I have a friend who asked this and I don't have a good response. Why are't we seeing mass outbreaks from grocery store workers? They don't wear masks although they do wear gloves. I can't think of any other workers who are being constantly exposed to such a large group of people all day long, but I have yet to read about any of them coming down with the virus. You would think this would be big news if that was the case. Quite puzzling , IMHO.
Grocery store workers should all be earning a higher scale of pay under these circumstances. Another worry about grocery store shopping is that for all the social distancing we're doing, we all need to go for supplies at some point. It seems that as contagious as this is, one infected person acting irresponsible in a grocery store (coughing into their hand and then touching displays, freezer doors, items) could be responsible for infecting dozens who will then infect others.
Yes, grocery workers deserve combat pay or something similar.
The last time I went to the grocery store I was on alert to not touch anything I didn't intend to buy. I figured it goes both ways - you don't know how many have touched it before you, and even though I'm feeling fine, I won't leave anything behind for the next person.
Agreed. Grocery workers, especially cashiers, are on the front lines. They deserve bonuses or a higher pay rate for doing what they've done and still are doing. What would all of us do without them?
I heard someone say recently that we should all be sanitising our hands *before* we go out and touch things for others. Then when we get home or before we get into our cars, do it again, for ourselves. Makes sense to me!
Several weeks ago, while helping my brother clean out his house, he gave me four small cans of a spray-on hand sanitizer that his late girlfriend bought. I've never heard of the stuff before, but I stuck it in my bag and brought it home because, why not? I wasn't sure if I would actually use it, but it made him feel better to give it away instead of it sitting in a cabinet.
Who knew it would become so important just a few weeks later? IF you believe the hype on the can, you spray it on your hands, rub it in like you would with regular sanitizer and it's supposed to protect you from picking up "germs" for up to six hours. Not sure I believe their hype, but it can't hurt, so I now use it before I hit the grocery store.
Boy, how quickly things changed within the matter of just a few weeks, eh?
What great timing for you!
I wouldn't count on it protecting anyone from picking up germs for 6 minutes, never mind hours, but I like the idea of a spray-on sanitiser. Very handy, I think. (Finally filled that trial size hairspray bottle I got with isopropyl alcohol today and will use it the same way.)
Yep, I don't believe the six-hour thing either, but I figure it's better than nothing. I suspect it's more about sanitizing after the fact - as in after you've touched things, you apply sanitizer or wash your hands before you touch your face, etc. I've never heard of a preventative product before or since this whole thing started.
I'm sure it's a perfectly good hand sanitiser. Never heard of a preventative product before or since either, and forgive me for being cynical about it, but I'm not buying it :D. Yeah, if they'd managed to invent such a thing, we'd have heard about it by now. Especially now!
No, I’ve read both CDC and WHO findings and they both pretty clear. Via (cough, sneeze) droplets coming in contact with mouth, ears, nose etc. I don’t think simply briefly standing next to an infected person is transmitting it. If I’m wrong let me know.
You may need to check ME on this but I’m pretty sure a person does not have to be coughing or sneezing to infect another via air. In fact a person can have no symptoms at all and the normal respiration exiting the lungs can infect another by breathing in small microscopic droplets. That’s why they are calling for the 6’ measure. Am I wrong about this? It would be great if I am.
Hopefully it’s not that infectious but whenever i looked into it, I can’t find any definitive statements that the virus can be aerosolized (if that’s a word lol). There’s some claims that it can be but then there’s studies where they test the air in an infected persons hospital room and find no virus. Obviously there’s tons of variables in all this and definitive testing may take time.
But if it truly can be aerosolized then we’re all getting it.
I was watching a doctor on TV who is in the middle of all of this and those are pretty much his recommendations for staying well.
Frankly, and this is just my opinion, everyone would have come down with this if it was that easy to catch. To use the cruise ships as an example, even in that contained environment the majority of passengers and crew did not get the virus.
It was on the news that workers at 3 local Kroger's have been infected - a week ago Friday. One of them was the store where I shop. I guess it was only a matter of time before this happened. It will be interesting to see if they have more cases becaaue of these people.
I was there last Sunday and will probably go tomorrow morning. Last time I didn't wear a mask but this time I will. I have some N95 masks that I found in the basement, so I will probably start wearing that when I go out. If they were brand spanking new I would donate them to one of the hospitals, but they have been opened so I might as well use them.
My favorite outdoor veggie/fruit stand is opening on 4/15 and that is where I plan go to buy my fruit and veggies rather than going into Kroger's. I really hate going inside any store right now.