List of things worse than covid 19
1) Stupidity
2) Negative and toxic comments towards covid.
3) Anti-vaxxers.
4) No-mask Karens
1) Stupidity
2) Negative and toxic comments towards covid.
3) Anti-vaxxers.
4) No-mask Karens
The terms "Karen" and "toxic comment"
share5) Listening to the brainless, moronic rantings of a halfwit like MatildaWormhead. It's torture.
share6) Watching a grown a$$ middle aged woman like pjpurple insult people using made up gibberish words and having to school her on basic vocabulary words she doesnt know like "teen mom" and "hometown".
shareLOL I said adios to you and your moronic rantings and I meant it! FYI- 'doesnt ' needs an apostrophe. It's doesn't! Why are you so determined to show your ignorance! hahaha
But I do give you credit for being able to count to six!
I give you credit for being able to count to 5.
By the way, "halfwit" is NOT a vocabulary word in the proper English vocabulary. That gibberish especially shouldn't be used by grown folks in their LATE 30s or early-mid 40s.
Even 10-17-year-old kids never use that word. Lol
Geez, you can't even come up with ORIGINAL insults! I give you credit for counting to six ,so you give me credit for counting to five. haha
I said (on another thread) that I hope you're happy with your imaginary boyfriend. So your lame comeback is something about my "imaginary ex-husband". I don't know whether you are funny or pathetic. But you definitely lack any originality!
Well, it has been said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! You constantly try to copy me.
Halfwit IS a word as R Kane pointed out to you. But I wouldn't expect a halfwit like you who talks constant gibberish to know that!
What 17 year olds have you been hanging around with lately? Did all your 20-something "boy crushes" run from you? LOL
“Teen mom” is a phrase (and a repulsive TV show), not a word. Nitwit is a word, dimwit is a word, fuckwit is DEFINITELY a word, but “halfwit” is not a word? Gee, I must be a halfwit, ‘cause I had a newspaper column published with that very word and no editor corrected it.
share5) Politics
shareOh yeah! People who TURN coronavirus into a political debate is annoying. P
share And that is ALL you do! And you don't even realize it. It's the "Trump virus" over and over ad nauseum. (before you tell me that's not a REAL phrase, it's Latin, something I'm sure you never studied!)
I've never encountered someone who is so blissfully unaware of her own shortcomings and stupid behavior. Seriously, HOW do you breathe with your head so far up your anus?
I guess it escaped your notice that we used five and six, so the poster you readily agreed with should've used seven. Are you SURE you can count to six? LOL Now I'm not!
People that get you all excited about something then, they pull the rug from under your feet....