MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Memorable suicide scenes in movies?

Memorable suicide scenes in movies?

The ending of Thelma and Louise.


Sarah Borden (Rebecca Hall) in The Prestige


Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff in Avengers: Endgame


The housemaid in Peyton's Place.

Shirley MacLaine in The Children's Hour. I haven't seen that movie in over 20 years, didn't think it was all that great but for some reason, it stayed with me.

The hispanic chick (forgot her name) in Aliens.


I liked The Children's Hour. Perhaps not a directorial tour de force but the film had layers and was rather believable that a spiteful little squirt could cause so much damage. And any chance to gaze at Audrey Hepburn for over an hour is time well spent.


The Omen
In Bruges


The sister in Last of the Mohicans that falls off the cliff.
Russel flying into the ship in Independence Day
Leon in the Professional
Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars


Christine (2016)


Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket.


I can't remember the name of the movie. A guy in his office arranges things, using some kind of tape (like video tape), so that when someone opens the door, a gun goes off and kills him. I think he is about to be confronted by the Press, so it's a crowd of people entering the room, and they all witness his head being blown off as they walk in.


The Omen, Final Conflict.

I just watched that a few days ago.

Terrible sequel, but this was one of the better deaths in it.


