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I'll more than likely never return to the movie theaters

And I say that for various reasons. I'm mostly pointing the finger at AMC theaters in this case. But going to the movies just isn't what it used to be. Maybe it's just me. I can't bring myself to return to the theaters. At least not anytime soon. Back in early October, I went to see a screening of Joker. It at least seemed like a film worth seeing. Aside from my terrible movie theater experience, I really did enjoy the movie. But here are the reasons why I won't be returning to the movie theaters:

1.) I'm appalled that AMC theaters has assigned seating nowadays. This is beyond idiotic and awful, in my opinion. One of the biggest joys of going to the movies, was entering the theater, and being able to pick your seat of choice. It's what added to the comfort factor. But I guess that's just not the case anymore. I even asked the guy at the ticket booth if there was assigned seating, and he clearly looked me in the eye and said, "no", and then shortly after, asked me to pick which seating placement I wanted. I mean, WTF?! But still, I really wanted to see the movie, so I just settled with my assigned seat. But still, from the start, that upset me.

2.) The audience was extremely obnoxious. They made little comments every minute and talked out loud. They were very disrespectful. It was so annoying. For a moment, I really thought I was going to walk out of the theater.

3.) Yet again, going back to the assigned seating factor...this created a lot of confusion within the theater. Instead of people just picking their seat of choice and sitting down, everyone kept searching for their seat number. This created so much unnecessary confusion.

4.) Yet again, at the ticket booth, I clearly asked the guy at the booth if I was paying for a "dine-in" theater, and he clearly told me no. But regardless, there were still buttons on the seats that had the option to request food and beverage services. This was also very distracting. During the middle of the film, some random audience member could push the button, and an employee would come rushing to their service. I mean, literally, during the middle of the movie, in front of everyone, someone would suddenly realize that they wanted some popcorn or a mini pizza. It was so distracting. This is a movie theater, not a dang restaurant.

5.) This guy next to me kept making these little snickering laughing sounds. And this lady next to me smelled like a combination of spicy chicken wings and beer. Yet again, super distracting. lol

6.) At one point throughout the film, I had to use the restroom. Believe me, I didn't want to. I didn't wanna miss the movie. But dang it, I had to go. When I got up to use the restroom, a bunch of people got really mad at me. They basically hissed. And all I kept thinking was, "Oh, so people can request service every 5 minutes and make comments throughout the entire film, and you're cool with that. But I gotta go take a piss, and I'm being as quiet as possible...and I'm the annoying one. Nice."

7.) And lastly, I guess I've just lost my patience for movie theaters. I'm used to enjoying movies in the comfort of my own home. There were way too many distractions.

So, yeah. There you have it. I apologize for my little rant. But these things needed to be said.


I'd avoid AMC until they come to their senses. Serving dinner is a stupid idea. I'm assuming that's the real reason why they have assigned seats. If they have other theaters in your area, just go to those.

I avoid the annoying crowds by doing a few things. I never go on Saturday. I know which theaters have better behaved people so I go to those. Preferably when it's not crowded like a weekday during working hours or on a Monday. Sunday is good if it's the first screening since people go to church or don't like to wake up to early on that day.


I went on a Sunday night. Didn't think it would be that crowded. I was wrong.


Wait! You don't go to churches because you're worried about shootings but you go to movie theaters which have been targets of mass shootings. I was right.


No self-respecting terrorist would shoot-up where I go. And I tend to go when there are about three or four other people. "Void of people" ruins their goal.
I plan to see Joker next week. I bet I'm the only one in the theater.


I'm sure there are plenty of churches that no self respecting terrorists would shoot up, also.


I was in a Buddhist Temple three years ago and it was so off the beaten track that no terrorist or mass shooter would be able to find it. I felt very safe there. And it was very tranquil. Also, it was practically empty since it was in the middle of nowhere. Once again, "void of people".

It depends on where you live in the country and world re: the probability of terrorism and mass shootings.


In the US, the probability of terrorism and/or mass shootings is infinitesimally low.


Perhaps in the hick place where you live. Terrorism and the threat of terrorism are common where I am. Another would-be terrorist was recently arrested.


You have no idea where I live but I'll keep your inability to be civil in mind.. Where do you live where terrorism is common? Beruit? If it's "common" show some statistics. Otherwise you're lying.


You live in a hick place if you don't know that terrorism - both domestic and foreign - continues in the U.S.. There are armed soldiers guarding popular sites where I reside, but there are still plenty of soft targets. Several more would-be terrorists people were arrested during the summer.

It must be nice to live in your bubble of ignorance.


You gotta be kidding me! Of course I know that terrorism exists in the US but it most certainly is not "common". Several were arrested during the summer? I'll bet exponentially more gangsters, drug dealers, robbers, thieves, rapists and murderers were arrested where you live.


Probably. But terrorists are interested in killing hundreds if not thousands all at once.

BTW, crime has went down where I live.

It must be nice to be blasé in your bubble of ignorance.


You define ignorance.


You're the one who believes that terrorism isn't a threat in the U.S..


Except I never said that. SMH.


I feel your pain. I avoided the cinema for a long time because of some of the reasons you stated. Here’s a couple of tips: -

The best time to go is mid-week, either early morning or early afternoon. You’ll probably get the place to yourself (excluding kids school holidays).

We’ve had allocated seating in the UK for a long time, so I guess I’m just used to it, but when the guy asks where I want to sit, I always say, ‘where would you sit?’ These guys tend to know each screen like the back of their hand, so I usually get allocated the best seat. I always make a note of the screen and seat number, so the next time I’m there, I can just request the same one.

Hope this helps.


I'll never accept the assigned seating process. Ever.


After the movie starts, I would just switch seats.


Couldn't. The entire theater was booked, except for the seats way in the front.


It sounds like you went opening weekend. If so, big mistake. I wait a week, or the Monday after the opening weekend. If it's a must see, I'll take a Friday morning off. I tend to sit in the front where it's emptier.

I also know which theaters has what type of audience. I can choose a nicer theater if I know kids are in school, if not, I'll choose a neighborhood theater because the crowd is more mature and better behaved.

I guess I have a lot of movie-going rituals to make sure I enjoy a film. LOL!


Yeah, I did go during the opening weekend. So that was definitely a mistake on my part. But I was really impatient on seeing it. I waited so long to see this movie.


I totally forgot we had assigned seating in the UK, then again , the last time I went was when that "Hitchhikers guide" movie came out , or "the curse of the were rabbit" . Quite a while.
I stopped for all the above reasons , plus:
Its too loud
Its costs a fortune (although it has come down in recent years with special offers)
You cant pause it too pee
You cant rewind it if you miss a detail
You have to watch at a set time
you have to sit through tons of adverts.
If you want food , it breaks the bank.
Other people are talking / laughing / kicking the back of your seat.
or worse - blocking your view


This rant fits with your username.




The coming attractions alone were enough to make me wait several years before returning again. :)


The coming attractions have become obnoxious, there seems to be at least 10 minutes of them every time we go


I stopped going when they cranked the volume up to eleven...


I bring earplugs. I didn't need them for Downton Abbey though.



I was so disgusted when my darling Anna married old misery guts !



I never watched the TV show. I enjoyed the film anyway.


" In the end is your beginning "


There aren't that many episodes. I may try to watch it during the summer.

I realized how much action films pulvarize the nervous system after D.A. ended. I left the theater totally relaxed.


The 'Downton Abbey' TV series is gorgeous to look at but the story lines can be feeble at times. 'Upstairs, Downstairs' (1971-75) by contrast looks like crap but the story lines are ten times better.


Yeah, you could basically hear the screen hum... even when it was silent.


I blame the shape shifting lizards. They are utter bastards !


Exactly! They should ban those things.


You used to be able to avoid that by sitting in the back.


Is this particular cinema franchise your only choice where you are?


I haven’t been to a regular movie theater in awhile, but I’m definitely not ok with assigned seating. No wonder people were acting like children. I’m surprised you didn’t witness a food fight! We’re gonna check out Zombieland 2 at the drive-in tonight. Maybe that’s the way to go.


there are still drive-ins ?


Yes! I was surprised also. I can’t wait to check it out. I forgot tonight was Halloween so we’re gonna put off the movies til tomorrow.


I didn't say drive in. I said dine in.


I said drive-in. And what?


No continue to attend find a different theatre chain then


Here in UK we have a massive IMAX cinema in London which is my go to cinema of choice. My preferred time is an 11 or 12 screening on Sundays...usually quiet, no one making noise, comfortable, no distractions.

At the moment I do not think cinemas in UK do the food serving option...but the logical option would be to have a designated area of the cinema for this. So when you pay to sit there you know you will be sitting near people ordering food.

If I was sitting in a normal.area of the cinema during the movie and someone came with a tray of food and served people near me....I would be pissed.

And you know how these things go...people would be passing food around to their party, try this etc...who has the nachos...where's my lemonade.

Nope...needs to be a separate area for that sort of nonsense.
