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Artists Who Hate/Dislike One Of His/Her Movies?

I added that "dislike" so the world wouldn't tear in half.

I define an artist who creates.. Director, writer, actor, etc.


-Spielberg hates "Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and "Hook".
-Kevin Smith hates "Jersey Girl".
-Mark Wahlberg regrets "Boogie Nights."
-George Clooney (as well as everyone else) hates "Batman & Robin" and even publicly criticized the director.
-Nicole Kidman hates "Australia".

As far as actors hating their own performances, but not the movie itself:

-Kate Winslet for "Titanic".
-Jodie Foster for "The Accused".


Harrison Ford had a very odd dislike for his Han Solo role
But then again he seems to be grumpy in general...


Zellweger wanted her attachment to the Texas Chainsaw sequel minimized

They put her face on the dvd release anyway lol


Humphrey Bogart made lots of movies (forced by contract) that he did not like...but these two he liked the least of all.

1937’s Swing That Lady: Bogart plays a wrestling promoter who brings his wrestler Joe, to the Ozarks, to wrestle a female hillbilly Amazon named Sadie Hills….naturally Bogart falls in love with Sadie and they all live happily ever after in this musical comedy…..Bogart’s thoughts on this movie….”It’s a stinker”

1938’s The Return of Dr. X: Bogart’s only science fiction movie….he plays a mad evil genius doctor who figures out a way to bring the dead back to life. For some reason Bogart refused to talk about this movie later in his life.


They both seem like pretty interesting plots, maybe they were poorly produced and looked like crap?

I'd like to see Bogie chew up the scenery as a mad scientist!


I wonder if he liked Dr. Faustus (it looked silly, so I deleted it)


The Return of Dr X was way out of character for Bogart.


I imagine there are a lot of actors who regretted movies they had to make under the old studio system. The studio was boss and they had to do it whether they liked it or not.


Meryl Streep has said the performance of her own she most dislikes is The French Lieutenant's Woman.

Can't blame her. That was one boring film.


David Lynch hates Dune


I think that was because he didn't get Final Cut.


Yeah, I don't think he had much control during the entire production


Dune is seriously bad. So bad it's funny bad. I like the people involved, but the final product is ... just ... bad.


Can't blame Lynch for that though.


I've never read up on the making of Dune. This was a long time ago and special effects weren't what they are now, and maybe the producers meddled. I don't know. It doesn't feel like a Lynch movie, not at all.


To say the producers meddled is an understatement. Lynch had his name removed as Director he was so disgusted. You will now see Alan Smithee listed instead on all versions.


Got it !


Jamie Dornan hates 50 Shades of Grey.


Roy Scheider and Jaws 2. He had to do it contractually. He spent most of his off time sunbathing to give the continuity person a hell of a time.

John Cusack seems to look down on a few of his films.


I know he's not proud of Better Off Dead.


What? I love Better Off Dead. How can you do better than a hamburger playing Van Halen?
