MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you feel like at this point people ar...

Do you feel like at this point people are deliberately provoking cops?

I’m not saying it means they deserve to be shot, but why in this climate or even before this whole thing would you ignore a cop and act in any way that could be interpreted as suspicious or threatening? Now it just seems like they are provoking them in order to further their agenda. I think police brutality and institutional racism are serious issues but this is only making things worse.


Because of the liberal media and Dem governments, the message has gone out that "there are no consequences for your actions," therefore, people just run wild, under the guise of "peaceful protest." It's that simple.

I remind people that if this is the world you want to live in, when the rioters come down YOUR street, they're not going go ask who's Dem, GOP, Black, or White: We're ALL going to suffer.

The Dems like the anarchy because they spin it to blame Trump.




Hey! Looting a big screen TV and some Nikes makes me feel that I've really stood up to social injustice!!


Or, as AOC said a while back, "People are looting because they can't afford bread."

I wasn't aware that all those "high end" stores sold bread!

She's dumb, and Libtards buy into her delusions.

That's the world they want to live in.


No, I don't feel that. I think protestors specifically are provoking cops on purpose because a. that's what protestors do and b. cops are provoking protestors to protest. People are getting shot in their own homes, while they're sleeping, or while they're getting into their cars minding their own business, etc. by the police. It's not some rare event that happens out of the blue and it hasn't been for a while.

Yes, there's a lot of anger being expressed "incorrectly" and not all of it is justified, but some of it is. Institutionalized racism can't be changed without some bite back. It's to be expected. Also, there's not a lot of solutions for change, so this is the only way many people feel they can channel their anger.


I disagree about people getting shot minding their own business, these are a small fringe the majority are not so one sided, the victim is usually acting like an idiot


I would have to disagree with this disagreement lol.

I visited the U.S in the early 2010s. On the day after I arrived, I was with an African-American family, who were giving me a lift to a train station. Because the dad didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign on an empty suburban road, even though he was going too slow to hit anyone, he was arrested, and they were pretty rough with him. A few days later, I saw a man get thrown onto a street and physically assaulted by three or four officers even though he wasn't resisting arrest. They only stopped hurting him when he started shouting, "Someone please film this!" and many people on the street whipped out their phones.

Treating these and worse events as rare is not fair and it's not the truth. Police brutality is the norm. It's only that more stories are being heard now.


What was the cause for arrest during the stop sign violation?


He didn't stop.


the police unions have to stop defending bad cops.
