MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is Transgenderism a Social Construct?

Is Transgenderism a Social Construct?

If gender is a social construct, and transgenderism is the transition between genders, doesn't that make transgenderism a construct of a social construct?

And why do many transgenders transition in the most superficial stereotypical way possible with high heels and make up? There are plenty of real women who don't dabble in either of those and they're more woman than they'll ever be.


Yes, it does. Expecting people to behave a certain way because of their sex is a social construct, and wanting to change your body to meet social constructs is some sort of... meta-construct? I don't even think there's a word.


You've been peeking behind the veil again haven't you !


Here, I'll save you some time by giving you the most popular responses to this thread which has been posted numerous times with only the slightest variations:

1. They are all sick
2. It's a mental illness
3. Should people accept me as a dolphin if I want to call myself a dolphin?
4. They are trying to infiltrate our schools and poison or children's minds
5. Did I mention it's a mental illness?
6. The world's gone crazy
7. This is an insult to real women everywhere
8. libtard woke alphabet people insanity
9. They don't even look like real women
10. I will write about these disgusting aberrations at great length and not once give even a hint of how this actually affects my own life

Failing that, you can check back in on the original thread you made about this to see if you've drummed up more fake outrage there:


Unfortunately not everyone lives on this board like yourself to tally the number of posts on a specific topic. But keep getting your panties in a twist you miserable old fart.


I don't need to tally. They are as common as muck and everyone knows it.

You are mistaken if you think your post upsets me. It's predictable and the responses will follow a pattern, that's all I'm saying. Same old, same old.


You missed, 'It's political correctness gone mad'. Similar to No.6 I admit.


If you felt that more needed to be added, why didn't you merely bump your original post?


The other post was on another board and specifically about Lilly Wachoswki. This is more general hence being on the General Discussion board. And plus, I do what I feel like.


Apologies, I did not realise.


It’s funny that you make this post mocking people, but the list you typed is almost exactly true and raises very good points, except for number 4, which is ridiculous, and number 10 of course. 🤣

You can think these people have a mental illness and not randomly hate them...ever think of that?

Why is the suicide rate so high for this group of people? It’s always mentioned...yes, it is a mental illness, and no, it doesn’t effect my day at all, and people can do whatever they want, and I have no issue, but I have every right to think transgender people have a mental illness, and once again, it doesn’t involve any hatred or wishing ill will on anyone. We live in a black and white world, and I’m stuck in the gray area.

I genuinely feel bad for people who go through this, but I’m not going to follow them into fairytale land.


I wish them well also, but it does affect you when they are given positions of high authority like the guy who runs the Pennsylvania Health Department. Sorry, I have no interest in being ruled by someone who is suffering from ongoing, profound psychotic delusions.




If you were a clock, your springs would be flying right now. Helter Skelter


Damn, that was very thorough and about what I expected!
Well done tim👍

But for your information and everyone else's I no longer identify as a dolphin, I now feel like a manatee and you need to just accept this


It’s a topsy turvy world.



That's exactly how a manatee sounds I would imagine


I think you got it right!


That's just dolphinist really.


Now I just feel ashamed of myself...Fine, I'll go back to identifying as a dolphin, I sounded nothing like a manatee anyway


3 is from a South Park episode. It was hilarious. 9 is just a lie. I’ve seen some lady boys that are very convincing. I never drink around them. Lol


Remember, in Thailand the best looking girl in the bar is probably a guy.


This is very true.


well said , Tim


All of those points are legitimate (except 4, but you know very well that you pulled that one out of your azz, because it isn't a common response AT ALL).

Point 10 simply isn't correct. Public toilets and the use of pronouns do affect other people's lives and critics point this out.

Also, your post flames other posters according to the standards of certain MC mods, so it should be deleted.


It appears I have offended you so my apologies. It is interesting to me that when it’s women who are in the firing line of some fairly intolerant attitudes it’s fine to point it out and defend them but we can’t extend the courtesy to LGBTQ people, especially not those trans freaks. If you can point me in the direction of a single post that raises the issue in anything other than a disparaging way I’d be keen to see it. I know if I was a movie lover who was also trans I would not feel welcome on this forum, which I don’t think is a fair way to treat another human being.

If it needs clarification my op was a comment on how regularly we see certain responses, not whether they are legitimate attitudes to have. Also, although I do pull some amazing things from my azz when the occasion calls for it, you just have a look at the thread about supporting the firing of trans teachers in politics for point 4 in all it’s glory.

If the Mods do take up your suggestion and delete my comment I’d say they need to put aside some extra time for the next MovieBuff thread on women because a good chunk of the responses will be people flaming the lad, in a lot more direct and personal way than I have done with my piss take.


No clue why you believe you've offended me. I just think your comment was totally unwarranted, especially since you seemed to take offense at OP's post. Your post defeated its own purpose.

The politics board should be completely ignored, people only go there to offend each other. Personally I'm not a fan of all these threads on GD about sexism, racism, transgenderism etc. But if it comes up and I express the view that I don't consider transgender women as actual women, I don't see why any transgender person should feel unwelcome. And while I think this thread does not belong on GD, I don't think it's offensive at all.

MovieBuff constantly posts sexist threads on women, that's why people are annoyed with him. I believe that anyone can spew all the hatred they want, but the MC mods disagree, so they should not use different standards.


jesus christ dude, are you scared that you might be trans gendered?


No need to stick the knife in Forky !


oops! my bad


what would that particular term mean in the context of validating or invalidating an individual's gender identification?

humans are intrinsically social. and sex is intrinsically social.
we know now that gender, gender identification, and sexual preference
are all complexly mediated characteristics - many & varied genetic, developmental aspects,
but however arrived at, ultimately a stable identification (for most).

to be honest, i'm an old fart and somewhat squeamish about trans-gendered people
but i have to acknowledge their aims are true - must be, because its not an easy path.


befire ther was an "option" to be a "woman trapped in a mans body", nobody felt that way, i suspect
