (so as to be quite early) but it's no good
Going to have a beer and chop some firewood, to hell with it
Yeah, I've had a problem with being sent documents by my employer and not being able to fill them out or return them electronically. One assumption is we are all using Gmail. Another is we know how to find files that have been saved w/o my knowledge and make them Attachments with a returned email.
I mean, I might be able to send back some stupid picture I might have swiped off the internet, but where that document is, I'm not sure. It's too flipping complicated because it has to be secure. Effed up and makes me feel like I'm dumb.
And I swear - I'm not !!
I should have added that I feel like a drowning man who says, "No ! Don't throw me a life preserver, I can swim just fine." Grrr ....
shareI'm usually never late for work, but I also time it so I'm not leaving too early. Next thing I know I have to do one or two things and I'm past my target and then worry if I run into a traffic snag I'll be late. Having that extra minute or so helps sometimes.
shareI get you
The anxiety about letting them all down at work is a constant concern
I've been at my current job for 19 years and have been late 3 times...
It's mortifying and it's not like I'm Batman or anything😆
Btw, I had a decent job for a lot of years. We had a small crew, and when I had vacation time when I came back I'd ask one of the guys, "So how's it been while I was gone ?"
Inevitably they'd respond, BUSY !
I took that as saying - when you're not here, we have to work way harder in ways we don't like (customer service).
And I'd think, yeah, if anyone (bosses) doesn't think I work hard? jeezus krist !
Making sure everyone who walks in the door feel like they are being paid attention to isn't EASY.
Let down your guard and they are pissed off, while the great majority of working class guys just want to get what they need, understand it's a task that isn't some cookie cutter process, and I'll give 100% to get them where they need to be where they want to get to.
And in good humor, I will add.
Retail is a very difficult job
The turn over rate in retail and sales is very high for a good reason...'the public' are 50% dickheads
These idiot costumers could burn anyone out
For me it wasn't that I had to deal with everyone, it's that the PTB thought it was just a normal part of working, that everyone else should be working for the big clients and all these walk in people weren't significant.
I once asked and the boss said walk-ins were 40% of the revenue.
I figured I must be responsible for at least half of that, plus all the walk-ins who had accounts so weren't considered walk-ins ....
The point I'm making is, I felt like I was the point man for this company and they treated me like I was a dope for doing it.
Always putting a good face forward to make the company look good, while these Big Brains would sit on chairs and figure out whether one or two less widgets made a difference for their Big Clients.
I'd love to have a job like that !
It's maddening
No shit, and I apologize for venting.
shareNo need to apologize friend, you might very well be the most sane person here
Glad to know you
Someone else said TY to me on another web site.
He thought I might have cursed the NJ Devils by having hope for them
I responded,"'they suck" to dispel the curse.
His response was "tenk yu
Very funny
But the silly part is changing the clock. I know it's fast, I know how to budget my time, but I still change the clock. Sorta makes me chuckle.
shareI sense that you do know how to budget your time, you never sound like a loafer
I got so frustrated with my stupid Zoom/Work meeting today that I busted open a six pack and started doing yardwork...
This computer-meeting stuff is simply baffling
Yeah, I saw that. Sounds like a reasonable reaction and something I would do.
Except for the yardwork part. (LOL XD, "ba-dum tishh")
I'm learning to funnel my work and everyday frustration into yard chores and house cleaning
I get so pissed sometimes I probably could have been a notorious killer LOL!
I just jam out to rock and chop wood or do laundry, you could eat off my floors!
Sanity seems to be everyone's career these days🙃
Or maybe sanitation, when it comes to your floors !
Tempting as it sounds, I wouldn't take you up on it ! (ROFL - XD, again)
"No need for tables or plates, let's eat off the floor !" For some reason this is making me laugh, and it feels good to have a healthy laugh these days.
We need to keep laughing or accept that it's a big sorry fucking mess out there!
Up with the humor and 'yuks' Amigo...only way to stay sane
I do this too but then I realized that what I am actually doing is setting the clock to my most important deadline. In my case, that's the school bus. If we miss the school bus and I have to drive a kid to school, my whole schedule is messed up. So I set the clock to the earliest time that the school bus arrives. Then everything else in the day is offset to match that time. So if the school bus usually arrives at 8:20 am (even though he's supposed to arrive at 8:25 am), and occasionally arrives at 8:17 am, then my clock is set to read 8:20 when it's 8:17 JUST TO MAKE SURE. Every other appointment, I offset for the stupid three minute change. Oh I'm supposed to leave at 1:15 to get to the doctor at 1:45? I'll be leaving at 1:12. It means I have an extra 3 minutes sitting in the car but at least I won't have to drive my kid to school in the morning.
I know it sounds insane but it works for me.
I hear you. I'm in a situation where this kid opens his front door in the morning so he can catch his school bus. The house (which is very poorly insulated) immediately gets cold and the bus may not be there for 15 minutes or more.
But there's no authority figure there to say - close the damn door and look out the window.
And the bus is early or late or they say the time has changed but maybe the driver doesn't know this (?).
On top of it, it's a standard big ol' school bus and I think only a couple kids use it !
So if the bus managed to be consistently on time, things would be much nicer.
Oh wow that would drive me legit nuts.
shareI do. I can't stand being late.
shareI hate being late, too but if I do it, I know it, thus negating the whole idea so I set my clocks to the actual time..
shareHaha that does happen sometimes. I just have the clocks in the car and the one on the stove as the ones that are ahead. The car one saves me the most often, but generally I try to be about 15 min early to anything.
shareYeah, the only way it'd work for me is if I didn't know the clock was fast. 😉
shareSomething I'm finding strange is I think my clocks are gaining time, like real/computer time is ever-so-slightly slower than my clocks. I'm looking at a clock right now that is partly four minutes fast, which I never intended, and the one in my car is at least 5 minutes fast - same thing. When I set them they were about where I wanted them, but they've gained a minute after some period of time, (maybe a lot of months or more, I'm not sure).
Yes, I can reset them but it means scrolling them forward and having to STOP at just the right moment. The one in the house is cheap and tends to bounce forward more than I want when I'm at a stop (but it's cute with all the symbols different colors. At 6:34, the six is Green, the colon is Blue, the three is Red, and the now 5 is Yellow. Just a tiny little cheap clock.)
The car one I think I've finally figured out after 15 years of frustration, but I have to let it advance all the way through and STOP it so I'd rather mentally deal with it for now.
Maybe they were off by a second or two and then over a long period of time have added a couple of minutes. I think I have noticed this before too with the clock in the car. Usually it is like 5 minutes ahead and then after a long period of time becomes 7.
shareThanks for saying this. Thought I was a bit daft, but that's why we have things like Leap Year and I have heard of some anomaly about how we sync time over long periods.
It's all meaningless to the animals around us, so ultimately, it likely is for us, too. Enjoy !
Some of my clocks have done this too: you set them all to the same time based on GMT and your local time zone, and over a few months certain electronic clocks always seem to end up a few minutes ahead of where you set them. What is weird is when one clock seems to run ahead, and then you come back a few hours later and it's behind again, compared to all the other clocks that still match each other. The simplest explanation would be that someone changed it back, but this has happened to me when I was totally alone in the house all day. Then I feel like I might have been in a time warp without knowing it. Finally I concluded the electronic clocks must have a reset feature where if they get too far ahead they auto-reverse some pre-set amount because the programmer knows that can't be right.
shareI’ve always done it. I hate tardiness.
shareI had a friend/work mate who would set the WORK clock in the back fast, as if to make the day end sooner, which drove me nuts. But at home I do set it ahead a tad just so I might get out the door with a small cushion.
Like, if I'm disciplined and leaving with time to spare, then I DO have time to spare.
Nah, I like my watches/clocks to be as precise as possible.
I’m always early anyway.
Which is why I brought it up. I'm perfectly aware the clock is actually a couple minutes fast but I still use it as a way of making sure I'm not cutting it so close I might be late. And I don't think anyone has ever complained I have a problem with being punctual. It seems silly to do this, but as pointed out, it's not unusual.
shareNo offence intended, was just responding to your question honestly. I’m very particular about my watch being exactly right, but I have no problem with people who manage their time by setting their clocks off-time. 🙂
shareI didn't take any offense, not at all. It makes sense a rational person would simply judge and use their time smartly, but it seems many of us like the ol' clock trick. I think it's funny.
shareI've never understood that. The benefit is always in knowing the truth.