MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I miss IMDb, man

I miss IMDb, man

I feel like this site will probably be sued. Kind of amazed it hasn't happened yet. Anyways I just joined this place because I miss the IMDb and the part it played in my life (especially the LOST board in 2008 and onwards until The End). It was an almost daily part of my life from when I was 14 until I was 26. I miss the LOST board, of course, I miss the Harry Potter boards and moving on to the board of the next movie in line when it was in production. I miss posting on the board of some actor (or obscure movie) and discovering 6 years later that I'd gotten a reply 3 years ago. I miss how it was always active and always made me feel less alone.

I just wish they'd bring them back as they were, no new features, no added moderation or stricter rules. But I know that's not going to happen. The internet is becoming so impersonal. It's all about money and no longer about communities and human interaction. Youtube's lost, too, it used to be a video social networking site where people made videos and response videos because they liked it. Now it's a corporate site where you need adblock because every video is spammed with ads and if they don't have ads, they have in-video ads(sponsored content) and nothing's real anymore.

I never had much of a social life due to social anxiety so the internet used to help with that (particularly the imdb boards). Now I just feel more alone than ever.

Also can't get used to watching a movie/tv show and not going to its board to talk about it. WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO RANT


What I really miss about IMDB message boards was that every board had regular discussions regularly regardless how unpopular or unknown the show, movie and/or actor/actress was. On here it's like pulling teeth to keep any conversation going with the exception of the General Discussion board. I think I'm just going to post here for now on.


A lot of posters have grumbled about the low traffic here, especially on the individual boards. I understand their frustrations. I never posted on IMDb but I lurked there a lot. One thing we have to keep in mind is that it took years to build traffic over there. I don't have the answer, but we keep at it.

Post on your favorite individual boards, respond to posts - even the old ones. I'm guilty of not doing this (maybe I should have made a New Years resolution to do better). Doing this throws the board up on the Trending bar, for a little while at least. Another idea is when you do post on a quiet board, make a post on GD with a link to that discussion.

If anyone has ideas or suggestions I'd really like to hear them! 🙂


You shared some great insight. I did however attempt to do this once: post on the General Discussion board that I just made a post on a movie’s board, and instead people came on that General Discussion board and started talking about a completely different movie. I lurked a lot the last few years on IMDB and quit posting. I now regret that.


I can only ask that you keep trying. I know it's frustrating to loyal IMDb posters and readers to have lost their "home." But there's no going back so we have to keep plugging along. I've been here almost from the first day, and there's a bit of pride in knowing that I've helped build this.

Are you a "Breakfast at Tiffany's fan?


You are correct. It will pick up in time, but we all have to do our part to ensure it. It’s a team effort like you said. I do like the movie, but I actually picked the name simply because I like how it sounds. 🙂


It is a fun name. It makes me think of a graceful dancer - possibly due to the association with Audrey Hepburn.


Too many trolls got it shut down


I don't disagree. I think they got tired of dealing with the drama. Not they ever really did deal with it.


Some people link the closure of the message boards to the Trump victory, let's face it allowing endless pro Trump threads to be posted aren't exactly in Hollywood's or Amazon's best interests. I wonder if it was Hillary that won, we'd still have the boards. No way would IMDb shut it down because of trolling (they could've locked certain boards instead) it was one of the most active parts of the site. It was the mere reason I and thousands of others used the website.

The timing between the political sphere in Hollywood and the closure of the boards was too revealing, they wanted it gone just before the Oscars!


You have to wonder if that was a good business decision for them.


I miss the flood of posts on the night a fresh episode of a megahit tv show airs. Like Game of Thrones, True Detective, Survivor. This site just doesn’t get the traffic.


I never actually posted on IMDB, but really enjoyed lurking and was amazed how there was discussion even on very niche boards.


Hey man. Nice to see a fellow LOST board poster here. I miss the boards too, and the moving from one Harry Potter board to the next was a special thing as well.

Yeah, despite more people being on the internet than ever, it feels deserted, since most of the population seem to be on their damn social medias. People don't seem to be interested in forums any more. :(

Totally agree with your thoughts on YouTube. It has gone downhill so much over the years. It used to be about ordinary people making videos for fun and sharing them, but now it's just full of fake ass people churning out constant videos for ad revenue, making their videos 10 minutes long to get even more out of their idiotic audience. It's just a money making machine now. All the videos look too clean now and "perfect", with all the "YouTubers" being all cheery and being like "hey guys!" acting as if everything is awesome. It makes me sick tbh. "Don't forget to like and subscribe" Yeah how about no, asshole.

Adblocker is an absolute must. You can also get an add-on for your browser called "Video Blocker", which lets you completely block channels of your choice, that way none of their videos show up in your searches. It may cause some lag when searching certain topics where those channels make content for, but it's worth it.

Too bad everyone is on their damn phones these days, and smartphones don't have adblocker... Which for some reason people are okay with.


IMDB closed down, but we got a couple of new ones, so maybe it will turn out ok? And who knows, maybe one day they'll create a forum again? They should have had some auto-bots to regulate.


Rant here. I get my share of pleasant responses. I do try to post in the actor's thread, as opposed to what I just did, which is respond to a Spencer Tracy thread in GD. Why not under his own name? I don't understand that, other than the OP figures more people are paying attention to GD. In fact I'm going to look what the ST topic looks like.



