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Am I doing it right or did I learn something new today?

I was having a discussion with a buddy of mine about shaving and he laughed when I said that I shave before taking a shower. I'm confused by this. I put warm water on my face to open the pores, shave and then hop in the shower to wash all the crap off my face. I then put aftershave upon leaving the shower. Why is that so wrong? I mean, when you leave the hot shower, you have a foggy mirror and that would make it difficult for you to shave in the first place. How do you do it, shave first or shower first?


Sounds like it makes sense to me, more or less.

I don't have any particular order for it honestly. I may sometimes shave before or just not worry about it and end up shaving afterwards at some later point. I don't think it really makes a big difference either way. One thing I always prefer showering after is cutting my hair, as that can be annoying/itchy/etc. When shaving your face it's easy to rinse in the sink/combine it with face washing.


I shower after I cut my hair too. I'll have so many excessive hairs left on my body. Shaving first just seems more logical to me to wash all that stuff off and also avoiding to shave in front of a foggy mirror.


Yeah, I get what you mean. I guess it's more about mood for me. Sometimes I could just shave and get on with it and just wash/clean my face in the sink -- other times I'll feel more like, "Why not jump in the shower after this?"

Foggy mirror isn't that big of a deal though as I just wipe it to look at myself when getting out of the shower anyways.


I have a beard now but back when I was shaving regularly I would shave before taking a shower as well. I always found my face looked better if I showered before rather than after.


It gets rid of all the redness in my face too.


I shave in the shower.


I shave in the tub. Like Bond. James Bond. But without the fancy stand.

When I was working obviously I didn't have time to do it this way. If memory serves I shaved before showering.

A couple of years ago I started experimenting with an old-fashioned double edge safety razor. They are much cheaper to use but take much more time to shave because it's easier to cut oneself than a cartridge razor. So I use a combination of both, most days a cartridge razor. I use after-shave balm.


I shave in the tub. Like Ramirez. Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez. But without the fancy revolver. 😊


I can't really shave in the shower because it would wash off immediately. Also, there's too much stuff on the shelf inside my shower already.


Shave while under the shower.



The shaving cream would wash off your face too fast, and there isn't a mirror to see your face to get the sideburns right

Lady grooming is entirely different from guy grooming👎


Hey, I'm simply answering a question!

But my bathroom is so small, you actually have to stand inside the shower to look in the mirror!

If I were a guy, I'd shave after showering because the pores have opened up much more, the skin is softer and thus, shaving is smoother.


I hope your sideburns are fabulous but that's not how it's done😛😘

Ladies shave their legs in the shower, guys need a mirror for the face


I'm well aware. Like I said, if I were a guy I'd shave AFTER showering instead of before.


Happily, you're not a guy❤️


I hear that a lot!😘


If you have sensitive skin a shower first is the best way
It opens up and clears out your pores completely...let the hot water spray your face, a touch of soap to get things going, no worries👍

The trouble comes afterward, as you stated, when you go to shave...the mirror is usually all fogged up and useless

Leave a window open or the exhaust fan on blast...this usually does the trick to get the steam out of the area

Also, try out those crazy razors with 3 or 4 much as it sounds ridiculous most of them really help

Best wishes Joe, I struggle with shaving too😬


There's also that awesome warming cream that they sell. The hair gets shaved off like butter.


I've never heard of this face skin is surprisingly sensitive for a large ugly guy, you'd think I was the Princess with the pea after I shave LOL!
I'll look into it


The one I used was light blue, really thick and it had little blue "seeds" inside. When you applied it to your face, it would warm it up after 10 or 15 seconds. This wasn't the specific one I used, but this is it.


I shave before showering. Always have. After showering I put talc or baby powder on my face to cool things down.


It feels good to know I'm not the crazy one after my friend laughed at me. I didn't even know shaving after showering was even a thing. I don't understand the logic behind it.


Shower, then shave. No issues with foggy mirrors.


Exactly. I don't understand how anyone would want it any other way. I looked online and I saw posts of people saying they shave afterward. It boggles my mind.
