MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Child suffering in films does nothing fo...

Child suffering in films does nothing for me, animal suffering I can't stand.

I know a friend who is a mother who can't watch Clint Eastwood's Changeling because of all the child suffering. I see that film and it honestly does nothing to me the kids being axed. I don't know what that says about me, but I see any animal suffering and I am devastated. Is that stupid? I think what she said is stupid but I'm not sure if I'm the same.


Don't watch Cannibal Holocaust.


That was rough one!


definitely not for an animal lover. 🙂🙂🙂


only a sick person would.


It disturbs me that I can watch a Save the Children ad with all those starving kids and merely feel sad. But i cannot watch the SPCA ads with suffering dogs and cats. I have to change the channel. I almost start bawling.

In real life, I know I'd put a child before an animal. Say if I had to rescue only one from a burning building, I'd pick the human being (and probably still try to carry the dog too!).

I have pets and I am deeply sentimental about animals. I cannot watch any movies with animal suffering. Forget about Old Yeller!

However I hated the second Indiana Jones movie because the enslaved children made me depressed. Guess there's hope for me yet.


I'm sensitive to all.


i am just like you, i can bear all kind of human suffering in movies but when it come to animals i can't stand looking, i am totally fine with animals dying in movies, every living thing will eventually die anyway but watching animals getting abused or just generally living under bad conditions is like psychological torture to me


me too.


Your posts create an interesting profile.

Dont care if a man grabs another mans penis
Not bothered by kids being killed , but those poor animals.
Obviously a liberal
A millenial

What a disgrace you are as a citizen.
We didint breed them like this back in the day.


Hopefully you bred them just like yourself because you seem lovely!


That's more than a bit calloused, Cake




Guessing you are not a parent.


I don’t enjoy watching anyone or anything suffering. It’s why I can’t stand torture porn like the Saw and Hostel movies. I don’t agree animal suffering is worse. In the movie Under The Skin there’s a scene on the beach with a screaming child who is so visibly upset it’s really disturbing, one of the most upsetting things I’ve ever seen in a movie.


Depiction of children or animal suffering does nothing to me because I know it was just a movie.

Real animal suffering in movies, however, upset me. Like those in collosal movies where horses were deliberately tripped to make them fall.

They say it was not dangerous (to the horses, obviously dangerous to the stuntmen, but hey at least they like doing it.) I don't know, I just don't enjoy looking at such scenes. Thank God, todays collosal movies are now completely CGI.


I don’t enjoy watching anyone or anything suffering. It’s why I can’t stand torture porn like the Saw and Hostel movies

My god I was about to post the exact same sentence!
If you mention children and/or animals suffering most people will "get it" , and yet much of the masses will rush off to watch Saw and Hostel , which are nothing but flimsily framed plots designed specifically to house one scene of torture after another.

The fact those films are successful is the epitomy of "mans inhumanity to man" ,and the reason there will never be an end to war.

i'm not against violence in movies , it makes for adventure , tension , thrillers etc , but when all semblance of a story is stripped off and its just "here is a person getting mutilated, now here's another" its too much.
I would say "People who enjoy that should be put on a register" put its such a large cross section of humanity theres no point - cant fight it. thats just Human nature.
People who let their 8 year old kids watch it though ...
