MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How would you describe 90s movies?

How would you describe 90s movies?

I'd watch a movie from any time period, but I grew up with 80s, 90s and early 00s movies. And I think there are certain feelings about 90s movies that were unique to them. But it's hard to pin point at what exactly the differences were.

They are simpler, because it was a simpler time. But the 90s were also the dawn of CGI and various new exciting filming techniques.

So how would you describe 90s movies? What makes them different or what were typical of 90s movies?


I think like any of the other decades, the 90's can't really be described all the same. The feel and vibe of a movie from 1991 is quite different then 1999.

I felt from around 90-late 92 the movies still had the late 80's feel. But by the mid 90's, being serious and edgy and witty was the thing. In 1995, the 80's seemed so silly and goofy.

But the late 90's didn't feel much different then the early 00's. I consider the mid 90's the start of the big budget thriller/sci fi/disaster movie era.

ID4 came out in 96 and after that a bunch of blockbuster disaster stuff came out.

But I am also sure anyone could find a bunch of movies from these time tables I laid out that totally contradict what I wrote, but this is generally how I see it.

I always break down movie decades different, and for the 90's I'd say:

90-91 was pretty much 80's hangover.

92, 93, and some 94 all feel like pivotal years. None can be bunched in with another. Same kinda goes for 95 as well, but you could argue 95-96 are similar. But in my view 96-98 is the era of the big blockbuster film.
99 really felt unique as well though. I think mainstream comedy films got much more raunchy in the 00's with films like Old School and Wedding Crashers as huge examples, and obviously American Pie was probably the film that reincarnated this type of Porkies feel.

So yeah, I'd say the 90's can't be summed up with just one thing, except maybe, evolving?




ah , the halcyon days of no f*king superheroes (or only small doses)
I wonder if we'll ever see those happy days again.


Cheesy, sentimental and generally optimistic. I guess the main thing about 90s movies is that they were playful. You could tell a lot of people were having fun making movies, however the end result turned out.


Virtuosity 1995 is the epitome of them 90's


It was a great time for aspiring filmmakers to make their first feature film.


Very compelling, didn’t seem like they were trying really hard to make something great. So many good ones like Sling Blade, A Simple Plan, One False Move, A Perfect World, Kalifornia, Thelma and Louise, Silence of the Lambs, JFK, LA Confidential, The Fugitive, Carlitos Way, State of Grace, Seven, Fight Club, Speed, Face/Off, The Rock, Con Air, Under Siege, Point Break, Bravehart.
