Life is not that pleasant.
compared to what? i can safely say you have a better life than almost anyone who lived a 150 or 200 years ago. you live in a better home, you have a diet that's more varied & interesting almost certainly, you don't have to worry about clean drinking water or getting enough calories or famine or violence or disease.
people from the past would weep with gratitude if they could have a tenth of what you have.
i am not completely unsympathetic to you. i have a lot of behavioral problems that have made my life not great at times, and i wish it wasn't like that. and sometimes i get angry at the futility of life.
but even with that, i recognize that all of us are among the luckiest people ever to live.
i don't particularly like the concept of privilege that seems to have permeated every aspect of our thinking these days, but if there is a form of privilege that i will agree to, it is the temporal privilege we all have in living in a time when we can live our lives with access to all kinds of technology, even the poorest among us, and don't have to worry much about starving or dying.
you have a very, very good life by almost any standard. appreciate that a bit more, would be my advice to you.