Historical Figures w/ The Utmost Integrity?
If you can't think of any, pick someone who is living.
shareIf you can't think of any, pick someone who is living.
shareHow do we know he wasn't just a really good cult leader as per Koresh, Manson etc?
shareJesus had a really kind message for all people, not just his followers, he also didn't screw everyone's wife and daughters and he never urged anyone to commit murder or die in a fiery compound
That's how
If you lack faith in Jesus that's entirely your business but he seems to have been a pretty great and interesting man undeserving of being placed on a shelf with the scum you mentioned
That's actually under debate. Jesus started as a Zealot, which was the most violent Jew cult back then. Later on he started his own cult, and for sure he was a charming figure, but nobody really knows what he preached. The gospel was written decades later.
Jesus could been some kind of popular figure that was used as a selling marketing element, kind of 'Che Guevara', while Christianism as we know it was designed by the heads of the cult, most of it (probably) by Paul.
Under debate?
Jesus is my my homie
I roll with Him
The post I referred to put him in a very bad category of vile men
Faith aside that is unreasonable
I agree. I'm an atheist, but I believe that the teachings of Jesus Christ provide the best model for human behavior. If anyone has ever formulated a better rule than "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" I'm not aware of it.
shareWords to live by, a good way to avoid busted knuckles and a black eye at the very least
shareUnless of course you are perfectly ok with the idea of fist fights and getting hurt. I know that sounds perverse but I honestly believe a lot of people are ok to live by a different set of standards and are happy to live and die by the sword.
shareSure, we call those people idiots (I'm as guilty as most)
Truth be told I'm slowly realizing that good faith and tact are generally more useful than breaking noses and smashing the furniture and I often regret the foolish things I used to resort to
Talking or walking is better most of the time
How do we know? Through prayers.
shareHitler. He was pretty transparent and true to his ideals, but as history has shown, a genocidal psychopath with integrity isn't a good thing.
shareI wonder if he really did believe everything he said.. Many leaders are cunning and Machievallian, and will use the currency of the moment to mobilize people.
shareTo say Hitler had integrity is weird to say the least. It is saying he had moral uprightness which obviously he did not. Google synonyms for integrity and you will find such words as virtue, decency, and goodness.
shareI think in his demented mind, he thought he was all those.
shareI believe whether a person has integrity should be judged on what the person says, and, more importantly, on what they do...not on what goes on in their mind. If Hitler thought what he was doing was good and just, that is perverse, not integrity.
shareWho said he was a psychopath, or even wrong?
The people he hated have been universally hated throughout history.
I think most reasonable people would say he was a madman and totally wrong
Throughout history ignorant people thought the world was flat
Do you think the world is flat?
You seem like a very angry person
Most reasonable people? Sounds like a no True Scotsman.
Germany lost and look at what's happening to the west. Degeneracy is being peddled in every facet of every media outlet at all times.
You ever hear of the Danzig corridor? Trotsky and his proposed 'plan' for Germany?
Do you honestly believe Hitler just woke up one morning and said "I think I'll hate Jews with a burning passion"?
"Gradually I began to hate them"
I've read Mein Kampf and the guy was nuttier than a Baby Ruth bar
shareHitler wasn't a psychopath. Psychopaths don't give a shit and barely have emotions. Hitler had a heavy emotional grudge against Jews. Hitler was probably more of a charming narcissist, Obama type.
Let's remember that Germany had it really tough after losing the WW1. Poverty was rampant, and Hitler himself was homeless for a while. And German Jews collaborated with UK during that war in order to score points to obtain the land of Israel. Besides that, Germany wasn't the only one to mass kill innocents in WW2. The allies did it too.
That's story is usually painted as a tale of good vs evil, but it's actually a much more complex one. As some German soldier said "The most important thing that I learnt in WW2 is that winners write history".
Do not compare Hitler to Obama in the name of all decency...I never voted for Obama but to put him in the same sentence as Adolf Hitler...that's a new low
Total baloney
And we all are at least as educated as you and are aware that Germany got pounded upon after WWI, that's still no excuse for what they did 20 years later
A Jewish State was needed because of millions of ignorant haters who to this day would love to wipe the Jews from the world
You need to reevaluate man, you say some weird things
Do not compare Hitler to Obama in the name of all decency
A Jewish State was needed because of millions of ignorant haters who to this day would love to wipe the Jews from the world
Obama not mentioning a tragic historical event is nothing at all like a lunatic starting a war of conquest in Europe and killing millions of innocent people
The Jews in Germany and elsewhere were getting murdered so they started siding with the non-Nazi team..?
Who can blame them?
The Jews in Germany and elsewhere were getting murdered so they started siding with the non-Nazi team
European Jews were getting kicked in the head before 1914, Hitler was just one more creep 20 years later...Continue to defend Hitler and his opinions if you like
shareContinue to defend Hitler and his opinions
No need to quote yourself, I read it
I said nothing about Nazis in WWI, just that Jews took a side because they were being persecuted
Let's figure we are not going to agree on this matter and leave it at that
Have a Happy New Year👍
I said nothing about Nazis in WWI, just that Jews took a side because they were being persecuted
Enjoy your day👍
shareChurchill and FDR...one was a world class drunk and the other a Kennedy-level cheater but they managed to overcome a powerful enemy by sticking to their alliance (I don't take a leader's personal misbehaviors into account if it doesn't screw up the job they are doing)
Alexander of Macedonia set out to conquer the known world and boy did he do it!
From West to East he smashed them all to the point that he could not get enough
He died (a possible assassination by his weary Generals) in a military camp still marching around looking for more asses to kick while everyone else in his army just wanted to go home
I've got a personal connection to Churchill. While in London about ten years ago I toured his WWII bunker. I saw his sleeping quarters, including his chamberpot. Naturally I used my camera. So I've got a snapshot of his toilet.
Not much of a personal connection, but there it is.
> Churchill and FDR...one was a world class drunk and the other a Kennedy-level cheater
Naah ... I think that as a philanderer The Jack was in a league by himself. But I wouldn't have minded quaffing a few brewskis with Winnie.
Oh, morning, noon and evening cocktails with Winston while he was managing a war effort would have been something lol
shareJoan of Arc
shareI need to read more about her, an 18 year old woman being in the midst of battles in that age is an historic event for sure
I have briefly read that her visions are the subject of ongoing psychiatric debate
A fascinating figure and a very tragic ending to her life (she may have been abused by her jailers prior to the stake)
It's a pretty sad story
My favorite Joan of Arc joke was uttered by Johnny Haymer in Annie Hall.
"I open with some jokes. Now, that's where I need you, right there. For instance, like I say, 'Hey, I just got back from Canada, you know, they speak a lotta French up there. The only way to remember Jeanne d'Arc means the light's out in the bathroom!'"
I dun geddit.
shareI couldn't find a clip which would have been better. Johnny Haymer is best known as the supply sergeant in MASH. He just has a funny face. Anyway, in Annie Hall Woody Allen is a comedian and Haymer is a stand-up looking to hire Allen to write some jokes for him. The gag is that Haymer is a laughably awful stand up. It's a pretty funny sequence. Jeanne d'Arc = John Dark = The light's out in the bathroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFlx8w7i278
shareAah.. I get it now. Jeanne d'Arc = John Dark. LoL!
shareMany years after seeing the movie, I made one up and used it on an English professor (true story)
Me: Who wrote that poem 'Death Be Not Proud'?
Professor: John Donne
Me: The workmen are finished in the bathroom?
The professor didn't laugh. He didn't smile. He turned to someone else.
Charles De Gaulle - they gave him all keys, he could have been a king but used his powers to build the 5th republic.
Kemal Ataturk - similar