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Being a single guy sucks

Almost every girl is taken and the ones that aren’t are fresh off a break up and completely uninterested in dating.

Approaching girls is pretty much useless for this reason and even if they are available 9/10 times they will say no even if they find you attractive, unless you have really good game. I’ve had girls stare at me all night then when I finally work up the balls to approach them they go cold. Online dating is even worse.

Unless you’re a celebrity, it has to happen organically, either through mutual friends or work.

It’s really annoying, women complain that they have it so hard but really they have the upper hand in almost every department.


The best advice is become the best you that you can be. Weight train. Eat well. Drop bodyfat. Find a style that suits you and rock it. etc. It is tough out there, these days, but if you're realistic and don't expect a supermodel things are still possible.


I feel like being single or hitched both have their benefits and disadvantages.


OP, no one likes being alone, but there is something worse than being alone. That is being with someone who is not right for you. Not only is the situation, in and of itself, bad for you—because your needs are not being met—the situation is also taking up space in your life to prevent you from meeting someone who actually deserves you.

Read sslssg’s post. She found someone great, because she stopped looking. She was wholly content to be on her own. That takes confidence. Confidence is very appealing, to both genders. Dig yourself, and others will dig you, too.

A tip: “lines” don’t work. What turns a woman’s head is confidence, DIRECTNESS (without being pushy, aggressive or in any other way a penis), the willingness to be vulnerable (I know that’s scary, but it takes brass balls to be vulnerable and women know it), and a sense of humor (because you have to be smart to be funny; also, her mother has probably told her to marry a man who makes her laugh, and that is great advice). Looks matter. We’re only human; but they matter far less to women than they do to men. Women are, generally, deeper and smarter than we are. They look for the fundamentals, not the superficials. Look her in the eyes, not in the boobs. You’ll be the first guy she’s ever met who refused to drool on her cleavage, and you will get her attention. Basically, be interesting and interested. Show her you really want to get to know HER, and not just have sex with her. I know: radical concept, right? In short, be a self-respecting MAN, and not a horney boy (and, OP, I am not saying this applies to you, because I sure as hell don’t know you; I am writing for a general audience here), and you’ll be amazed at how much fun you and the ladies will have. The whole point of this is to have fun. Put your focus on having fun, and not on trying to SELL the poor woman a bill of BS, and you will both be happier. Guys try to sell her a bill if BS 20 times a day. Good luck, and have fun.


You make some very valid points, such as having a sense of humor, "lines" don't work, and that not everything is about sex. Call me quirky, but some of us prefer solitude. By the way, I love your "look her in the eyes, not the boobs." I wish more men understood this.




You dug up a year old post just to say that?




Not quite the same. In some cases, he's kicked it up a notch.


I imagine it's something like this at this point



That is why you don't bother and just enjoy your life in other ways. You know, even if you were to find a girlfriend, you would have to work just as hard to keep her.




I know an ugly and obnoxious little guy, a brilliant scientist who spend years whining about women the way that you do, and everyone commiserated and secretly thought that who could blame the women for turning him down. Some times in his forties he made a turnaround, and suddenly started getting dates with very attractive women, I mean I've lost touch with him, but for years he was never without an attractive date, or a girlfriend who was out of his league.

Turns out his secret was: He'd done the math, like a proper scientist.

He'd just counted up the number of rejections from women to the number of acceptances, and calculated that in order to get ONE date, he simply had to get the fifty or 100 rejections over with. So he just started approaching a lot of women, and accepting the high percentage of rejections as normal and necessary, and it was true - a certain percentage of women were willing to spend some time with him. Some became actual girlfriends, and he became a much happier and more pleasant man.

True story!

The moral is: Do the fucking math.


Bullshit, rejection and overapproaching have destroyed my self esteem and made me bitter, mostly because most of the rude reactions have been by girls who aren’t even that attractive.


Nope, true story!

If you accept that it's normal and reasonable for most approaches to be rebuffed, since the vast majority of women are either attached or doing something else with that moment other than being desperate for a man, then dating becomes a very different experience. If you allow yourself to get bitter and resentful over every single rejection, even though most women are attached or busy or as bitter as you are about the opposite sex, then of course you'll be disappointed!

You see, your expectations are unreasonably high, you really truly think that any woman you approach really ought to be impressed by you and take your feelings very seriously, when you regard their most deeply held feelings as nothing but an inconvenience to you. But the fact is, disinterest is the norm for people who aren't unusually rich, good-looking, or sexy, and any ordinary schmoe, whether male or female, has to be able to accept disinterest and rejection if they ever want to meet that special someone. Speaking as an ordinary schmoe myself, of course.


What if I’m good looking? And
I agree with most of what you said and that does help alleviate some of the pressure but if girls (the ones who aren’t taken) aren’t on the prowl why do they constantly complain about being single?


At this point maybe you could use one of those dating coaches. I’m thinking Otter would be top notch.




If your not available, could you please recommend one of your colleagues?


My colleagues don't come cheap.

As for me, well, there isn't enough money in the world.




"... but if girls (the ones who aren’t taken) aren’t on the prowl why do they constantly complain about being single? "

Because they want unconditional love and acceptance and the security of being in a settled relationship, and they want that a lot more than they want the difficult and disappointing business of finding someone and forming the relationship they want. Because either consciously or unconsciously they know that human beings are basically selfish and shallow, and they all want to be loved much more than they want to love.

In short, women are really just like you.


How on earth are women like me? I think you just said a bunch of nonsense fluff, I think women want the world and think they deserve it because they are told that from a young age, and it is reinforced throughout their entire lives by desperate men. That’s the problem, they get too much attention and so they have no sense of urgency in accepting anyone’s advances, no matter how badly they claim to want a partner. It’s all an act, image crafting themselves to appear to be hopeless romantics when in reality they’re entitled brats. Then the real salt in the wound is that the guy they end up with looks like he just walked out of a methadone clinic and beats the shit out of them, they go back to him 10 times before their friends and family intervene or they become too emotionally exhausted to sustain any more abuse, at which point they shut out the world until they’re ready to let the next toxic loser in.


You dont have any sisters, do you?


3, but none of them behave like most women. They are wholesome and honest and all married to or dating genuinely good guys.


Give it time




"I think women want the world and think they deserve it because they are told that from a young age"

Like I said, women are really just like you.


Why would you assume I want the world or have been told I deserve it? Never once have I implied that I had high standards. Most people want a partner who is as attractive and intelligent as them, however I have been willing to settle for less, and even that is difficult with the way women are now.


Yeah, you're right. Four billion women are completely in the wrong about everything, and you're right.

That's totally plausible.


You can keep ignoring my valid and logical points and spewing hyperbole, it doesn’t change the facts


"the way women are now."....MR COSBY?...IS THAT YOU?


Oh honey, you wouldn't recognize a fact if it climbed onto your shoulders and grabbed you by both ears, and screamed eternal truths into your face.

At least, as long as that fact concerned human women.


Ok give me a fact


You're an idiot.


All girls don't get celebs.

There are real women out there who never see a celeb, MOST, in fact.

Stay calm.

Carry on.


Who said they did?? Doesn’t change one bit their entitlement to one.


When you were in your teens and 20’s did you have better luck dating?


Somewhat, but I had less confidence and more competition
