Stars who you used to like but now can't stand
I think Johnny Depp would be on top of this list for not just me. I think it was around the time of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that he really started to irk me, and it just kept getting worse. I used to really like him, and not just because he was "cute", I thought he was a great actor.
Madonna is another one. I don't think I'd listened to any of her new music after Music. I don't think she was ever a great singer, but she was very entertaining. I listened to one of her new songs the other day and I realized that she just irritates me now. Even seeing a picture of her is annoying. I don't know if I think she's trying to hard or what? But I can still listen almost anything before 2000 and still really like it.
John Malkovich. I used to find him interesting, even when he was doing cheesy roles like in Con Air. I don't know why I now find him irritating, but I do.