Out of these classics, you can only pick one, and the rest are destroyed, never to be seen again.
Which do you pick?:
The Terminator
The Karate Kid
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Sixteen Candles
The NeverEnding Story
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Beverly Hills Cop
This is Spinal Tap
Red Dawn
Seriously though, in addition to the films listed, I also saw these on the big screen ...
The Buddy System
Broadway Danny Rose
Romancing the Stone
Moscow On the Hudson
The Natural
Streets of Fire
Bachelor Party
Revenge of the Nerds
Purple Rain
The Philadelphia Experiment
Garbo Talks
Body Double
The Flamingo Kid
So for me, The Terminator got the gold, Red Dawn the silver, and taking the bronze medal was Streets of Fire.
But looking at both lists, 1984 was a definitely an excellent year for going to the movies.
i would probably choose red dawn.
this is spinal tap is the greatest work of art on this list, i reckon, but i know it inside and out and really could just run it through my head at this point.
but red dawn still has fresh, new & ridiculous 'wolverine' punctuated pleasure to give me.