MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it a xenophobic myth that most countr...

Is it a xenophobic myth that most countries outside of the US have a relatively poor quality of life?

It seems like most Americans have this belief that most countries outside of the US have an inferior quality of life. I personally have no idea, I’ve traveled a fair bit but I have only ever lived here.

How accurate is this stereotype? I think I can say for certain much of the developing world is pretty awful in terms of human rights, but how about the rest of the world compared to the US? Europe, the more developed parts of Asia and the Middle East, South America, Australia?


No, it is not.

Like any generalization, it's not universally true, but it IS true in many cases. Many countries in Asia and Africa have a low quality of life. These include Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, China, India, Nepal, Kenya and Tanzania. I have visited all of these.

I've traveled to 33 countries on five continents and seen this first hand.



Well said.


Thank you, HodWatt!



From the outside looking in it appears the American penal system is an absolute disgrace.

With the gangs and threats of violence it’s a lose lose situation. I’m not sure how many states have these gangs in their jails. 2 men to a tiny cell. No interest in curbing recidivism. But it’s business. It’s slave labour into the bargain in some cases.

There’s a HUGE drug problem.

There’s a HUGE problem with gangs and firearms.


TWO MEN TO A CELL! OH NO!! "Oh, the humanity!"

Get serious, moron! In prisons in other countries, they put dozens of men into one cell! You obviously just hate the USA. My guess is that you hate us, cause you ain't us. It's a case of pure jealousy. In many other countries these conditions exist OUTSIDE of prisons.

And if you've ever seen the conditions in prisons in other countries, you would know that they make U.S. prisons look like country clubs. Watch a few episodes of "Locked Up Abroad" and maybe your abysmal ignorance will be lessened!



“My guess is that you hate us, cause you ain't us. It's a case of pure jealousy. “

You may be on to something here. I think another great topic could be: Why are so many people outside the USA so obsessed with the USA.


Why the hell would anyone from a developed country be obsessed or jealous over the US?

American society is so damaged on so many levels it’s more akin to a laughing stock that something to envy.

A typical insular blindly patriotic pig-headed parochial outlook by another American idiot.


Is it common for Americans to discuss on message boards other nation’s prison systems, gangs, drug issues, etc as you are here? It’s well known that, right across the border, Mexico has problems of a much larger magnitude and those problems effect the USA. Still, you see more people complaining about the United States more so than Mexico on any given day by people such as yourself. Oh, I almost forgot. I’m sure it’s the United States fault that Mexico is in the state they are in.


Mojo... they complain here because they CAN.


That could be very true. I forgot most nations don’t have the freedoms we are accustom too.


The privileged rarely realize they are - until they aren't.
1-2 years minimum military service should be required for citizenship. Resulting in significantly fewer adult-sized children.


Having served no Military time myself I say this with respect, but maybe that's not such a bad idea, it could be of use for most of us to have medical and technical training and so on...

I met an Israeli girl at a party years ago who told me this was pretty much compulsory in her country

She learned some tech skills, gained a sense of discipline and learned to be organized

She also got to shoot Uzis which I think is pretty cool!


My father was a lifer. 27 years US Army, now a retired Chief Warrant Officer 4th Class.
Roughly a Colonel's rank.
Shogie, I didn't know the whole civilian world existed till I was maybe 5. I thought it was just some people who didn't live on base lol!
Seriously, tho, as a general rule, the military produces adults who have some understanding of reality. They cry less and do more.


Good on Daddyo!

Maybe compulsory military service would teach people useful life skills, I have a feeling it would

I'm no fan of war (except for in awesome movies like The Dirty Dozen of course) but a little more training and discipline could help younger people

BTW, I'm not talking tough here, I'd probably get drunk first chance, oversleep and wind up in The Brig😬


The military support system is something like 8 to 1 versus actual fighters. The highest tech is in the military.


Mexico isn’t the so-called leading nation of the world, bastion of progress, justice and liberty.

It’s a cartel-warped nest of corruption. Hardly a surprise it doesn’t have Hilton’s as jails, Slick.


Would you like to go to a Mexican forum and preach to them about their institutions? Or do you only reserve such action for the so-called leading nation of the world, bastion of progress, justice and liberty?


So you’re planting the US flag on movie message boards - virtually claiming citizens of the US alone can talk.

Or you so insecure you can’t admit your country may have a fault? Jesus Christ, get over yourself.


I have claimed none of the above.


“Would you like to go to a Mexican forum and preach to them about their institutions?”

You’re claiming this is an American forum. That’s what you’re words imply - unless your just customarily nonsensical?


I never claimed that this is an American forum. I’ll stop feeding the troll now.


That’s what your words implied you moron. Try do a basic course in English


What's wrong, pooky? Jealous?lol!


That's a very good question.


They're obsessed with us cause they know we're the greatest country in the world, the one true shining beacon of freedom. That's why we have to build a wall to keep illegal aliens OUT. No other country in the world has to do that.



It’s not so much the two men to cell that’s the norm in the UK also, but it’s the size of the cells. It’s in humane.

And just because there hell hole prisons abroad doesn’t cut it, two wrong don’t make a right, Slick.

There isn’t even the effort to
decrease recidivism - the corruption is rampant. But surely you know this? Surely since it’s your country you know this already?

Now what had you do was make big emotional leaps getting all worked up trying to defend a fractured, corrupt system.

Dude there nothing wrong with being patriotic but when you are doing it blindly with a born to lose tattoo on your chest there’s a difference.

Do you want me blow your feeble argument out the water and provide facts as to why the prison system in America is a disgrace?

Or do you want to close your big mouth?


Well I'm impressed. Anyone else? Anyone? Hellooo?


You are a heavyweight debater.


You know it, trapperkeeper.


He's a fucking moron!



I'm guessing around age 12.


Mentally 12 for sure!



Actually I'd like for you to shut your big stupid mouth, you clueless, ignorant asshole!



You're a clueless fucking idiot!



Yet you can’t can’t offer a coherent argument to substantiate that claim. It’s just baby talk and babble.


As I said, you're a clueless fucking idiot!





Most intelligent thing you've ever said, moron!



I don't know about myth, but I think there is a large portion of American society that thinks we're the Bee's Knees just because we're American. A rather simplified way of feeling proud, but it's a sentiment that exists because it's actually pushed by our government and political parties (yes, both Dem and Rep).

Ironically, because of this belief and the way we project our power and influence, many people from non-Western and poorer countries try to sneak in illegally because they'd rather suffer the ordeal of working for scraps and "making it" in the land of milk and honey than live out the rest of their lives from whence they came and that in turn pisses off a lot of the same people who like to brag about how great we are. LOL


You will find patriots No Matter where you go.



I have travelled a lot in Europe and I can not imagine that, at least in several countries, the quality of life here is poorer than in the States. However, I must also admit that I cannot compare it properly due to the fact that I have not been there yet (in the USA).


Why do you need the word xenophobic in your post?

A person can have a belief, be he right or wrong, and still not base that belief on hate.


I think it was to elicit response. It worked. I don't think he actually follows that mind set.


Let me paint you a picture of a world where no children are raped ever again!


I know there are other countries that have a better quality of living than the US. I've lived there, I worked there.. I didn't have to worry about health care, violence, and was actually able to make more money even in places I couldn't speak the language! It was nice being places in Europe, Australia, even Asia where people weren't fighting, but instead having fun.


I'd say all other first world countries have a better quality of life than many Americans because of free health care. Other than that I'd say they are all pretty much the same except none have the death penalty either but that's a different subject 😬


Where do you live, and what makes you say that “free” healthcare ensures a better quality of life?


I'm English .... and are you seriously telling me healthcare for who ever needs it, when it's needed, with no cost is not beneficial for everyone?!


No I’m questioning why that alone equates to a better quality of life and what makes you think anything is ‘“free?”


Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is free.


You're missing my point. I know we pay for it with taxes. But it seems to me alot fairer system that workers tax pays for everyone rather than only people in work who can afford insurance but then lose it if they are made redundant. Just seems like the poor lose out everytime when there's a simple solution to the problem that would benefit the whole population 🤷‍♀️


Do you honestly think that the impoverished in the US go without medical care?


Not at all. I also dont think it's fair that workers pay $1000 per month for insurance, which still has copays and approved doctors. Here, we pay a small portion of tax for healthcare, which is guaranteed for anyone, with nothing to pay when it's needed and with whichever healthcare professional is deemed most appropriate. Not here for a fight. Just expressing my opinion.



So high population = poor quality of life?
