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Is it a xenophobic myth that most countries outside of the US have a relatively poor quality of life?

It seems like most Americans have this belief that most countries outside of the US have an inferior quality of life. I personally have no idea, I’ve traveled a fair bit but I have only ever lived here.

How accurate is this stereotype? I think I can say for certain much of the developing world is pretty awful in terms of human rights, but how about the rest of the world compared to the US? Europe, the more developed parts of Asia and the Middle East, South America, Australia?


I don't know anyone who thinks that. Most would agree that the quality of life is pretty good in many parts of the world with the exception of underdeveloped countries.

As Americans, I think we tend believe that our way of life is the best, but I think most people think that about their country. Just because people live differently doesn't mean one way is better than another.


You don’t know anyone who thinks that? Really?? As ignorant and proud as Americans are as well how privileged and lucky they have been told they are to have been born here? You must run in small circles, that’s the General world view of most Americans I can assure you.


You asked my opinion and if I knew anyone who felt that way. You DID NOT ask if I thought that is what the rest of the world thinks of us.

And I actually have a fairly large circle of friends most of whom are well educated, well traveled, and don't fall into the "Ugly American" stereotype.


Even in developing countries, the middle class can have a very decent quality of life - sometimes better than that of developed countries' middle classes.


I don't travel, so I wouldn't know.

What I have noticed is an increasingly arrogant attitude by a lot of Americans, from ordinary citizens to those in power. I don't know if it's xenophobia or simply a superiority complex.

There seems to be this mindset that the problems affecting the entire planet do not apply to the U.S. These are the people who call climate change a hoax, or who brushed off the COVID-19 pandemic as merely another ordinary flu strain.

This is why the U.S. is the only country that pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement, and why the pandemic wasn't addressed properly at the onset, wasting valuable time. It's unbelievable how many people are still in denial today. They are living in the past.


That attitude is not new, Americans have been that way for as long as I can remember.

And yes it drives me insane how people don’t take the crisis seriously, fucking pieces of shit think they can do what they want.


I agree that this attitude has been around for a long time. The "American Way" is viewed as the only right way and as being superior to everything else in the world. The rest of the countries are looked down upon as inferior, uncivilized or backwards.

This thought process seems to have intensified in recent years. News flash: one size does not fit all. What works in one country may not be appropriate in another. What constitutes a "quality life" can be defined in multiple ways.


Right, quality of life is relative. Certain elements are objective; laws/freedoms, economic stability, availability of resources, but general lifestyles are culturally influenced and different across the globe. Things we value and see as essential to our way of life are viewed as irrelevant to many cultures and vice versa.


That myth was mostly true during the XXth century. Non-western countries were quite undeveloped, and Europe was recovering from the Great War, then from the Great Depression, and then from WW2.

Later on, late XXth century, there was not a big difference in quality of life between US and north-European countries.

Last two decades, well, the whole western world is in decline, and China is on the rise. Right now China is probably the country with the highest living standard, at least when it comes to urban middle-class. US and Europe are in decline, and so is its living standard, so the question is who's declining faster.


You think the quality of life in China is superior to that of the US? Where they beat their citizens in the street? I don’t see how a communist dictatorship could possibly be better in any way.

I agree the western world is in decline and that China is more powerful and stable now than they were but I don’t see how they could possibly have surpassed us w their draconian laws and human rights issues. Japan? Maybe.


Well, their living standards are equal or perhaps even superior. They're surpassed or gonna surpass western countries without any doubt. It doesn't matter if you like or doesn't like the Chinese system.


are you asian or chinese?




Well then I’m really confused. Please explain in detail how it is superior in any way or even close to equal.


I seriously doubt their living standards are equal or superior dude. Maybe in certain areas, Hong Kong is a separate country so they might be more lax but are you seriously deluded enough to think China is in any way a better place to live than the US or do you just hate America or are you Asian??


Ah yes, I'm sure the Chinese have it so much better while choking on smog so thick it's hard to see through, are unable to swim in some places due to enough pollution to put your average American/European Greenie into a seizure, getting stuck in traffic jams that last about 5 years before you can get anywhere, having to look over their shoulders all the time in case Big Brother Cho is watching, live in tiny, shitty apartments or houses with more people than they're designed for, going to colleges where the janitors are so lazy that the floors are always dirty, not being able to have more than one child without getting penalized by the govt (unless you live in the country, then you can only have two), being forced to do your best at school, or your parents will beat you, working at jobs that often do not care about your personal welfare so long as you put in your 16 hours at the factory or mines.....need I go on?


Well frankly I would never want to live in China since it's against the law to worship God/Jesus there. So if you believe in God/Jesus in China and are caught doing so by authorities you are arrested and thrown in jail. Same thing if you believe in any religion since the government wants everyone to be an atheist. Not really a good place if you ask me.


Many countries have a higher standard of living because they have less crime, affordable healthcare, cheaper housing, regulations which protect workers rights, higher education standard, and better access to voting.

Most westernized countries have a better quality of life like Sweden, Norway, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, United Kingdom, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria to name a few.

Even countries which are poor do some things better than the U.S. like friendliness and being happy.


This ⤴️ 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


France and Germany have a better quality of life or just better morale? Agree on all of the Northern European nations that’s long been known.


I notice one key difference is their economic system. Ordinary people have more rights and protections economically which leads to a better quality of life.

The American system gives too much power to the rich or large corporations over ordinary folks. The same with other capitalist countries where poverty is common like many countries in South America, Asia and Africa.


The flip side of that is less free enterprise/opportunity which in turn leads to less motivation, competition and ultimately less innovation. The perils of socialism.


The other flip side is more poverty, fewer rights, exploitation, and government instability.
There needs to be a balance.

On a related note, can you explain why in 2020 there are 2 million Americans without indoor plumbing?


Except you Americans have a shitty & atrocious healthcare system compared to many developed nations.


I’m an American and my healthcare has always seemed quite superb my entire life. No complaints.


It's because you probably have a good job that covers it. What if you're poor and struggling? Too bad too sad.....


I’m a self employed mechanic.


Good for you!


Most Americans maintain their health worse than others in just about every nation. Indulgence is the order of the day and as Americans eat, drink, binge watch and smoke their way into poor health they also feel justified in screaming "Teh Big Pharma!!!11!!!!! It kreates da customer!!!!111!!!!"

Due to this way of thinking (and living) those that maintain a reasonable lifestyle are forced to pay for those who don't.


This is a bit disingenuous. Yes, our healthcare system is flawed and unfair. But for those who DO have access to health care it is the best in the world. There is a reason all of the best physicians in the world come here and the royals from every country come here for their operations.


that's actually called a fact


Well, that's the same believe North Koreans have.


Yeah except they’re a fascist dictatorship and we’re a democracy/constitutional republic


North Korea official name is Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Same. Well, same same but different, but still the same.


Yeah except they’re a fascist dictatorship and we’re a democracy/constitutional republic


I don't know about that. I've never thought that except about 3rd world countries..We aren't perfect but we have a lot going for us as far as quality of life and human rights... although I wouldn't mind the thought at all of moving to some parts of Europe, S America or Australia..
In fact, I may in a few years. At least for a while.


Europe definitely, Australia maybe, S America? Why? Lol


S. America? There are some places there (you gotta do your research) that are pretty idyllic with a equal or better quality of life at about half the cost. ....and it's also much closer to home if there were an emergency.
I'd prefer Europe but it's just not a jump, hop and skip away and immigrating for any length of time is not as easy.
