What are you watching right now?
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
shareEurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020)
shareIt looks like Ford v Ferrari is on in the background...time to find something else...
shareCome to the dark side. I'm starting Deathly Hollows Part 2 in 10 minutes.
shareBaywatch. The series, not the movie.
shareBecause of all the Solu-Medrol I've had this week I can't really see my tv so I decided to watch something I've seen. V/H/S is on Tubi. I haven't seen it in years. It's still pretty decent.
sharer.l stines the haunting hour ...Flight..pretty good.
shareI had to google it. Sorry you have to go through that.
The Solu-medrol was just pumped through me so my body could handle the poison (actually so far its been an effective treatment) that they pumped through afterwards. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this treatment takes and I can be med free for the foreseeable future. Right now I just feel like I've been hit by a truck and even showering makes me tired.
i rewatched that myself a month or so back and thought it held up really well.
shareAn old episode of Siskel and Ebert on YouTube
shareThe Assistant