MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > favorite uses of the F-bomb on film?

favorite uses of the F-bomb on film?

Which F-bombs did you find to be the most impactful on film? Whether it be funny, dramatic, unexpected, shocking, or all of the above.

Here's mine:

"There's enough shit in here to fuck Cohaagan good." - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall

"Larry, we've been welcomed by you, thank you so much, now will you please just drink your fucking milk and shut the fuck up?" - Kathy Bates, About Schmidt

"Shut the fuck up, fat man! This ain't none of your goddamn business!" - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction

"Fuck me, he cleared it!" - Christian Slater, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

"You are too old, fat man. Your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch." - Brad Pitt, Fight Club

What are yours?



From "Tremors" (1990)

When they manage to kill the first graboid and Val (Kevin Bacon) goes: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Youuuuuuuu!!!!"


"Enough is enough! I have had it with these mother-fucking snakes on this mother-fucking plane!" - Samuel L. Jackson - Snakes on a Plane.


"Get the fuck outta my face." - Bruce Campbell, Army of Darkness. The only F-bomb in the trilogy.

"Fuck! Did you tell me to go fuck myself?"
"Um... yeah, I did"
"That wasn't good. You're dead."
-Philip Seymour Hoffman and Adam Sandler, Punch Drunk Love

"I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker. Everytime my fingers touch brain, I'm Supafly TNT. I'm Guns of the Navarone". - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction


Personal favourite:

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw" - Heather Chandler (Kim Walker) - Heathers

Most shocking goes to:

"I haven't been fucked like that since grade school" - Marla Singer (Helena Bonham-Carter) - Fight Club.

I definitely like the backstory of that line more than the line itself.

"The original "pillow talk" scene had Marla saying "I want to have your abortion". However this was objected to by Fox 2000 Pictures President of Production Laura Ziskin. David Fincher said he would change it on the proviso that the new line couldn't be cut. Ziskin agreed and Fincher wrote the replacement line, "I haven't been fucked like that since grade school". This caused Ziskin to be even more outraged at the new line, and asked for the original line to be put back, with Fincher refusing as per their deal."

Apparently Bonham-Carter thought grade school meant high school and when she found out the true meaning she was "disgusted". Yeah, you and the rest of the world Helena.


Hahaha, great backstory...Bonham-Carter was great in that role.


Agreed, I think it's my favourite role of hers, or maybe just behind Ophelia in Hamlet.

I remember it being pretty shocking to see her in a role like that, considering she had been the queen of so many period costume dramas beforehand.


"Wanna fuck?" Bridget Fonda to De Niro in Jackie Brown, suddenly inserted into an otherwise very mundane conversation.


My favourite and one I use a lot.


“I don't know what happened to you...but if you ever, EVER tank another play like you did today, I'm gonna cut your nuts off, and stuff ‘em down your fuckin’ throat!” - Tom Berenger, Major League
