MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How are people so positive about life?

How are people so positive about life?

It is a constant hassle, everything is a pain in the ass, people are fucking awful. The enjoyment is few and far between, and the rest of the time it is a headache and a struggle. And I have it pretty good, I can only imagine what some people go through.

I see people all the time who are so upbeat and have a positive outlook, I just don’t get it. Life is not that pleasant.


If you have it good and you’re still bitching maybe you’re just a bitch?


I have it relatively good. Life is still a bitch.


At the risk of sounding like my Aged father and uncles grab it by the horns and tell LIFE 'what's what!'

We only go around once buddy, grab the world by the balls and make it your donkey!

I'm using lots of farm references now, forgive me!


Farm references!! Totes ma goats!

Remember that the seeds you plant now, you'll be harvesting later.


Indeed...we must hang on to hope!


Cmon man I’ve seen all your post from day 1. You’re only posting crap like this again because there’s new blood and guppies in the pond.


maybe he's just still unhappy and looking for some advice


Lol good luck with that.


I find that a nice cup of tea helps.




And if you really want to step it up a notch a nice cup of tea with a ginger nut biscuit to dunk in it. Warning proper ginger nut biscuits are too hard to eat without dunking first.


After doing many hours of research my ‘dunk’ of preference is the custard cream / cup of tea combo.

Nevertheless, I’m not in the habit of declining any biscuit offered ☕️🍪


I am.
Ginger nut because , as noted , cannot be eaten without soaking
rich tea / digestive - too nothingy. I dont dont like them there just ... pointless


Rich Tea and Digestives are too high on the risk scale - one false dunk and your tea turns to mush! You have to have a lot of dunking hours under your belt before you can tackle one of those.


You said it !


When I was at Uni I worked part time in a supermarket. When we were on our tea break we would play The Dunking Olympics. You where awarded points for style, technique and difficulty, based on the type of biscuit (oh to be young again, lol).


You should move to England. You'd fit right in.


I'm not young, and recently I've come to realize that life is a pain in the ass and I'm not sure what to do about it.
But when I was younger, I didn't feel this way. There was always something better coming up, maybe some more interesting friends, maybe a pretty girl, a job that appreciated my sincere hard work.
In the end, sure, maybe I sucked and life was crap, but I tried to make the best out of it while I was still young.
You gotta try and have a forward thinking attitude.
What do YOU have to offer the world?
I'm "this close" to being crushed by life, but I'm a lot older than you, and I try to think I had a pretty decent run at it (although it's very debatable). Try smiling at people, at least if you don't have to wear a mask all the time.


See a psychologist, get some help.


If I wake up in the morning, have full use of my bodily functions and am not suffering from some God awful disease, then it's a good day.


Me too.


Life is not that pleasant.

compared to what? i can safely say you have a better life than almost anyone who lived a 150 or 200 years ago. you live in a better home, you have a diet that's more varied & interesting almost certainly, you don't have to worry about clean drinking water or getting enough calories or famine or violence or disease.

people from the past would weep with gratitude if they could have a tenth of what you have.

i am not completely unsympathetic to you. i have a lot of behavioral problems that have made my life not great at times, and i wish it wasn't like that. and sometimes i get angry at the futility of life.

but even with that, i recognize that all of us are among the luckiest people ever to live.

i don't particularly like the concept of privilege that seems to have permeated every aspect of our thinking these days, but if there is a form of privilege that i will agree to, it is the temporal privilege we all have in living in a time when we can live our lives with access to all kinds of technology, even the poorest among us, and don't have to worry much about starving or dying.

you have a very, very good life by almost any standard. appreciate that a bit more, would be my advice to you.


Life is great - I only worry about things I can change. I don't agree with you about people - in general I believe they are good.

Right now some things are more difficult to do or downright impossible, but I'm enjoying summer and I can spend time with my family outdoors.

If someone is unhappy, they need to figure out why - I'm a firm believer in personal accountability for happiness or success in life.


You think people are mostly good? How do you define “good?” Like, you think most people aren’t evil? Obviously not. I’m not talking extremes here. I think most people would like to live their lives peacefully and are mostly unconcerned with the business of others. That to me does not make a good person, however. I think those “good” people will quickly transition into what I would consider immoral to downright horrendous behavior when even the smallest fragment of their little universe becomes altered. I think people will tear each other apart when they are faced with the slightest adversity, as evidenced by the events unfolding before us. And even within their little utopic bubbles people regularly slit their loved ones throats over simple disagreements and to achieve minor pleasantries and material objects. So no, I don’t think people are “good”, I think they are animals living in an unnatural environment.


Well, if you're talking about an apocalypse, then yes, I tend to agree with you that survival instincts would kick in and anything goes, but in everyday life I believe most people want to be good/kind/thoughtful to to others and not cause any harm.

Not sure what you mean by an unnatural environment???????


I don’t mean in an apocalypse, doesn’t take much at all for people to act selfishly and step on others. Like I said as long as they are content and their bubble is undisturbed they will mostly keep to themselves. But if one little thing in their world is tinkered with watch how quickly they turn savage and heartless. And like I said, even within their idyllic bubbles they will stab their own family in the back. Not sure what fantasy world you are living in.

And please tell me one thing natural about modern society/civilization?? Modern humans and their recent ancestors have spent the last 150k/3.5 million years living as hunter gatherers. Only in the last 10,000 years has any of this changed, and really only in the last couple hundred years has it been like it is now.


Bottom line - sounds like I'm happy/satisfied with my life and you aren't. I'm a realist, but not cynical.


I absolutely Love Life!
