Why do people love to complain about nothing?
Attention seeking? Misery loving company?
I just don't get it.
Attention seeking? Misery loving company?
I just don't get it.
Nothing is the worst, I simply hate nothing!
Ugh, if nothing had a face I'd punch it!!
Apologies, just being silly silverstone:)
I think some people are simply miserable and lack joy in their lives so they go online to pick apart movies and TV shows
And we wind up with 'The Wizard Of Oz...Worst movie ever!!!'
Take it all with a grain of salt👍
Haha, I like the cut of your jib.
I was more referring to people who complain about how other people annoy them by driving too slow, wearing too much perfume, talking while they are on the toilet... simply existing. It's crazy how much sweat people expend over the small stuff.
Thanks, you're coming in loud and clear here too😃
Yeah, I get it
I tend to notice the craziest things but my only goal is to make money and get home to the Fam every workday so a lot of this shit I ignore
People are weird, I spend a lot of my downtime with my radio and tools in the garage
That you’ve got mail guy ! Shut up I’ll face kick you
shareSome people like to complain because they have nothing better to do, yet view themselves to be important enough to have an opinion about everything. I always say that opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but they never like to face the realisation, which is that they are all full of shit.
What he said ^^^^^
It's human nature.
That answer didn't work for Michael Jackson and it's not working now.
Yeah, you're right of course, but it's an aspect of human nature I never really understood. Then again my parents were big on teaching me to suck it up when I was young so I guess I see bitching over irrelevant nonsense as quite an immature trait.
A lot of these people are what I call "Shit talkers" the type who just talk a lot anyway. They feel a need to verbalize every thought and every action "I'm just going to the toilet now" or "I think I will make some toast" or how about "It's hot out there?! So hot" because yeah, we can't feel it and it's only summer.
I don't mind someone occasionally venting, but when it becomes a theme it's tiresome.
The last poster I confronted about this, saying people like that tend to suck the air out of a room, immediately put me on Ignore. Oh well...