Women constantly bitch about how all men are shit, when the majority of men are just nice guys who would happily treat women like queens. What they mean is “the small percentage of guys we want are assholes and we pretend we hate it but we don’t because we keep going back to them”
Meanwhile, if a man points this out, or levels any sort of criticism at women they are immediately crucified by both sides - the women obviously don’t like being called out on their backwards psyches and the men are lined up to defend them because they are desperate and think it will help them get laid. It’s really pathetic. You will see plenty of this below in the comments.
He wrote that an hour or more before reading what we've all come to realise about you and most (including many men) have said to you. Repeatedly.
He wasn't disagreeing with me at all, since he wasn't responding to me, although I certainly agree there's loads of irony in your OP, but you're blind to it.
Which is what, that it’s all me and my points are completely unfounded? Even you know that’s bullshit. I never claimed to be perfect or innocent in my failings, that’s not the point. You and several others have simply gotten tired of my “whining” and therefore completely neglect this very real issue.
You've yet to take any responsibility for the many things in your life about which you continue to complain. You refuse to consider that your negative attitude has anything to do with what you're experiencing. But it has a lot to do with it, which virtually everyone here but you can see.
How on earth could anyone here possibly know that?! I’ve experienced all of these things plenty with a smile, I’ve just gotten sick of it. You can SAY my attitude has caused these issues, but it doesn’t make it so. I know how long I suffered this nonsense before speaking up and becoming jaded.
But what can we know but what you show us?
You are the one on here constantly complaining about women in one way or other..not women about men... and I can't speak for Twitter or Facebook since I avoid them like the plague.
Look...I had many bad experiences with men myself; but I also had many good experiences. When the dust cleared it seemed that many of the bad experiences had something to do with the people I choose to be around. Sometimes we have to take some responsibility for our own decisions. The world isn't always fair to anyone.
As far as what's acceptable..most of the examples you cite aren't acceptable either way to me. I don't complain about men generally and I don't hang around sites where they do.
I also don't care for stereotyping an entire gender and you won't see me doing that and I don't appreciate seeing it in return.
Hollywood may have stooped to some male bashing but don't believe that all females participate. This era will pass.
That's the problem. When men decide they have had enough and walk away or dare to question the bullshit society freaks out. And so the boring and useless shaming starts.
Exactly, it’s gotten really pathetic. Hopefully eventually the trend will reverse, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. Men are at the bottom of the totem pole socially right now, a small number of bad eggs have sunk us.
It's not just the "bad eggs" though if you mean bad men as such. It is society in general. We have had huge bushfires here in Australia of late, one Feminazi actually said that when these men return home their wives will be beaten because they are men and can't cope any other way!! Mind you, when you see the footage of the firefighters (mostly unpaid volunteers down here) going into these areas they are mostly men.
Where are these heroic women we keep hearing about?
It shouldn't happen. But I think the reason it does happen is because we are considered, as a whole, to be the weaker sex. And we are, as a whole. Men are considered the more aggressive, violent sex, as a whole. And because of testosterone, they are, as a whole. Men as a whole are much more aggressive towards women. It's just how it is. Not that it's fair. But that's just one of those things that does separate the sexes as a whole. So that's why I believe it's tolerated and excepted, as a whole.
Edited to add: My comment is in response only to your subject title. Not towards the body of your baiting post. 😂😂😂😂
A guy leaves a girl by text: he is a coward and an asshole.
A girl leaves a guy by text: she is strong and simply didn't love him anymore and, hence, didn't feel the need to give him anything more than a text.
Yes, I've seen this double standard in action. I even knew a guy who personally bashed another guy for leaving his girl by text, but congratulated another girl for doing the same to her guy.
This IS pathetic and a guy who does that IS pathetic.
"ANYone who breaks up with someone by text is a coward and an asshole. Gender is immaterial."
Yeah, I totally agree. However, not everyone agrees and some think that it only goes one way. My ex of 2 and a half years left me by text, and apparently, according to some people, I was a little bitch because I didn't think it was right and that she was a coward.
Btw, the example I gave iny previous post and the case of my ex are totally unrelated.
Maybe that's why. Dunno. All I know it's that's never cool. ... Unless someone was afraid the other might do them physical harm because they're violent. Otherwise, absolutely not.
Good lord, she's a serial text breaker-upper? You're better off now.
"Unless someone was afraid the other might do them physical harm because they're violent."
Yes, exactly, this is the ONE situation when it's acceptable and, even, recommendable.
And yes, I am SO better of. I am now in a happy and fulfilling relationship and looking back at it, I don't even get why exactly I spent (more like wasted) 2 and a half year with her.
"Yes, exactly, this is the ONE situation when it's acceptable and, even, recommendable."
It is. The exception that proofs the rule, so to speak :)
👏 I'm happy to hear you're now in a happy and fulfilling relationship! Good for you! Meh, sometimes we end up with the wrong person for a while. Makes it all the better when we find the good ones 😊
Yeah, sorry, I didn't read every comments before saying that. I later understood that the OP is the kind of person who criticize only when it suits his case, but it will only be one way..
I'm a little tired and have issues expressing myself. To sum up my point: apparently (from what people said here and not what I personally read), you judge women for doing some things, while you them yourself. There's this example of when you were bashing women for being too picky, even though you are really picky yourself. If this is the case, it's hypocritical.
I don't say that it's true, I don't know you. However, you seem to have a certain reputation here, so I can't help but be influenced by other people's words.
Like I said before: I do agree with you on many points. On another hand, I don't condemn people for doing things or being a certain way, and then behave that way myself.
I must say one thing though: there are reasons to say that women are often picky on the wrong aspects. They set themselves really high standards which are often ridiculous. Because of that, I've seen women refusing men for stupid and shallow reasons.
I remember that one girl I used to work with. She was dating that guy who seemed really good for her. She was saying how greatly they were getting along. All was there except one thing: he didn't have a car.. yes, she discovered it after a few dates and ended it right away. To this day, I still think that it was a totally retarded reason to give up on a potentially great relationship..
I didn’t condemn women for being picky, nor do I resent them for choosing partners based on things typically perceived as shallow like physical attractiveness, income etc.
What I DO condemn them for is bitching about being single and how there are no good men out there when there clearly are, even those who meet their other criteria.
"I didn’t condemn women for being picky, nor do I resent them for choosing partners based on things typically perceived as shallow like physical attractiveness, income etc."
Attractiveness, yeah, no choice. Income however, I have a big issue with it: women (around here at least) tend to look for income so they can live and have fun using their men's money.
Once again, not all women who want a financially stable man are necessarily gold diggers. All I'm saying is that many of them do.
My brother and my best friend both got financially ruined by their gold digging exes. The worst part: is that they kept giving and giving without realizing that they were used. Well, in this case I actually blame them and all the men who fall in this trap for being blind and bonderline stupid.
"What I DO condemn them for is bitching about being single and how there are no good men out there when there clearly are, even those who meet their other criteria"
Yes, agreed. Be picky as much as you want, but shut the fuck up if you stay alone because of your high expectations. You lose your right to complain.
Yeah, the income thing I don’t necessarily agree with either but have accepted that it is just part of our society, ultimately men need women more than women need men and so they have begun using this as leverage to live a better life. I don’t agree with it but I understand it, however women who exclusively target men for their money are obviously gold diggers, and yes men can easily fall prey to that. I see a lot of women who marry men who likely don’t meet their standards of physical attraction but are financially stable, it seems like a trade up they make late in the dating game when the clock starts ticking. I can’t say I’ll ever really respect that, especially with all of the opportunities women have now in the work force. I acknowledge it is still largely unfair for them and there is still a wage gap it just feels weird.
Our friend MovieBuff has a short and selective memory. This isn't the first time he's done this, sometimes even in the same thread. He absolutely did condemn women for being too picky. His own words from one of his many diatribes against women:
"Why do girls complain about being single then blow off every guy who hits on them?
It makes it seem like it’s just for attention, that they’re so picky they wouldn’t consider 99% of the male population but then they end up with a guy who sells dime bags out of his grandma’s basement."
That's from the thread where another poster tried to tell him men do this too, and it's why that poster passes over women who are slightly overweight. That went right over his head and he translated that into it being "different" because in his head slightly overweight means unattractive, when that isn't what the other poster said at all. So then who's being too picky? He's doing the same thing he's complaining about that, according to him, all women do.
"Be picky as much as you want, but shut the fuck up if you stay alone because of your high expectations. You lose your right to complain."
You: "Why do girls complain about being single then blow off every guy who hits on them?
It makes it seem like it’s just for attention, that they’re so picky they wouldn’t consider 99% of the male population but then they end up with a guy who sells dime bags out of his grandma’s basement."
But you're so picky you translate women who are slightly overweight, even if they meet your other criteria, into their being unattractive, and therefore don't meet your criteria.
I like to make fun of women for posting about drinking "wine" all the time for stress, but if a guy said that about another alcohol they'd have him in rehab.
Yeah, and I can deal with almost all of their other corny posts but the bitching about being single and that there are no good men is just unacceptable.
Evolutionary biology dictates that the average woman has the traits that the average man rewards and the average man has the traits the average woman rewards. So if any of us have a problem with the other gender we should really blame our own gender.
At least through the age range in which people generally procreate. :-)
Yeah but you know what?
I bet dollars to donuts that there's a whole range of women out there that you don't see...don't even really think about. They might as well be invisible to you. They're the ones you don't pine over, the overweight, the unattractive...
You're griping about women that you can picture yourself as being with...and then using their apparent dismissal of you as a means to slander the gender in general. And that's fine...its natural, its the way things work. But try to think of it from the perspective of one of those women. Here's a guy that she barely registers with, if at all, and he's griping about the problems with HER gender?
Regardless, I've also heard that there's plenty of good looking, yet lonely women who just really wish you'd suck it up and talk to her already.
Btw, I don't think anyone is replying here on the forums, in any capacity at all, in order to get themselves some tail.
On yet another of his moaning threads about how awful women are, complaining about how there are no good men and, according to him being too picky, someone said they did that for the same reason he (the poster) swiped past women on Tinder who were "slightly overweight." The OP responded to that "That's different, they're unattractive" 🤷♀️
This guy has an excuse for everything. Obviously no man here is responding they way they are to get themselves laid (how exactly would that work? 😄), but he has to think that to himself because otherwise they don't agree with him because they don't agree with him, which would mean he just might be wrong. Horrors!
Hah, yep see, there it is. The only inherently thing valuable about women to him is their level of attraction...which is a HUGE problem for women, because they know it. Hence all the starving themselves, breast implants...a woman's own identity often gets caught up in that, in catering to the male perspective and they're left with a continual feeling of falling short.
Its probably the number one curse that gender faces, a lack of self worth, and dude who actively reinforces it is here griping about how women don't pay him enough mind.
Sounds like his problem is likely related to his being a bit of a douche =P
Hi Jehosaphet, welcome to moviechat. I see you have over 700 posts but I've not met you before. Nice to have you. My names Laura. See ya round the boards!
Hi Laura! Good to be here...glad to have found it after floundering a bit when the IMDB boards went down. Glad to be in good company. I see you were just making a point...some days ago now, but you know...hi back at ya!
I’m talking about how women complain incessantly about there being no good men when there obviously are, even plenty who meet their standards of physical attraction. I NEVER said or implied anything about women’s physical attraction being their only thing of value, that’s just a deflection.
I like to think of it as they are applying for a job, but bitch and moan about the company to everyone before the interview and then wonders why they don't get the job.
If they don't think that their attitude which they exhibit here, spills out into the real world, then I don't know what to tell them anymore. I just can't see them having a meaningful, lasting, relationship. (and it will all be the woman's fault)
It'd be very interesting if we could hear the side of the women he's been involved with (however fleetingly). My guess is it'd be something along the lines of "He'd never take responsibility for anything!"
You’re playing the chicken and egg game here, and unfortunately I have clarified that this starts with a fair shot on my part. I did NOT go into the game with this attitude, this is a result of years of seeing women complain about being single and how there are no good men. Believe me if it were completely in my power to change my problems I would.
Additionally, I could easily apply your exact description of my attitude to women, they go into an interview bitching about the company. The big difference here is they are still offered the job but they defer it, even when it meets their criteria! It just makes no sense, and the reason this issue never gets addressed and probably never will is abundantly clear in the responses in this thread. Some are thoughtful, plenty have offered insightful and kind advice but there is quite a bit of intolerance for my post. People simply have zero sympathy for men in any capacity in regards to the dating game, and it only seems to be getting worse.
I'm not going to keep arguing with you on post after post. I do not doubt you've have some bad experiences. A lot of us have. If you keep going for the same type of woman you're going to keep having the same problems.
Your first few posts garnered much more sympathy. It's not that we are intolerant, it's that you post the same thing over and over and over and over and over, and anything that you've not agreed with you ignore, and then complain about it again in a couple of days. Anyone who points this out to you is then against you. We're not against you, but you refuse to see your contributions to the problem, so the problem won't go away.
"Your first few posts garnered much more sympathy. It's not that we are intolerant, it's that you post the same thing over and over and over and over and over, and anything that you've not agreed with you ignore, and then complain about it again in a couple of days. Anyone who points this out to you is then against you. We're not against you, but you refuse to see your contributions to the problem, so the problem won't go away."
That is different. Are you suggesting people shouldn’t be able to choose partners at all based on their level of physical attraction to them? I’m not complaining about women doing this at all, I’m complaining about women who complain that there are no good men when there obviously are, even those who meet their standards of physical attractiveness.
No, it's not different, and that isn't what I suggested at all.
What that poster said was he was doing the same thing as all of these women you endlessly complain about when he swiped past women who were slightly overweight. He didn't say unattractive, but tellingly that's how you interpreted it.
YOU are complaining there are no good women, when there obviously are. Yet somehow this continues to completely escape you.