MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If Movie Titles were truthful.....

If Movie Titles were truthful.....

One thing that always annoys me is when the titles of some films just don't mesh well with what the movie's really about. One-word movie titles are the worst, particularly if it's just one of many words that could have been used in the movie's title. It's especially annoying if the movie's from a franchise, but doesn't mesh at all with the others in the series. I'll give some examples below:

Frozen - just call it the frickin' "Snow Queen" already, they did it in Norway
entire Twilight Series - "Bad Acting in the Woods"
Jurassic Park sequels - "Dinos Eat the People, Parts II-V"
Crash - "Racism in L.A."
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - "Old and Tired Money-Maker"
Reign of Fire - "Dragons Burn Everyone Up"
Aliens 3 and The Last Jedi - "This is What a Shitty Multi-Million-Dollar Fanfic Looks Like"
Mockingjay: Part 1 - "Two Hours in a Bunker"
K-Pax - "Kevin Spacey Faking Being An Alien"
Independence Day 2: Resurgence - "2-Hour Money-Making Snore-fest"
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens - "Rehash of 'A New Hope' with a Girl."
Epic - "Awesome Rehash of 'Fern Gully'"

Feel free to add to these, particularly if it's a universally disliked film with a lousy title.


Jaws the Revenge - "Shark Roar!"




Frozen is called "frost" in Norway. But you might be referring to something else.


"Frozen - just call it the frickin' "Snow Queen" already"

They really shouldn't, because it isn't an adaptation of Andersen's wonderful story in any way.

"Snakes on a Plane" - Totally misleading!


Disney was going to call it "Snow Queen", but after their lesson learned from "The Princess and Frog", a stellar film with grand reception though lacking a wider market to sell stuff to, they decided to title it "Frozen" so it could also be marketed to boys and a more general audience. The rest is history. You either love or hate that snowman guy. Olaf, I think? Both so annoying and cute, argh!



Yeah, he's a nice comical relief, and I do like Josh Gad, but frankly, I could have done without that stupid "In Summer" song.


White Boy Rick - "2 hours of aimless scenes with mediocre acting, cliche gangster tropes and no relate-able characters".


The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligan's Island (1981) - People in a boat throw basketballs into the fakest looking shark ever seens mouth.



'Rosario Dawson is so Hot!'


Especially in this It has a full, frontal nude shot of her that will knock your socks off !


Oh I'm aware buddy
Rosario is too hot...I would pass out!!


No one would go see them.

Truth in advertising does not work.


This is supposed to be a way to tell jokes, particularly regarding films where the title isn't very descriptive or eye-catching. Some people can't even remember some of today's movies because of their forgettable titles.


Sorry. I’m not very funny. How about this?

Avengers: Infinity Wars: “If You’ve Seen 17 Previous Marvel Movies Before This, You’ll Understand The Movie. If Not, You Don’t Matter.”

Not actually funny. I hope that caustic counts.


I have a good one for that ;)

Avengers: Infinity War - "Big purple man steals stones and gets away with it"


Oh, give yourself credit
That was pretty funny👍

Marvel movies are awesome but you do need to see them all to know what the hell is going on!
