MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Well Jim Smith ... CEO of the MovieChat ...

Well Jim Smith ... CEO of the MovieChat website

There is a moderator series of article where they talk about Jim Smith of MovieChat ...

How MovieChat dethroned IMDb as the go-to place to talk TV and films has five rules and 11 types of prohibited content, although Smith says its mods are dedicated to “open dialogue and free speech”. Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity. An offending user first receives a warning and later may be temporarily or permanently banned from the site.

Did you get that ...

>>>> Users are banned from trolling, flaming, spamming, unsolicited advertising, hacking and impersonation, and are prohibited from sharing porn, threats, hate speech, malware and excessive profanity.

What is this constant discussion about Hitler and Eva Braun but Spamming and Hate Speech???

Well Jim ... how about an official comment on why Hitler is constantly on the banner part of the MovieChat website??


Commitment to freedom of speech.


✅ matter how unpopular....


I just asked if Eva was hot or not.



hownos you scallywag.


I'm just as concerned about all of the rampant Pol Pot's Pol Pot this and Pol Pot that everyday around here and I'm mad as hell!


Ol’ Poley Potty should worry about that name more than anything else, that punk mofo....I guess Johnny Fuckface was taken....


It is a very silly name for a war criminal👍


I used to play video games at arcades and the bar under the guise of evil despots....somewhere there’s a Galaga game with Pol Pot as the high score, a Final Fury with Idi Amin as top dog, Stalin could get down on Tetris (obviously), and who knew Mobutu could kick ass at a game of Dig Dug?

Good times!


You were an OG Arcade troll😃



How come no dedicated commie ever came up with a recipe for Pol Pot Pie


Good question
It's because they're communists living in a worker's paradise where everyone shares equally and has the same amount...why bother innovating or working harder than Ivan next door😬


I love a good pot pie, but one inspired by the Khmer Rouge, I’ll have to pass....human liver and unborn fetuses among some vegetables and gravy just doesn’t do it for me....those were some bad dudes, man...


here a pol pot, there a pol pot, everywhere a pol pot...


who loved that stupid ugly german shepard dog more, adolf or eva ?


"Well Jim ... how about an official comment on why Hitler is constantly on the banner part of the MovieChat website??"

Well brux, when someone makes a post in a particular thread it moves it to the top of the Trending panel. The Moderators have nothing to do with why Hitler keeps appearing, that is all down to the users. I would suggest that you constantly banging on about it draws people's attention to the page, where they may be inclined to contribute themselves. If you want to see less of Hitler, perhaps stop talking about him so much. From what I can see there is very little hate speech on his page.If you want to see real hate speech maybe check out Caitlyn Jenner or Greta Thunberg's pages. If you're concerned about all instances of members bending the moviechat rules, that is.

Oh, sorry, you said Jim not Tim. My mistake. Do go on.


Ironically, I went to the Hitler board just to see what all the fuss was about.


i did too, just now.
none of the threads looked interesting enough to open though


The 'Why didn't Hitler take Switzerland?' thread is soooooo offensive.


The boards here match what was on imdb. Personally, I think discussion boards for historical and political figures don't belong here just because their footage appeared in a documentary or for some other minor connection to film, which was obviously the criteria used by imdb. But only Jim can address this issue.

Bona fide discussion related to these topics is one thing, but I should point out that it is against MovieChat's rules to post on a discussion board for the sole purpose of making it appear in the "Trending" section. So it would be appreciated if people stopped doing that.

4. Do not attempt to hack or crack MovieChat, including attempting to manipulate post count, attempting to bypass posting quotas, attempting to inject malicious code, attempting to manipulate the Trending section, or any other attempts to break, manipulate, or use the service in a way that was not intended by MovieChat


...but I should point out that it is against MovieChat's rules to post on a discussion board for the sole purpose of making it appear in the "Trending" section. So it would be appreciated if people stopped doing that.

If people stopped doing that the posting count would drop considerably I think. Manipulating the Trending section is a staggeringly popular thing to do here. So much so that I have taken to parodying it from time to time.


> I should point out that it is against MovieChat's rules to post on a discussion board for the sole purpose of making it appear in the "Trending" section. So it would be appreciated if people stopped doing that.

I agree with that ... there are a lot of rules that MC seems unable or unwilling to enforce. All social media seem to face this issue in some way. There are troll terrorists out there who just want to screw things up for everyone else and dump ugliness in their faces.

I don't know what the solution is, but I hope something can be done. The article I pointed to was hopeful and positive ,but that doesn't seem to be the reality. I remember well the old IMDB boards.

My ignore list is full of trolls and poster who have nothing to say but nasty remarks, and still there are always more. Of the 18 replies here I am only seeing about 5, so 13 of them are from people that I, at least, have deemed toxic and unworthy of interacting with. I see moderator5 and quasimodo posts ... and of course my own. That says something ... maybe that MovieChat's users are getting to be as bad as IMDB's were.




He even has me on Ignore.


It's an easy club to get inducted into but pretty good company


I don’t often say this, but I honestly believe he’s not quite right.


> I honestly believe he’s not quite right.

Watch out -- THAT'S HATE SPEECH! (lol)

BTW, how do you see someone else's ignore list?


In our one and only exchange he accused me of being a Jihadi sympathiser and that he was putting me on his infamous Ignore list (about 80% of the posters on MC are on it).

Although I cannot guarantee that I’m on it (as I can’t view it), the evidence suggests that I am. Firstly, he has never interacted with me since; secondly there have been occasions when I’ve replied to one of his threads and he’s stated that someone on his Ignore list has responded (whilst he cannot read my post and doesn’t know that it’s me, he does know that it exists because there’s a blank space where text should appear).

Hope this helps.


OK, thanks. That makes more sense; it would be weird if someone's ignore list was publicly viewable.

I might be on his list too. I responded directly to his OP here, he's made at least one post since then so I know he would have seen the notification that he had a reply, if he wasn't ignoring me.

I personally think ignore lists are for wusses. I've been on the Internet since 1990 (the old UUCP days) and I've never used them. I've gotten pretty good at skimming some people's writings merely to check for libelous content, then promptly forgetting them. But I guess some people can't handle reading things they don't like.


I don’t have anybody on Ignore. There may be some posters that I have no interaction with, but you never know when someone that you may not necessarily get on with might say something funny or interesting.

Plus, if you put someone on Ignore you might miss out on some of the things other posters might add.


I personally think ignore lists are for wusses. I've been on the Internet since 1990 (the old UUCP days) and I've never used them. I've gotten pretty good at skimming some people's writings merely to check for libelous content, then promptly forgetting them. But I guess some people can't handle reading things they don't like.



Wah wah!! Someone typed something at me I didn't like. Oh the PTSD of it all!! I don't have a safe space but I have an ignore list.. Lol.


I'm curious if you guys are doing any kind of data mining on users and the nature of their comments? You might find out some pretty surprising things like perhaps many of them coming from proxy servers who may be the same person, or from the same troll farm, or most of the comments are for the same people. Who knows?


Hello brux, I hope all is well and safe...


13 hours, no response...

'One of us
One of us

We accept you
We except you

Gooba gobba
Gooba gobba'

-Freaks (32)😬


Perhaps I’m one of those on ignore, and I never directly attacked the OP...or they just don’t want to answer, which is prob, we got Quasimodo handling it, and Q’s doing a good job of it....


A little paranoid, perhaps?


Sorry for the delayed response. We maintain a spreadsheet to track warnings and bans, and we record the ip address(es) of member accounts that are added to that document. I suppose that could be considered a form of primitive "data mining", and it does sometimes expose the situations you mentioned.


Well, let me know if you need some help ... but I don't work cheap or for free. This is a tempest in a teapot, but these trolls are going to take this country down if we don't figure a way to stop them, and the prevent them from co-opting stupid people to join with them because they think it is funny or cool or doesn't matter.

Check this out:

This is a documentary about how Duterte in the Philippines and how they manipulate their media and people, and then import the technology to America and use it on us. You should seriously consider being in the right side of this issue.

Youtube trailer:


I'm completely wrapped in tin foil so I'll be safe
You should try it👍


Moderator5 ... the reason i think you guys are doing nothing is that I have flagged a post under the Hitler page several times that says ...

> He would be a modern-day Democrat.

That is political and it is hate speech and it has been up for months?

Any comments on why that is allowed to stay up? I am really offended by that, and all posts like that ... of which there are lots and I never see anything done despite the fact they violate your terms of service. If I so much as make a joke about Trump in the wrong place my comment will get deleted.

That is a problem ... how is that right, or fair?


It is not hate speech. It is someone's opinion, just like if someone on the left called Trump a modern-day nazi. We would not remove that either.

We try not to censor people's opinions. That would be like nazism itself.

It is more preferable to ignore the opinions of others that you do not like or agree with than censoring them.


Hitler would be a Democrat ... that is an opinion. That's just plain nuts ... or whatever MovieChat policy that directed you to say that.

It is also trolling which is supposed to be against your policies.


That's your opinion, which is welcome here.


Then why not just change the name of this site of HitlerChat .. or more accurately BSChat, because when you do a random sampling of comments here it's actually hard to find a real comment about movies, and that's merely the reality that I am pointing out pretty clearly whether you or anyone else want to acknowledge it or not. It sucks for people who really do want to discuss serious or even light-hearted real things about movies ... you know ... remember us, your implied customers by the name MovieChat?

I don't like e-commerce sites who do the click-bait or provoking people to post thing. This site costs nothing to run except disk space and fees. One would think the owner should be making enough money - especially since he doesn't seem to pay the moderators - actually fulfill the mission of creating and maintaining a site about movies instead of a spam-fest.

But thanks for allowing me to vent my opinion.


Perhaps' if members spent a little less time whining about the posts of others they didn't agree with and posted instead about Movies, TV etc, there would be far less of those types of posts?

Also, the 'general' forum covers any topic (though we do ask that people use the politics forum for political discussion).

You are welcome, also. We encourage other opinions to our own. We would be The Borg if we all thought the same way and would never ever be challenged with the things we believe and why we believe them, were it not for the thoughts of others.


> Perhaps' if members spent a little less time whining about the posts of others they didn't agree with and posted instead about Movies, TV etc, there would be far less of those types of posts?

I can see you'd be grouchy if you are doing this for free, but man, that is really low BS you're slinging. Whatever I do as 1 person has nothing to do with the deterioration of the conversation on this site. Does it?

> We would be The Borg if we all thought the same way

And just in case you failed to realize it, you completely made that BS up, that is not what I am saying or suggesting. Borg indeed, sounds like you have your own Borg Moderator school over there.

My suggestion can just make your website better, so I don;t know why you or anyone else would be so hostile to it. I used to be a customer service manager for a global tech support company - I just care about the customer experience - which I guess you guys seem to believe in enhanced by having Hitler's picture so often on your front page.


What you are really saying is YOU do not like something or do not agree with it being here and therefore everybody else must do what YOU want. This seems to be the prevalent whine of the young nowadays who do not get the concept of free speech nor the fact that banning something THEY find offensive does not make it go away.

You do not seem to grasp the concept of free speech, nor the fact that if you cover up the history which isn't to your liking, you become condemned to repeat it. Hitler's fascists cracked down on free speech to the point that people became scared to say what they thought if it was not in line with 'the party line' for fear of their lives. We seem to be heading in that same direction because those screaming for censorship of this and that do not understand history.

Jim laid out specific instructions for our role as moderators and that was to interfere as little as possible so as to encourage free speech. That is what we do. We differentiate between someone's opinion and someone's actual real hate of a thing or towards another person.

Caring about the 'customer experience' does not include acquiescing to the personal whims of one person above the majority of every other customer, but of taking in all peoples' views.

''Us guys'' (I am not a guy btw) believe in freedom of speech wherever it can be applied. If people want to talk about Hitler here, it is not our job to censor that conversation because one person is offended by it, so long as it follows the rules of the site. Talking about Hitler (an historical figure) is not hate speech.

I do this for free because of my love of discussion of movies and tv. It does not make me grouchy. It makes me sad for the future of mankind actually, the way some people today find offence in every single thing they can when there are actual real problems in the world which could be given that time instead.


> What you are really saying is YOU do not like something or do not agree with it being here and therefore everybody else must do what YOU want.

Your whole post is full of lies, is a load of cow puckey.

I made two small communications to MovieChat in the spirit of improving the place. Rather than read and comprehend my comments you chose to read the trolls characterizations of them and twist them unrecognizably.

1. Apply your own rules to the post that equated Democrats to Hitler, and MC stood up for Nazis as being hate speech.

2. I let you guys know how I personally felt about coming to this site and almost every time I clicked on it Hitler was on the front page, and left it up to you how you want to be seen and who you want as participants.

I did not demand anything, and your bold-faced-lies about what I am saying proves you are not really fit to be a moderator or in any kind of customer service role - so, it's no wonder no one will pay you anything for your work. I'd say you are overpaid as it is.

It also says there is no moderation going on here, just bullying customers that makes you feel like a big shot ... no wonder you love Hitler so much.


It sounds like this site isn't really for you because everything and everyone seems to offends you and you have no concept of the fact that your opinion seems to be the minority compared to the amount of other members that do not complain about this or that because they appreciate free speech more than censorship, whether they agree with the other person's opinion or not.

Insulting us is just childish and immature. We volunteered to do the job. It is a mostly thankless job, done for free, so that you may enjoy the benefits of a site created to take over from the shut down IMDB message board with the rules laid down by Jim, who also did this for free and is largely thanklessly from it's membership.

If you do not like how it is moderated, make your own site with your own rules and your own moderators.

The only bully here is you.


More distortions and lies.

> Everyone here doesn't offend me. LIE

> the fact that your opinion seems to be the minority LIE, that is not a fact, it is your supposition based on the loudest and most obnoxious trolls. And few will speak up because they have to face bullying from you that I am immune to.

> they appreciate free speech more than censorship LIE, implying that I called for censorship is just you again reading what you want to so you can concoct another lie. I would be fine with whatever solution you could figure out that would not make MC like a like Nazi Bund Meeting. Bet you don't you don't know what that is do ya?

> Insulting us is just childish and immature. LIE

And keeping Hitler at the top of the website is adult and mature?

I Jim was going to go through all the trouble to do that one would think he would like to maintain an mature adult site that is welcoming and pleasant for all.

> The only bully here is you. LIE

As I said I made two suggestions that trolls have exploded about, and you have joined them with.

You can do what you want. I don't demand anything, so why not just say the truth instead of slandering me with all these lies because I'd like the site to be better?


You need to calm down.


I'd like the site to be better

Ban this ding-a-ling.. The site will be better.


Looks like you’ve got a real fan here - who’d be a Mod, eh?


Those for whom immature insults are water off a duck's back. We have thick skins.


I was very friendly with Mod3 and I would hear about the daily struggle.

Someone once suggested that I should become a Mod, but there’s no way I’d want to subject myself to the tsunami of crap that I’d have to deal with

I wish you the best of British luck!



A lot of people think it's easy to mod a thread but it isn't really when you consider the things you have to put up with and having to make decisions which are fair even if you do not agree with the person yourself.

The worst part of modding is is the amount of reports we get that are either accidental presses of the report button (because they are not offensive posts in any way) or, as in this case, someone who does not like someone else's opinion.


It’s the equivalent of being a referee. Why would anyone want to do it?


More like a kindergarten teacher for some, whose parent's never said 'no' to them ever.


> The only bully here is you.

And brux is the only person who doesn't understand that.

> If you do not like how it is moderated, make your own site with your own rules and your own moderators.

I shudder to think what such a site would be like. But we need not worry. People of brux's ilk don't want to create. They instead wait until others have created good and useful things, then try to take them over.

> [Moderating] is a mostly thankless job, done for free, so that you may enjoy the benefits of a site created to take over from the shut down IMDB message board

Thank you, from this member!


You are welcome.


"This seems to be the prevalent whine of the young nowadays who do not get the concept of free speech nor the fact that banning something THEY find offensive does not make it go away."

You just exposed yourself as a alt-right anti millennial chud.


I prefer to think of myself as a free thinker who, has their own opinion about many ideas and people, based on the research that I do for myself.

I'd actually love to know what an 'alt-right' person is as I see it being thrown as an accusation against many by the people I have described so far who are against those who do not fall into line with their own point of view.

When I was growing up, a 'right-wing' person was one who stood for violence, fascism and censorship, you know, like those on the left are actually wanting right now in wanting the destruction of anyone and anything that doesn't agree with them by any means necessary.

Please tell me, what does an 'alt-right' person stand for?

I stand for freedom and equality for all colours, creeds and races. Always have and always will and will always fight for all their rights to have and speak their own opinions within the law.

It's people's bad actions I have a problem with but I also understand that many, but not all social problems stem from bad upbringings like physical, sexual and mental abuse, poverty, alcoholism, bullying etc. which are areas where we need to be concentrating so as not to cause further problems down the line.

Is that 'alt-right'?


No. Alt-right is a term used to mainstream or normalize right-wing extremism, white supremacy or white nationalism. The term was created by Richard Spencer. The "Heil Trump" and Nazi salutes should clearly signal who they are in this video. Instead of wearing robes and hoods, they wear business suits.

Alt-right is not to be confused with right-wing which is basically conservative. Left-wing is basically liberal. My only issue is that people tend to believe each group is homogeneous instead of acknowledging a wide-spectrum of beliefs.

Americans are in major need of critical-thinking skills.


I was being rhetorical.


"you know, like those on the left are actually wanting right now in wanting the destruction of anyone and anything that doesn't agree with them by any means necessary."

Bullshit, You obviously been watching too much Fox News.

What you're talking about sounds like the myth of "Cancel Culture" which really is just something that was made up by right-wing white supremacists who don't like being told they are wrong online and being held accountable for their shitty views.

I guess your post explains why trolls, denialists and/or nazis are not getting banned. You're either a alt-right sympathizer or a centrist concern troll.


Oh MysteryMan1997 you wouldn't be one of Brux's sock puppets would you by any chance ?


I’m still trying to work out what a ‘centrist concern troll’ is, lol.


You just exposed yourself as one with nothing substantive to say.


Well said. Either debate away via educating and trying to change ones view on things or just add them to the ignore or just ignore such topics/threads in general. I've never in my life put anyone on ignore even if I disagreed with them, defeats the purpose of discussion or learning anything. I also think racial slurs be allowed as long as it's within context and not used in a racial way towards someone (explaining it or why certain folks use it so much among a certain demographic).


You are a freaking hypocrite. You've accused conservatives of being inhuman and you think that calling Hitler a Democrat is hate speech??? I just don't understand why you're still around...


Oh, and Moderator5 ... the reason i think you guys are doing nothing is that I have flagged a post under the Hitler page several times that says ...

> He would be a modern-day Democrat.

That is political and it is hate speech and it has been up for months?

Any comments on why that is allowed to stay up? I am really offended by that, and all posts like that ... of which there are lots and I never see anything done despite the fact they violate your terms of service. If I so much as make a joke about Trump in the wrong place my comment will get deleted.

That is a problem ... how is that right, or fair?


Oh Brux, the reason I think that the Moderators are doing nothing about your complaint is because ( as much as you try to pompously big it up ) it's essentially frivolous.


You are free to think what you want. If this was a business of mine I would not want it to have Hitler constantly on the front page. I disagree with you on that as well because the moderators have to follow the policies they have been told, and this is essentially the way MC works, so I don't think there is much that can be done without an executive decision.

And F you, I am not pompously trying to big anything up. It's offensive, and it is clear the people doing are breaking the terms of service and making fools out of MC. Maybe you respect that but I don't like trolls.


... but I don't like trolls.

Says the troll.


Yeah, you're acting like a troll. Either that or you're just a very opinionated person who thinks everyone needs to think his way or they are just wrong. It's clear from the number of people you have on ignore that you have issues.

Here you are trying to dictate what executive positions should be for a site with thousands of users, because you pretend to be offended by a comment. If they yanked every comment that could possibly offend a user this site would be dead.


"If this was a business of mine I would not want it to have Hitler constantly on the front page".

But it isn't a business of yours.


1. 90% of the political posts would be gone.

2. It never fails that a racist idiot will complain about diversity in a new TV series. I end up watching and enjoying the new series which I only learn about because of the bigot. Lemonade from lemons!

3. Maybe it's paranoia, but I still believe some of the worst trolls are foreigners trying to create division.

4. I just read posts which are actively debating on the Hitler board so I don't believe anyone is purposely manipulating its trending. People are intelligently responding why the "modern-day democrat" comment is wrong.


number too too troo!
I've become a bit of a troll to the diversity racists. They have turned me into a , in their terms , "White Knight" or "Social Justice Warrior"
lofty titles indeed
I'm a warrior for justice and a knight of the realm!
finally im a somebody!
fighting the good fight!


When I finally googled "social justice warrior", I found out it just means supporting civil rights and not hating people based on race, ethnicity, etc. What is wrong with that?


Where are all these "racist idiots" complaining about racial diversity that you speak of? The only thing I've seen is someone pointing out ("complaining", to you) that the race of a character(s) is historically wrong and that's not racism. People point out historical inaccuracies in movies/shows here all the time. Don't you get it? People you disagree with aren't automatically racists.


1. Racists know zip about history. The racists never have a problem with inaccuracies when they benefit whites. No racist has complained about all-white westerns even though 1/3 of the cowboys were African-American or Mexican-American.

Your hypocrisy is showing!

2. Racists complain about fictitious characters not being white in cartoons, science-fictions, and other fantasy shows.

3. Racists don't usually know they are racists. Even KKK leader Duke doesn't consider himself to be a racist.


Okay so no examples of your claim. Typical.

How is my "hypocrisy showing"? I gave no examples and I didn't say anything about what races were being mentioned as historically inaccurate. You, as a fringe kook leftist AND racist automatically assume I was referring to non-whites being singled out as historically inaccurate.

Do you know that you're a racist? According to you, you don't. People of your ilk actually say that ALL white people are racists so that means you are too.


Don't try playing semantics with me in order to deflect.

Racists deny there is racism and always want "proof" they never believe. Very typical. I'm sure you deny the Holocaust, too.

"... ALL white people are racists"
Unless you're confused, I'm singling YOU out as a racist. And a close-minded ideologue.


I'm singling YOU out as a racist. And a close-minded ideologue.

And what, precisely did I say to lead you to such a ridiculous and baseless conclusion?


And then they play dumb.


Your tactics are so transparent, weak and tired!! You just throw out your baseless, empty slurs because you have nothing truthful to say. Put up or shut up. You made an accusation, now back it up, you fraud.


Personally, I think discussion boards for historical and political figures don't belong here just because their footage appeared in a documentary or for some other minor connection to film, which was obviously the criteria used by imdb.

If you don’t think historical and political figures belong here, why did Mods choose to boost the politics forum to such a prominent position?

Personally I love talking about historical figures in movies, the Napoleon Bonaparte board would be the perfect place to ask about recommended films featuring him for example.


The Mods didn't "boost" it, they isolated it so that the stench wouldn't permeate the civil boards.

People like OP are a direct result of what ex-KGB Yuri Bezmenov warned us about so many decades ago.


Yeah, thing is that it promotes politics board too much in my opinion, I'd love for the Music General forum or the Video Games Forum to get the same spotlight maybe once a month for a week, just to get people posting in those forums too.

Seen that video before, scary stuff!


Discussing Adolph Hitler's real AND imaginary life is NOT hate speech.




We now live in an era where some people will support their leader no matter what he does or says.




