MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Saying you're white when you're not

Saying you're white when you're not

I'm not sure about you guys, but it bothers me when people do it. Maybe you grew up in white town and all your family look white. If your skin is not white, how do you casually tell people you're white? I'm thinking these individuals should say Dark Causasian instead?


A brief article of possible interest:

"Stop using the word 'Caucasian' to mean white"


Considering there actually is a country in central Asia called that, with its own language and ethnic group, it's kinda stupid to call all light-skinned Americans of northern European ancestry "Caucasian." Mom says it's a PC-nonsense word.


Yup it’s total balogn.

Anyone interested can research it further. The origins of the term aren’t so hot.


"there actually is a country in central Asia called that"



Well, there was in this Atlas I was reading. Let me go check.....ok, found it, though there isn't actually a unique people called "Caucasians" there. That appears to be a blanket term for everyone living there, despite the mixture of different cultures and peoples living in the region.


The Caucasus is basically Georgia/Armenia. Westernmost Asia, Southernmost Europe...

I'm no anthropologist, but I would wager the Celts/Gauls/Hallstatts were "whiter" than the Caucasus... The Galatians of Saint Paul's letters were possibly Celts...


"How do you casually tell people you're white?"

Just tell them what your favorite Woody Allen movie is.


LOL! Great stuff :)


Q: How many white people does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Two. One to mix the martinis, and the second one to call the electrician.



My mom says many Hispanics consider themselves "white" here in America, and that's understandable, considering many are very light-skinned, even with a Latino background. But again, even if one truly is light-skinned, they still have to tick the "Hispanic" box on legal documents.


That's just as bad as telling people you're black when you're not.



Or telling people you're a Vet when you're not.


I have a natural "olive" skin tone and tan very dark, enough to be mistaken for other ethnicities (Mexican, Italian, native American), and yet must check the "white" box in paperwork.
My DNA test showed little besides UK and western Europe, tho apparently there were smatterings of almost everything else.
