What's the toughest thing in life?
shareMath is one of the toughest
They lost me at Algebra...'letters?? Seriously?'
Black magic i say
I think Math, more than anything, determines your station in life. I'm perfectly happy with my life, but knew, long ago, I would never be rich. I knew this because, like you, Algebra, Geometry, Trig, Calculus, and all the other varieties of Math our public school system torments students with, confused and harried me from day one. Once it dawned on me these subjects weren't for me I realized any dreams I had of being loaded --and frankly, being loaded wasn't that important to me anyway --were, just that, dreams.
shareThe " Illuminati "
honestly, being reasonably good at math is perhaps the one thing that kept my life from being a complete disaster.
i may well have been homeless without it. i wish i was better at it, but i'm good enough.
I was told there would be no math 😐
I'm going to say betrayal is the worst.
Or yams.
This is true. One can leave their marshmallow-ridden yams on the plate. No can do with betrayal.
" Blood is thicker than water. "
shareJudas was only following orders. Jesus set the whole thing up to stage a big confrontation...
"No one talks about if they served yams."
😀 Can't argue with that. So betrayal is not only much worse than yams, but also more memorable. Makes sense.
Maintaining a long distance relationship - seldom works.
shareHowie's already alluded to it, "A crazy little thing called love." It works the same way as a virus or disease, turning innocent people into bystanders of random, spontaneous acts. Worst of all, those afflicted ultimately enjoy it and wish to partake again. Pure madness. What are our hopes? What are our dreams? What has the world been driven to?
Croft might know. After all, he recently participated in a wedding... (^ ^)
I’ve been lucky in that regard. I married the first girl I ever went on a date with and we’re still together more than 50 years later.
shareI married the second girl I dated. The first one took off to Ottawa and never came back.
shareThat is most impressive!
You and the Mrs. were made for each other
Very sweet and romantic
Cheers man🍻
I know a young woman who recently married her high school sweetheart. Still happens in this day and age. Quite remarkable.
I was talking about this to one of my family members earlier and came to the same conclusion. People are much more mobile today. The rough economy may change habits, families having to pool together again to share resources.