Martin Scorsese says Marvel movies are 'not cinema' - compares them to theme parks.
he is not a fan
he is not a fan
Elitism. Sure, are Marvel movies bad quality? Are they just soulless, money making popcorn flicks? He could make these points easily. But saying they are not cinema in the same way people argue about big L literature and little l literature is just elitism. Movies are movies. Don't use the word 'cinema' to veil the fact you think they're shit. Just say they're shit. Huge box office beasts, but shit nonetheless.
shareSamuel L. Jackson Responds to Martin Scorsese’s Marvel Comments
Robert Downey Jr Rejects Martin Scorsese’s Diss of Marvel Movies as ‘Not Cinema': ‘Makes No Sense'
Watched the interview first on YouTube and it was funny how RDJ was so cool about this whole thing. It’s like yeah I disagree but He has a right to say what he wants.
It was funny seeing Howard more upset about what Martin said than Robert. But nice of Howard Praising Robert for his performance as Iron man and defending the MCU but it was like Robert didn’t give too much thought about this.
At first he was just teasing or having fun with what Martin said, it’s a little weird but he seems completely unaffected by what the detractors say, when Kimmel asked him last year with Infinity War about James Cameron thoughts he answered first he was mis cuotted and second i want to be in a James Cameron movie.
Really it’s crazy it’s like almost no one can upset him and neither Scorsese or James Cameron said anything which was a big deal.
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