I think Johnny Depp would be on top of this list for not just me. I think it was around the time of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that he really started to irk me, and it just kept getting worse. I used to really like him, and not just because he was "cute", I thought he was a great actor.
Madonna is another one. I don't think I'd listened to any of her new music after Music. I don't think she was ever a great singer, but she was very entertaining. I listened to one of her new songs the other day and I realized that she just irritates me now. Even seeing a picture of her is annoying. I don't know if I think she's trying to hard or what? But I can still listen almost anything before 2000 and still really like it.
John Malkovich. I used to find him interesting, even when he was doing cheesy roles like in Con Air. I don't know why I now find him irritating, but I do.
I liked her in the first Hunger Games and XMen first class. After that, the stans e.g. "She eats pizza! She's so real!" got annoying. Then I realized she sucks (in the other X-Men films at least) and Mystique got a heap of screentime just due to Jlaw's starpower.
I'm not sure I ever liked him. I don't think I ever really saw many interviews with him before the Opera couch one, and that was off putting. I hated his characters in Taps and the Outsiders, but I have liked several of his movies.
Yep, Cosby. His old standup routines were funny, but there was something about him that bugged me on The Cosby Show. I watched it, like everyone else did, but there was something mean-spirited lurking under the surface of Dr Huxtable that made me uneasy. Now I know why.
Johnny Depp for me too. Liked him early on but then every role he played seemed to be just another variation on "quirky, socially awkward weird guy." One in a while he seems to be able to play just a "person" but I tire of his quirky roles.
Author JK Rowling.
I used to be a grownup Harry Potter fan, read all the books, saw all the movies on original theater run, etc, and I thought JK was the cat's pajamas. But lately now that she's so vociferous on social media, I find that I cannot stand her mean, nasty personality. She's a viper, a shrew. I'm not even a fan of some of the people she's shrewish about but I don't like her conduct, particularly toward fans. She's said some absolutely terrible, ugly things to people who made her rich, just because of political differences, and to me, that's not acceptable. Those people put her where she is today.
Ditto that on Johnny Depp. He was fun doing the first few quirky, socially awkward, weird characters, but it became very tiresome after that.
I don't want to know this about JK Rowling! To me she's just the author of the Harry Potter books/movies, which were fun. I'm going to pretend I didn't read this π
The complaints about "she attacks people just because of their political opinions" comes across as "she disagreed with people's opinions and she is therefore a bad person." Freedom of speech is a two-way street.
Reminds me of someone attacking Jason Isaacs for voicing his (liberal) political opinion and criticizing Trump. The fan said people don't want political views from actors and that Isaacs' words are alienating the fan base. Isaacs then went through the fan's tweets and saw that he used the white genocide hashtag a bunch of times, and called him out on it. Now, I am not saying the dude complaining about JK is racist, just saying his logic reminded me of this incident (and others like it).
Point being: There are people who take it personal if an actor has different political opinions (or isn't racist like they are) and they will often not admit this, and will hide their viewpoint with other language or excuses.
The belief that Rowling must agree with fans definitely reeks of entitlement as well.
Johnny Depp is a good one for me too. I liked his earlier stuff and he had some really good films, but now it's like he is Jack Sparrow in almost everything. Can't stand him as Grindelwald too.
Others for me are: Charlize Theron and Shia LaBeouf