It's very hard for me to sympathize with someone who dies from a drug overdose.
Because at the end of the day, they did that to themselves. They have no one else to blame for their troubles. It's a choice.
shareBecause at the end of the day, they did that to themselves. They have no one else to blame for their troubles. It's a choice.
share#MeToo because they're dead Jim so there's no point.
While I agree it's sometimes difficult to empathize with drug users, it's still a life. Addiction is now looked upon as a disease. Maybe some understanding is needed.
shareOh please. Except it's not a "disease". That's just a cop-out excuse to reward and rationalize the drug addict's behaviour.
shareWell the American Medical Association says its a disease. Doctors and scientists have linked addiction to deficits in the function of the prefrontal cortex. Sure, the decision to take the drugs in the first place is that person's decision. Not arguing that at all. I'm just saying that there are a lot of poor choices that people make that wind up as addictions (just not drugs) and we don't shit all over them.
Disease shmisease. That’s an excuse to keep partying. The dope sickness and hurting body from heroin use is real though. But man, if you’re willing to put yourself in a situation where one day you might end up sucking a whole bunch of dicks to feed your habit. I don’t think there’s any helping that can be done.
shareI've never heard of someone dying from viagra overdose but I did just search on Google and found this:
"Man's penis amputated after Viagra overdose"
"Overdosing on Viagra, or other brands of the drug sildenafil, can cause prolonged erections, known as priapism, nausea, chest pains and irregular heartbeat. If priapism is not treated within 24 hours the penis may become permanently damaged, leading to difficulties achieving an erection in future"
Damn. That's rough.
shareOh I know ! Can you sympathize with Errol Flynn ? He died of his addiction to shagging young girls.
Didn't you post this last night? I'd say you lack empathy. Its not as simple as you'd like it to be.
And what if it were your child? I've seen educated people from good families fall into addiction and pay for it with their lives. Its not just poor, uneducated people on welfare who gets caught up in this.
Two common scenarios: 1. Experimentation in high school college with pills leads to a habit. When they eventually they can't the pills, they resort to heroin. I've seen this more than one with good kids. Young people don't always make the best decisions or think of the long term consequences.
2. The over prescribing of opioids by Doctors for minor injuries and the unethical practices of the Pharmaceutical Companies. There is a reason they are all being sued. The makers of oxycontin actually had the audacity to say there drug wasn't addictive. Are you friggin kidding me??
As a kid, I had a minor surgery and they have be 60 7.5 Vicodins. I only needed them for a few days. And my mom had breast cancer surgery - same thing - the over prescribing was ridiculous. She only used them for a week.
In regards to point 2, that seems to be an "American" thing. Not just doctors but dentists as well. Dentists in the states seem to over prescribe Hydrocodone, Vicodin after a simple extraction when all the person really needs is high strength ibuprofen to get them through. Here in Canada, it's very rare for a dentist to prescribe the hard stuff and not many would be willing to do so.
shareIn Australia you can only buy paracetamol over the counter. Anything stronger has to be begged for. Here they like to keep everyone under the thumb, constantly.
You can buy paracetamol from wollies or coel or any other supermarket.what you may be thinking of is codine , unless you consider going down to woolworths and buiyng panadol as over the counter
shareCould be, however it seems like Doctors and Dentists are finally getting the message and are being more careful in what they prescribe.
shareNo, what they are doing is implementing a policy driven by the irresponsible behaviour of the minority while at the same time removing reasonable access to effective pain relief from the majority. I suspect one of the reasons for it is to drum up business for General Practitioners by obliging people to go the doctor to get a prescription. It's got nothing to do with concern for people who get addicted to opioids, they couldn't care less about that.
That's harsh.
shareUsing heroin is like playing Russian roulette but many people who become addicted are in miserable circumstances and feel they have nothing to lose, not an excuse, just an understanding. Some become addicted through the over prescription of opioids. Most drugs make me nauseous which removes any temptation but unfortunately means anesthesia makes me vomit.
shareThis is why Euthanasia Clinics should be as common as McDonalds. Give people the way out they so desperately need.