
Please do not use the 'report' feature for reporting people you don't agree with or that you had an argument with and called each other names.

That's not what it's there for.


Almost heaven, West Virginia
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gather round her
Miner's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and dusty, painted on the sky
Misty taste of moonshine, teardrop in my eye
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
I hear her voice, in the morning hour she calls me
The radio reminds me of my home far away
And driving down the road I get a feeling
That I should have been home yesterday, yesterday
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West Virginia, mountain mama
Take me home, country roads
Take me home, down country roads
Take me home, down country roads


Send up a signal, throw me a line.
It's some little lady's funky Valentine.
It may not be legal, but it sho ain't no crime,
Being one step from crazy and being two steps behind.
I tried to tune in Colombo on my tv set
Tried to get it in clear, I haven't found it yet.
I'm hoping that she's looking like a Penthouse Pet.
She said - Love For Sale. Yeah - Love For Sale!


I dropped the amount to four valid deletions in a row a while back after speaking to someone about unpinning the thread (probably Hownos lol) and finally it was achieved when I checked this morning.

Sad that it took this long and I hope the point has been made about the amount of trivial reports we get.

You can all do your happy dancing to a Hownos tune now.


šŸ‘ šŸ‘


The first part goes without saying... But we can't press it if someone is constantly going around insulting people or spreading hate speech?

The above should be the #1 reason someone gets reported and SHOULD be the website mods jurisdiction! Otherwise, what the hell is it even for then? It should *not* only count for extremes that, at that point, you would either have to sue people for or report to the FBI- which would be out of your hands anyway!

Edit: I read some of your following posts...

So, let me get this straight... if someone is approached with insults from an awful poster. And rather than staying quiet and taking the abuse, they make a couple of posts to defend themselves while waiting for you all to take action... You'll choose do nothing... And feel justified in such a stance?

Considering these posts are still up all these years later and have no edits or updates attached them, I can only assume that these so-called "rules" are still in effect?...

Yeah, you "advising" us:
-To simply ignore "trolls"/these horrible online bullies
-Taunting people for not wanting to tolerate such behaviour and even attempting to defend themselves online
-Threatening to do nothing if the users being harrassed don't remain perfectly meek and quiet, and instead *gasp* want to advocate for the removal of these... "Users" filling up the website with their presence and garbage posts?...

You really need to take a *much* closer look at all these reports that you have dismissed so far and continue to do so. Sounds like a lot of these users are taking it upon themselves to report scummy posters, calling out their horrible behaviour, and attempting to clear the boards by getting their garbage posts removed... Which is supposed to YOUR job.

And the fact that you have posted multiple posts taunting these people... Guess what? That doesn't make you mods, mediators, or even the bigger person with any moral ground whatsoever. Your lack of action, not only, makes your presence completely ineffective and pointless, but *YOU* also become complicit bullies that these reports should be working to erase to begin with.

In all my years on IMDB and Moviechat, I am only *now* starting to have major issues... And I have no doubt it is in large part due to the these "mods" refusing to do their jobs properly and taking a strange, imperious tone about it- like they are doing us some weird, twisted favor in the inactions...

I should not be having to do this... But I *do* care about these media discussion boards and don't want them to continue to deteriorate into something ugly and heartless.
MODS, I *implore* you- do your jobs, do it properly, and stop being... irreverently snarky(to say the least) about your jobs. Otherwise, turn it to someone who actually will do all those things.


I'm sorry you don't like free speech, which is what we as Mods were chosen to defend on this platform as much as is humanly possible, (which includes the right to insult and be insulted). We often have to distinguishĀ betweenĀ minor bickering and major problem people/posts, which is when we will step in, and yes, we mostly advise that you either just don't reply or put people on ignore for the majority of the time because you are supposed to be adults who should be able to handle such things and not act like whiney little children who want everything their way and everyone they don't agree with or like banned.

You are here as guests of Jim who created this site for your benefit, at no charge to you, after the IMDB boards closed down and he was very specific in his wish that free speechĀ was the priority here. It's an honour to be one of the few places that still believes in it.

There are plenty of other sites you can post on, who will censor the people you don't like, where the Mods share YOUR beliefs and views and will act instantly on them or even countries you could move to like China and North Korea "who actually will do all those things".

So to summarise, if you don't like how it's run here, boo hoo, because the policy & moderation won't change.

Best wishes,


Alright... If you want to play it that way.

One of things I made it very clear in my last post was that one of the major issues I had with the mods is taunting posters and acting like schoolyard bullies. Not only do you not address that. But, your response is to... Respond back with said behaviour?... Makes sense.

Speaking of "whiney little children," your "response" reeks of, not only, immaturity, but one giant imperious tantrum... Really if you're old enough to be moderating a website and talking so big, surely you're old enough to talk as such?... If you truly believe in upholding "free speech" at all costs, surely there shouldn't any reason to get so touchy, right?... Even if you didn't like what I said?...

... But, remember: "FREE SPEECH!" You don't like what I said... To quote a certain wise, website "moderator"... "Boo hoo." If you were to remove this post, it would be "[censorship]," an abuse of power emulating the likes of "China and North Korea"?... Surely, you wouldn't want that, would you?

While, it's really odd finding out this late in the game, how wholly... Unpleasant the people running this site are... I can maybe get used to the "wild west" setting as long as everyone is treated fairly... Based off your reply though... People w/ your your *ahem* attitude tend to not live up to what they (publicly) preach... While I won't hold my breath, I do hope you'll prove me wrong. šŸ¤­


Having to do a Part 2 because suddenly I having issues with limited word count. Something that I never recall running into before now... Hmm.

Finally, to quote Charlotte Vale from Now Voyager(1942) "Well, if I am [a guest], then you should treat me like one..." Based on your tone and language, I assume you're old enough to be familiar with this reference?(if not, yikes, you need some young influences to mellow you out, kid šŸ˜¬)

Esp. with being a mod and representative of this website, you could def. use a crash course in manners and smoothing out your... Very sour disposition (maybe consider green practices if you haven't already šŸ¤”). Otherwise, finally good to know what I am dealing with, I suppose. I'll do what I can to adjust to a (REASONABLE) degree... Let's see how things go from here...


I'm with the mod on this. If someone is bothering you so much, put them on ignore.

I'd only report someone if they were stalking me under different accounts or something.

All the rest is just noise that I can easily rectify at the touch of a button šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Kate, that is only a single tiny detail that I addressed in my post, which you and the mods conveniently keep ignoring together. Sure you *can* technically respond impulsively... But, just because you *can* do something, doesn't mean you should. And responding without attempting to acquire the full knowledge of the context is something that should be refrained from.

(However, as long as I am responding, I guess might as well engage some substance into this reply.)

It's a shame that so many aspects of online engagement that are crucial to avoid unnecessary conflict and maintain decorum are getting a lost behind the smokescreen of "muh freedomz!!"

Sure, "freedom of speech" is important, but it shouldn't freaking be brought up out of nowhere! Much less irresponsibly flouted as an excuse to enable bad behaviour! Yet that is precisely what the mods are doing.

And I don't know if this just a strange concept for the mods and some of the users here to grasp... It shouldn't matter whether I am being actively targeted or not- sometimes that is the case. Sometimes not. Regardless, I am still bothered witnessing so much misbehaviour throughout the website. And whether we like it or not, it's in large part to the mods' complete hands off approach.

It would actually be worth discussing and debating these topics in a civil, meaningful way... However, the mods showed, from the beginning, years before I even entered the conversation that they are either not capable or simply not willing to do that. A shame since they have the power to lead by example, but simply choose not to...


Can I report people if they don't like a movie that I like?


I constantly report all of you, one can never be too careful.

Fire all torpedos!!!


I'm reporting you for reporting me!


Blocked AND reported Mr. poopypants!

On a serious note Amigo your bump of this thread reminded me to check my ignore list. On the iPhone itā€™s super easy to slip up and ignore someone. Can you believe Iā€™ve had sslssg on my ignore list lol?!? I love her, it was a total accident! If you happen to mostly use a phone here check your ignore list every so often, especially if youā€™re a clumsy goofball like me šŸ¤“

Iā€™m a klutz, I have no other explanation.


That explains so much


So sorry!
Iā€™ve ignored hownos, mrmojo and samoanjoes by accident before!
Itā€™s so easy to slip up with the phone, especially while drinkingšŸ¤“


I've ignored you by accident before too.


You bastard!!




of course




In the spirit of balance and fairness, I Report every post that I read.


