MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > favorite uses of the F-bomb on film?

favorite uses of the F-bomb on film?

Which F-bombs did you find to be the most impactful on film? Whether it be funny, dramatic, unexpected, shocking, or all of the above.

Here's mine:

"There's enough shit in here to fuck Cohaagan good." - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Total Recall

"Larry, we've been welcomed by you, thank you so much, now will you please just drink your fucking milk and shut the fuck up?" - Kathy Bates, About Schmidt

"Shut the fuck up, fat man! This ain't none of your goddamn business!" - Samuel L. Jackson, Pulp Fiction

"Fuck me, he cleared it!" - Christian Slater, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

"You are too old, fat man. Your tits are too big. Get the fuck off my porch." - Brad Pitt, Fight Club

What are yours?



Actually, this is probably the very best....


- "I am complete!"
- "Fuuuuck!"

(Tenacious D)

"Fuuuuuck!" - Paul Dano in Little Miss Sunshine (first line of his in the movie)


Little girl does ice bucket challenge. Warning contains strong language in a Birmingham accent


I love how Clarence says it in RoboCop.

He's such a cool bad guy because he's skinny, middle aged, bald, wears glasses, but is still a complete bad ass.


"I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time, I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!" --Donald Moffat in THE THING (1982)
