New York is now like 9/11
Everything shut. Thousands of people dying.
shareI am pretty sure that every Christian who knows the bible knew this was coming,
shareCan anyone tell me why NY is so badly hit, is it the density of population, higher amount of elderly? I have tried to find info online but can't get any answers.
shareTotally different situation. 9/11 was much worse, and NYC recovered quickly from that.
Sunday, April 5 2020
Surgeon General compares Coronavirus to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.
LI is starting to get hit much harder
shareNassue county is on fire right now. Ground zero for my parents.
shareare they inclined to do the right things? anyone looking out for them here?
shareYes and no.
I have a step sister in Huntington. Just watching keeping an eye on things. But , I am the family go-to when they're in trouble. Not because I'm incredibly competent, but because my life is less consequential than anyone else in the family omg it's like I'm already there!
shareextra bad today
shareOne minute they say its plateaued, the next they say get ready for a rough week. Nobody really knows anything.
My Stepdad is a Trump supporter, and only watches Fox News. I spoke with him yesterday. He's got some fucked up theories in his head now, the kind you can't fight, but he is willing to play the game and not leave the house at all anymore . He thinks the numbers are being "Trumped up". But he's not the kind of person that can just sit around. And he keeps watching Fox. My Mom doesn't care about any of it , and is listening to Tom Petty.
I guess it depends on which "they" you're talking about. And it takes more than a few days to assess a real trend here. Also, I noticed the reporting seems to lag over these weekends. NJ jumped to its highest as well after what looked like a possible leveling off over the weekend. Their patterns were in near lockstep over the same 2-3 days.
shareFor me they = Gov. Cuomo, Dr. Fauci, MSNBC, CNN.
For them they = Fox and Trump.
What about you and yours?
Are you still actively going about?
Edit, daily numbers come from The NY Times.
My mother is 92 and diabetic. She lives in my county but a few miles north of me. Although her tiny town only has 11 cases thus far, they already have a fatality. She's my chief concern. I'm just doing my thing with the obvious and now common adjustments.
shareup again
shareEvery 2 minutes, someone in NY dies.
shareJesus. I don't look at the local stats. 🙏 for NY.
shareNJ up again as well. A new executive order from our governor now requires us to wear masks when visiting essential retail stores. Also, those same stores must max out at 50% capacity until further notice. All our parks are closed as well. The suggestions are turning into rules.
shareArizona is ahead of you.
Very strict rules here. Because we're looking at you guys, and trying to learn and do better.
NY State 142,384/6,268
USA 401,000/12,936
Worldwide fatalities 83,600
That puts it in perspective. This is hitting the USA pretty hard. Australia seems to be really handling it well. I think the fact that we're still in warm weather is why it hasn't been as devastating. They're thinking of lifting the lockdown by age group here to let those who won't die get it.
Being 39, I'm probably the age group that would be allowed to roam free again but believe you me, this isn't just like having 'the flu'. Not at all.
That is a terrible idea.