MovieChat Forums > HolyEngines
HolyEngines (39)
people who complain about this are really missing the point (possible spoilers)
very stupid decision at the ending
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Ok, it seems that you're mostly criticizing my title and to some extent, I do agree that not everyone who disliked the movie, did not understand it, But also on the other hand everyone who didn't understand it will obviously dislike it. All I want to say is that it's possible to watch a movie and miss some crucial points and then enter a discussion with someone who brings up some points that "click" in your brain and you start viewing that movie a bit differently, in fact, this is why I use this forum anyways. I am not here to tell people what to like and what to dislike and I don't expect haters to suddenly fall in love with the movie after reading this. Just wanted to put my two cents and everyone can then decide for themselves. Personally, I didn't even say that I liked it, I just said it was effective horror and I also said that I will never rewatch it. sometimes a simple "like" or "dislike" is not enough to express how I feel about a movie.
I mean, isn't it possible people complain and understand the movie?
- of course, it's possible
You liked it, doesn't mean everyone else did too.
- never said otherwise
"Well, you didn't understand it", is just never a good defense for a movie.
- it kinda is. after all, there is an open door for discussion on this website. if movie discussions just boil down to I like it or dislike it, is it really a "discussion"?
they just assumed that britney was having a crush on the father, given the messed up situation they didn't have the capacity to go over details i guess, but like generally this movie was full of criminally stupid acts
1- faking your death to meet a boyfriend
2- telling your parents that you killed your friend to get them together
3- when your friend's father lash out on you in the streets and things get way out of control don't end the sick game just play along
4- killing brit's father? brilliant!!
they all need to go to jail for being too stupid to function
for me it's enter the void, ironically the title describes the movie very well
many great movies are pointless. sometimes a piece of art is not about what it means but rather what people think it means
she needs to move on
i don't see how possibly this could end up well
seems like a real life black mirror episode
i wouldn't know but king kong is definitely one of my favorites
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