MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I doing it right or did I learn somet...

Am I doing it right or did I learn something new today?

I was having a discussion with a buddy of mine about shaving and he laughed when I said that I shave before taking a shower. I'm confused by this. I put warm water on my face to open the pores, shave and then hop in the shower to wash all the crap off my face. I then put aftershave upon leaving the shower. Why is that so wrong? I mean, when you leave the hot shower, you have a foggy mirror and that would make it difficult for you to shave in the first place. How do you do it, shave first or shower first?



I looked online and there was a men's shaving site and they said to shave after you shower. This makes no sense to me.



Hey, it seemed like a legit site especially considering it was tailored to shaving.


Hey, this is America in 2019. Anyone who does not think like I think and do what I do is evil and must be destroyed. No shaving after the shower allowed. 😏


I'm a woman, so a foggy mirror doesn't make a difference to me haha. But the way you do it makes sense.


Fog-free mirror and shave in the shower.


I first splash hot water on my face and then I soap it up. I do not rinse the soap off.
I then apply shaving cream directly over the soap on my face and shave.
After the shave is over I splash more hot water on my face to rinse off the residue and after that I proceed to take a shower.

Therefore samoanjoes, I do not think that you are doing it wrong.


I thought about putting soap underneath but I figured with the friction of the razor that it would cause a rash.
