Why do girls say they want a nice guy?
Who shows that he cares. By buying her flowers, holding the door and texting her daily with compliments, and posting daily on social media how no such guys exist when literally the majority of men would happily do those things.
Women are being inherently dishonest here. What they’re leaving out is that they want a guy who’s otherwise a complete ASSHOLE to do these things, and even they wouldn’t be immune to being friend zoned after exhibiting these behaviors for an extended period of time.
I have had countless girls who were admittedly physically attracted to me only to watch them slowly lose interest as they discovered I was a genuinely good guy. Now I’m not talking pushover, hanging on their every word “nice guy.” I’m talking genuinely good hearted person, very few women want that and that alone. If you don’t have some serious cockiness about you they will not stick around, they simply aren’t attracted to genuinely nice guys. It’s been acknowledged in practically every psychology/sociology article about dating and is the very foundation of pick up artistry. Frankly I think it’s total bullshit.