MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How many hours of sleep do you usually g...

How many hours of sleep do you usually get? What do you aim for? State your age.

I usually get around 6 hours and I'm 31. I stay up until about 12:30am and fall asleep at 1am. I don't start work until next day at around 8am. I can definitely feel a difference in my body in that I feel lethargic & irritable throughout the day which can make work more stressful. For now, I'm gonna aim around 7-8 hours. You?


Only 7 because I have to get up an hour before I want to to take omeprazole which requires me to wait an hour to eat anything. Then I try going back to sleep.


What do you mean by "only 7"? 7 hours is plenty of time to sleep.


I usually function better with 8.


I usually function better with 8.



I´m 36. I usually sleep between 9-10 hours. I try to sleep until my body is ready to wake up, If I have commitments I sleep less. I´m self-employed, if I was employed, I´m positive I´d be sleeping much less.


I just celebrated my 27th birthday this past weekend, visiting Plains, Georgia for the annual Peanut Festival and get President Jimmy Carter to sign my books about him.

I typically receive about 6 to 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep on a good night. Otherwise, I'm tossing and turning worse than "Uncle Buck" when he's being disturbed by his young relatives.

During the summer when it's hot and humid, after toiling outside, I also take a half an hour to an hour siesta if I can in the afternoon.

