MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Don't you hate it when someone says: "Wh...

Don't you hate it when someone says: "Whoa, you've never seen that movie?"

No, I've never seen The Fast and the Furious because I like movies that require thinking so don't try to shame me as if I'm missing Citizen Kane. I've seen most of the films that are considered the greatest of all time so I don't need you to tell me that Vin Diesel is Daniel Day-Lewis.



^ This exactly.


I get that, but it's like they're shaming you for it. I remember many years in ago when I was in high school, people would say it like they were talking down to me, as if they thought they knew more about film than me. Then I'd go, "what's your favourite Kubrick film?" Their response was usually: "who?" I think people do it to make themselves feel smarter.



Of course answering that question with a Kubrick challenge is a form of talking down and trying to establish that you know more than they, but that's totally normal for high school. Most interactions between high schoolers involve some sort of putdown.


There is always time for Big Trouble in Little China :) and quite frankly something like that can be far more enjoyable then "smart" movies. Which in the end is what a movie should be, entertainment.


Totally agree!

FYI the movie is free on youtube, and I saw it again when I was stuck at home with the broken leg. Totally stupid, totally enjoyable.


It is a great silly movie with a fun cast
Nice to see that it's gained quite a few admirers over the years

I hope the leg is better, that's a serious injury


Not as much as people who are too pretentious to watch certain movies...

The Fast and the Furious does suck, though.


I feel like it's one of those movies where you don't have to see it and already know what's going to happen.


Hold on... you mean you've never seen The Fast and the Furious, samoanjoes?!😮




Whoa whoa whoa!


No and don't plan to. Vin Diesel is a weasel.


Not even out of respect for the loss of Walker? That's cold, man.


His bad acting didn't respect my eyes when he was alive so...


Nah, I find it curious which films are important to some generations and not others. I'm a movie phile, i've pretty much seen everything. I'm actually envious of those with lives to busy to bother watching movies.


But I get this with my own generation. I've actually heard someone say this about a Hallmark movie and think it was the best movie ever made. And then it's "Oh, you've never seen (I forgot the name of it)? You're missing out!"


Sometimes, but usually only if people freely toss around spoilers because they just assume that "everyone's seen that movie". Like "dude, that movie came out in the 50s, how have you not seen it yet?" Well, I wasn't born yet, and I didn't have a theater in the womb to show me every film that was made on the planet up to the point I was born, so...


I had an argument about this on IMDb about spoiling The Planet of the Apes. Thanks to this site, I can re-live those joyous memories.


It's crazy that almost no one on that thread seems to have been on your side. It's not that difficult of a concept. Nobody can have seen every movie ever made, regardless of when it was made. Why can't people be courteous?

I got lucky with Planet of the Apes. Despite it being one of the most-spoiled movies, I was lucky enough not to know the ending before I watched it.


I admit, I was a little bit of a jerk about it, but they kept having a "too bad, it's been out for decades" mentality, which was my argument. How can a new generation enjoy a twist in a film if it's already been spoiled?


And when you see it,you realize is shit


9 times out of 10. I actually don't respect the opinion of average people. That's why I come to film boards like this where I can find some knowledgeable film people.


of course. your average person couldn't find france on a map, never heard of henry ford, thinks b&w movies are 'weird'.


Not at all.My nephew was shocked i hadn't seen Game of thrones.Just doesn't seem like my kind of show.Also some people like movie that don't require a lot of thinking.Nothing wrong with turning your brain off and enjoying a little mindless entertainment.


I have not seen Game of Thrones either, but that is primarily because its on HBO and I have read the books. I may check it out when I have time in the future, but I never felt the need to the pay the most premium of prices for HBO.


Nah. Just means they are really enthusiastic about it. I can relate.
