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Movies you saw at a too-young age (and its effects on you)

I saw a lot of movies that I probably shouldn't have in the eighties as a little kid, mostly because my father was a huge movie enthusiast. As a parent myself, I think about waiting longer to introduce the same movies to my kids, even though I believe it had no long term effect on me (how someone can truly make that conclusion about themselves may be questionable, but I believe so).

But there are cases where it causes problems. We know a kid at school who is 6 and is into Hellraiser, Pennywise / It, Freddie / Nightmare on Elm Street, Jason / Halloween, etc, and he has a few tendencies to get violent when he doesn't get what he wants. He has made threats to other kids about cutting their throat, putting plastic bags over their heads, strangling them and so on.

The only thing I can recall from watching scary movies as a little kid is freaking out about flashing lights in the sky during thunderstorms because of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and being afraid to go into a dark room because of Alien. I was also afraid to watch An American Werewolf in London again until my 30s because I saw it just as a little kid and remember it vividly - the stalking scenes in the field at night, the transformation, the subway scene.

Those things wore off soon enough but I'm curious to know what other things affected others at a young age?


I saw A Serbian Film when I was 5 and it made me become a guidance councilor and I STILL can't find the perfect egg.


Sooo, that would make you 15 at the oldest. How old are you?




i saw the exorcist at age 10 - i think this is why horror movies don't scare me.


I saw The Fly on HBO at my Grandparents house at a very young age. I think I was younger than 10 and the transformation scene scared the crap out of me.


I saw the previews (that's what a trailer was referred to back then) of Black Like Me at a drive-in theater when I was a grade school kid. Two of my best friends at the time were black, and continued to be, all the way up through high school. I eventually saw the movie, which compelled me to read the book when the opportunity arose and that impacted me more than the movie did.


Showgirls. Age 35. It's only appropriate for people 100 and older. Yes, it's that bad!


Aside from the XXX pornography my older brother thought would be funny making me watch when I was 5, in which the biggest thing I remember about it was seeing someone ejaculate and a lady had a dildo she called "Roberto", I was watching all of the gory horror films of the 80's from a young age. My mom was OK with letting me watch them because I wasn't scared from them.

The porno my brother showed definitely has had an effect on me. I was diagnosed as a sex addict years ago and have always felt like I am more aroused then others all the time. Not even trying to be funny or anything. I've gone to therapy for it. Still not really controlled I've just found someone on my level that allows me to keep feeding it :\. I'm not sure if it is directly from that but I suspect it contributed to it.

The only thing I watched that truly scared me was a TV show called Sightings, which was about various paranormal and ufo stuff. In particular, the alien face you see in the opening credits made me terribly scared to sleep in the room by myself when I was 9 or so. I remember one night I fell asleep downstairs on the living room floor and my parents decided to leave me there to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night on a Friday after watching Sightings and being so scared I tried to hide my face in the carpet for a good 3 minutes before making a run for upstairs. Pretty sure I slept on my parents bedroom floor that night.

Damn that face is still freaky af even now!

Here is the link to it on youtube....


Were you aroused as a child watching it?


No, I was grossed out by it, but when you see that, especially at that age you never can unsee it.


I thought that those who are exposed at a young age grow up having problems with arousal because it's not exciting or anything appealing.


Alien tv shows like unsolved mysteries and alien themed abduction movies terrified me.


The Four Seasons (81)
In the early days of the cable HBO ran this boring movie about 60 times a month...this crap boring nonsense was never not on the TV

It gave me a lifelong dislike for nonsense...what a shitty movie and such an annoying cast of self-important characters
