Poor Italy.

Looks like they're gonna come out of this worst out of everybody including China! Btw-does anyone else find it suspicious the numbers China is reporting? They seem to be on a plateau. I don't know if I should put faith into a communist, dictator country and what numbers they're reporting. This is the site I'm looking at: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/china/


In regards to China if they are reporting correctly, it’s because of massive testing, trace sourcing and strict quarantining by a compliant populace.


Being pretty much a totalitarian country they could be covering up how bad it is there.

I could see having that type of society helping to stop the spread as well, though. Compliant populace, as MrMojo said. In a place like China, the government could take more extreme measures to stop it from spreading.


Be aware - that site has been having some problems. They were the victim of a cyber attack a couple of days ago. Right now it is the big 404 error. I'm sure it'll return soon.

And it has, even as I just typed this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Italy’s love for grandparents may have worsened the spread of coronavirus



My phones acting up and I could not open the link. I have heard many households in Italy are three generational, as children, parents and grandparents all living under one roof.


Italy’s social and multigenerational way of life, in which the young and old live and spend quality time together often, could be why rates of infection and death are so high, according to a new paper published on the Open Science Framework by researchers at the University of Oxford.

The paper says that Italy has one of the oldest populations in the world — 23.3% of people are over age 65 — and in many households, multiple generations live together or close by, and interact often.


That is indeed the way to live in my opinion, just dangerous in this situation.


Who would ever have thought that close families was a bad thing?


Hopefully no one. :)


Same thing with Asian and Indian cultures. Alot of the parents live with their adult son & wife and grandchildren.


But Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea took the pandemic seriously and had infrastructure in place to handle this virus properly.


Italians in their natural habitat





I just heard on the evening news that Italy had 475 people die today from the virus.


They're catching up to China and will probably succeed them in the number of deaths from this virus. Crazy given the population difference between China (1.3 billion) and Italy (60 million).


Oh, of course not!
I completely trust everything China puts out there


LOL. Yep.


If the Chinese or Russian government said it...it must be true.
