It's hard to tell if people are actually saying "should of" instead of "should have", but when I see it written as could of, should of, would of,etc, I go ballistic! I shouldn't, but it bugs me.
I had a pen pal who did that all the time. I tried to correct her by explaining how "of" is a preposition and not part of the verb. She ignored my advice of course. She couldn't spell either. She mentioned that she liked "chilli". I told her it's spelled chili. She said that she forgets. HOW can you live in Texas and not know how to spell chili?? She couldn't spell Mattel either. She had a collector's edition of a Mattel doll and spelled it Mattell. I could spell Mattel when I was six!
At work I am constantly amazed at how incredibly poor some of my co-workers are with spelling and grammar. I work in a company where we support intellectually and/or physically disabled individuals. I swear, if you read the e-mails and memos around here, you'd think half the staff was intellectually disabled! The American education system is in the toilet.
I have in front of me a printout of a new system we are using to document our residential notes. The supervisor wrote in a few things to explain the new system. On the front page, "This will need changed if you work on another program."
I want to scream when I see that. It's "Needs TO BE changed". My last supervisor did the same thing.
This needs fixed, this needs changed, this needs done,etc. Needs TO BE!! It's as if English is a second language for these people. And it's not.
They can't spell either. For instance, on the grocery list for our house, one woman will write "toliet paper". How the freak hard is it to spell TOILET? At first I thought it was just a mistake. But she spells it that way all the time.
The list goes on. I just don't know if Americans are getting dumber or if the education system is so poor that people graduate high school with the language skills of a fourth grader.