MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I get upset when the happiest countries ...

I get upset when the happiest countries list gets released.

How many of these happy countries have produced a Covid vaccine? If it wasn’t for USA these countries would be taken over by Russia or China. A case could be made that they are mooching off USA.


The most important vaccines:

Moderna: US.
Pfizer-BioNTech: US and Germany.
Oxford: UK.
Sputnik: Russia.
Sinopharm: China.

I don't see US having such a prevalence, just one vaccine and part of another. Probably 20-30 years ago it would have been different. That's not the case anymore.

However, let's not be so negative. In Gender Studies or Third-World Massive Immigration, for example, US is way ahead of China and Europe.


Wow .. .what a shitty thing to say. Screw other countries right? What right do they have to be happy, if it wasn’t for us they’d get sick and die! Did ‘you’ produce the vaccine? Maybe it should only go to the relatives of the people that did? See how that works?



I guess he doesn't realize that people from countries all over the world work for these companies.

Some can't divide government from people. There's a reason why countries like Finland are always happy. Their government has .000001% the resources and power that the US has, but give their citizens SOMETHING for their tax dollars. The US is one big mafia for the ruling elite. And then we have non-domestic, where we just bomb countries left and right, all based on lies.

But this wasn't the idea of America... It was just subverted into some Huxley-Orwellian nightmare.


Yep. Just like suicide bombing are not the idea of Islam... it was just subverted into some radical terrorism nightmare.


I'd rather Russia and China take over than the USA to be honest.


My Man, you must realize that would be a terrible result...Communism and secret police are way worse than consumerism and fat guys with rifles and pickup trucks LOL


The original post sounded ignorant, I had to say something.


We seem to have a bunch of screwballs here lately


really? - vaccines - tŕeatments
Not to forget Danish/Dutch PREVENT-nCoV or Sweden-based OpenCorona,...

Who again is known as the pharmacy of the world?
Hint: not the USA ;)


How hilariously ironic.


I've never believed anything they've said about the "happiest countries" in the world, because half the time, the top ones usually have people lie to the data-gatherers. A fine example would be Denmark.

First off, Denmark has a very high rate of suicide and alcoholics, almost on par with Ireland. Big difference? They hide it, and are more than happy to lie to any schmoe who asks them "Do you think everyone is happy here?" I sincerely doubt anyone with a country that has issues like that is gonna be honest about how "happy" everyone is.

So if you see lists like that, please take whatever you read on them with a few pounds of salt.


"First off, Denmark has a very high rate of suicide and alcoholics, almost on par with Ireland"

What are you on about? Where exactly did you get that "information"?


Try reading some articles about Scandinavia; it's very eye-opening. Suicide and alcoholism has been a big problem in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway for decades, they just don't openly talk about it. It's so bad that they tax the shit out of alcohol in those three countries. I also read about the realities behind the "happiest country" index BS.


Sorry, I should have been more specific, I meant the bit about comparing it to Ireland. Seems to me you're just going by a stereotype that Ireland is full of alcoholics

reply is full of alcoholics. They don't have an extensive system of mental-health workers, often leading them to find help at the bottom of a bottle or the bottom of a cliff, whichever they think will make the emotional pain go away faster.

It's a miracle if you find someone who isn't hooked on the bottle there.


Lol!! Some people's ignorance knows no bounds


Sliánte! Lol.


I know! Don't blame me if you didn't do your homework. I've met people who actually live in those places. None of them are the utopias Americans have been duped into believing. Best indicator of how a country is comes from reading stories from people who actually went there or live there, and what information they can relay back to you.

Some idiot walking around, asking "Are you happy here?" to dozens of people and then putting it down on some stupid index is not a good indicator of how "happy" a country is. That's like watching "man on the street" shows and expecting all parts of America to be like downtown L.A.


does anyone in america seen happy right now??


I'm in New York and I'm feeling fine👍Just stay busy, no worries


Given the state of the world right now, I honestly wish I only had trivial things like happiest countries lists to get upset about. It must be nice.


Misery loves company.


I guess so.
